Nobody Panic

Nobody Panic

(The podcast formerly known as The Debrief Podcast) Your guidebook to being a fully functioning adult without screaming all the time. Each week, Stevie Martin and Tessa Coates tackle life's big, small, fun and sometimes scary questions with the help of experts and special guests because we're all in this together, guys. So nobody panic.  Produced by Plosive. Photos by Marco Vittur, jingle by David Dobson. Be part of the Nobody Panic Patreon gangSupport this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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(The podcast formerly known as The Debrief Podcast) Your guidebook to being a fully functioning adult without screaming all the time. Each week, Stevie Martin and Tessa Coates tackle life's big, small, fun and sometimes scary questions with the help of experts and special guests because we're all in this together, guys. So nobody panic.  Produced by Plosive. Photos by Marco Vittur, jingle by David Dobson. Be part of the Nobody Panic Patreon gangSupport this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Més de: Plosive

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