The Dr. Lodi Podcast

Dr. Thomas Lodi
The Dr. Lodi Podcast

The Dr. Lodi Podcast empowers people to think for themselves and teaches people how to achieve optimal health, free from cancer and all other chronic conditions. Dr. Lodi shares evidence-based information and reveals the truth about cancer, health, and healing. As a medical doctor, clinical psychologist, nutritionist, historian, philosopher, and the pioneer of what has now become the definitive route for those unsatisfied with the modern cancer treatment system, Dr. Lodi will deliver information that you’ve never heard before. Tune in and discover what a True Second Opinion really means, how to Stop Making Cancer, why there is no such thing as “diseases,” and what you are TRULY capable of achieving in your life. 


The Dr. Lodi Podcast empowers people to think for themselves and teaches people how to achieve optimal health, free from cancer and all other chronic conditions. Dr. Lodi shares evidence-based information and reveals the truth about cancer, health, and healing. As a medical doctor, clinical psychologist, nutritionist, historian, philosopher, and the pioneer of what has now become the definitive route for those unsatisfied with the modern cancer treatment system, Dr. Lodi will deliver information that you’ve never heard before. Tune in and discover what a True Second Opinion really means, how to Stop Making Cancer, why there is no such thing as “diseases,” and what you are TRULY capable of achieving in your life. 

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Llatinoamèrica i el Carib

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