Crash Course in Podcasting

Josh Liston | @deadsetpod
Crash Course in Podcasting

Hard-won Podcasting tips, strategies, information and advice, for all independent Show Creators. We endeavour to protect you from the deluge of poor information (and borderline snake-oil) in the Podcasting space, while never holding back helpful advice that could help you make your show even more awesome. We're Educators first, Paid Service Providers second. This is also a place where a love for audio isn't just recognised, but it's embraced. If you're looking for a show that loves the spoken-word as much as you do, you might just have found your new favourite Podcast.


Hard-won Podcasting tips, strategies, information and advice, for all independent Show Creators. We endeavour to protect you from the deluge of poor information (and borderline snake-oil) in the Podcasting space, while never holding back helpful advice that could help you make your show even more awesome. We're Educators first, Paid Service Providers second. This is also a place where a love for audio isn't just recognised, but it's embraced. If you're looking for a show that loves the spoken-word as much as you do, you might just have found your new favourite Podcast.

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Llatinoamèrica i el Carib

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