Know Thyself

Eckhart Tolle: Essential Teachings

In this episode, Eckhart unveils more of his unique wisdom. He elaborates on knowing one’s self beyond our conceptual identity. He explains we all have an image of ourselves defined by our bodies, clothes, careers, and the voice in the head which he describes as the narratives we create to interpret the world. All these things contribute to our sense of self. Eckhart says we need to look further. He explains the ancient Greeks defined the idea with the aphorism Know Thyself. Eckhart says this wisdom points to a more profound knowing and a deeper self which is beyond the personality. In Hinduism it’s called the Atman. In Buddhism it’s called the no-self. Eckhart says many traditions recognize this sacred aspect as part of our spiritual heritage. In knowing thyself we discover the deepest core of our being.

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