KSL Podcasts

One of the biggest struggles reporters and producers have across the news industry is getting all the amazing information we gathered into one minute and thirty seconds on a TV news report or a 1000-word print article. On KSL+, we're taking you behind the headlines, showing you the content that didn't make air and the history and context behind some of today's biggest stories. You can also watch a video version of the KSL plus podcast on the KSL TV app.


One of the biggest struggles reporters and producers have across the news industry is getting all the amazing information we gathered into one minute and thirty seconds on a TV news report or a 1000-word print article. On KSL+, we're taking you behind the headlines, showing you the content that didn't make air and the history and context behind some of today's biggest stories. You can also watch a video version of the KSL plus podcast on the KSL TV app.

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