Blood & Syrup a Vampire the Masquerade Podcast

Blood & Syrup a Vampire the Masquerade Podcast

Blood & Syrup is a live-play podcast where professional improvisers dive into Vampire the Masquerade. When a high-profile assassination leaves Montreal without a vampiric ruler, gangster Ridley Beef, detective Everett Fry, and inspirational poet Iris Dunn - all recently turned vampires - are sent to establish a new order at all costs! Trending on global comedy fiction charts, and brought to you by Dumb-Dumbs & Dice (whose series Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons charted as the #2 fiction podcast on Spotify), find out why Blood & Syrup has been downloaded more than half a million times!


Blood & Syrup is a live-play podcast where professional improvisers dive into Vampire the Masquerade. When a high-profile assassination leaves Montreal without a vampiric ruler, gangster Ridley Beef, detective Everett Fry, and inspirational poet Iris Dunn - all recently turned vampires - are sent to establish a new order at all costs! Trending on global comedy fiction charts, and brought to you by Dumb-Dumbs & Dice (whose series Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons charted as the #2 fiction podcast on Spotify), find out why Blood & Syrup has been downloaded more than half a million times!

Enemmän kanavalta Dumb-Dumbs & Dice

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