Voir Dire: Conversations from the Harvard Kennedy School Program in Criminal Justice Policy and Management

HKS Program in Criminal Justice Policy and Management
Voir Dire: Conversations from the Harvard Kennedy School Program in Criminal Justice Policy and Management

Voir Dire is an interview-based podcast about criminal justice reform. Sometimes, we share the conversations taking place on Harvard’s campus; other times, we start conversations outside of those small classrooms. Working or living in the criminal legal system can habituate you to the cruelty and wastefulness of the whole thing. In this podcast, we try to contextualize these systems, pick the brains of the most thoughtful people in criminal justice reform, and think big about how to ameliorate the mass incarceration crisis. Hosted by Schuyler Daum.


Voir Dire is an interview-based podcast about criminal justice reform. Sometimes, we share the conversations taking place on Harvard’s campus; other times, we start conversations outside of those small classrooms. Working or living in the criminal legal system can habituate you to the cruelty and wastefulness of the whole thing. In this podcast, we try to contextualize these systems, pick the brains of the most thoughtful people in criminal justice reform, and think big about how to ameliorate the mass incarceration crisis. Hosted by Schuyler Daum.

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Kirjaudu sisään tai rekisteröidy, jos haluat seurata ohjelmia, tallentaa jaksoja ja saada uusimmat päivitykset.

Valitse maa tai alue

Afrikka, Lähi‑itä ja Intia

Aasian ja Tyynenmeren alue


Latinalainen Amerikka ja Karibia

Yhdysvallat ja Kanada