Championing NATO's Digital Transformation

War on the Rocks

On the sidelines of I/ITSEC in Orlando, we hosted a live podcast recording. Our guest for this very special episode was Maj. Gen. Dominique Luzeaux of France, currently championing NATO's digital transformation. This wide-ranging conversation between Ryan and Maj. Gen. Luzeaux covered training with new technologies, lessons from Ukraine, AI and more. They both also discussed what they learned from the best bosses they ever had. Thanks to Metrea for sponsoring the very special party where we recorded this episode, as well as the terrific audience in Orlando at the Capital Grille.

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Afrikka, Lähi‑itä ja Intia

Aasian ja Tyynenmeren alue


Latinalainen Amerikka ja Karibia

Yhdysvallat ja Kanada