Dumb-Dumbs & Dice
•Channel • 12 Shows
- Comedy FictionWeekly series
- Comedy FictionSeries
- Comedy FictionDaily series
- After ShowsUpdated weekly
- Comedy FictionWeekly series
- Comedy FictionWeekly series
- Comedy FictionWeekly series
- Comedy FictionWeekly series
- Comedy FictionWeekly series
- Comedy FictionWeekly series
- Comedy FictionWeekly series
We're the largest tabletop RPG podcast network in Canada, producing 9+ shows with weekly releases and over 1,000 episodes of back catalog.
We were founded by Ryan LaPlante and Tyler Hewitt in 2016 with our first show, Garbage Town. In 2017 we moved into live play podcasts with Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons where Tom McGee and Laura Elizabeth joined the company full-time. In 2019, we rebranded and launched Warhammer 40K The Valentyne Heresy, Blood & Syrup, The Mythos Mysteries, Dumb Scum & Villainy and One Shots.
To date we've had more than 3 million listens and our shows regularly appear in the top 50 gaming and fiction podcasts in North America and around the world.