The Theory of Anything
Bruce Nielson and Peter Johansen

A podcast that explores intelligence and the search for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) through the lens of the Popper-Deutsch Theory of Knowledge. David Deutsch has argued that Quantum Mechanics, Darwin's Theory of Evolution, Karl Popper's Theory of Knowledge, and Computational Theory (aka "The Four Strands") represent an early 'theory of everything' be it science, philosophy, computation, politics, or art.
A podcast that explores intelligence and the search for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) through the lens of the Popper-Deutsch Theory of Knowledge. David Deutsch has argued that Quantum Mechanics, Darwin's Theory of Evolution, Karl Popper's Theory of Knowledge, and Computational Theory (aka "The Four Strands") represent an early 'theory of everything' be it science, philosophy, computation, politics, or art.
Fitxa tècnica
- CreacióBruce Nielson and Peter Johansen
- Anys en actiu2020 - 2025
- Episodis104
- QualificacióApte
- Copyright© Bruce Nielson and Peter Johansen
- Lloc web del programa
També et pot agradar
- FilosofiaMensual
- Ciència21/11/2024
- Societat i culturaMensual
- TecnologiaSetmanal
- Filosofia20 de febr.
- Negocis11/10/2024
- CiènciaBimestral