Minimalist techie

Sridhar Garikipati
Minimalist techie Podcast

Minimalist Techie sharing his views on technology, life. Mostly on Life, Personal Finance, Parenting etc.

  1. 22/10/2023

    High Screen Time impacts relationships, Personal Health & Mental Health

    Welcome to Sridhar’s newsletter number # 42 & Podcast (Click Play button for Audio version of the Post). Appreciate you being here, so we can connect weekly on interesting topics. Add your email id here to get this directly to your inbox. Do subscribe over Apple Or Spotify podcast (Minimalist techie Or on Spotify ) or hear it over email you received through my subscription or on my website. This weekly newsletter is mostly about the article, books, videos etc. I read or watch or my views on different topics which revolves around my head during the week. Now, let us dive into this week’s reads. Increased Screen Time for Adults - Declines Physical, Psychological Health and Sleep Patterns Excessive screen time, resulting from dependency on digital devices like smartphones and computers, has a detrimental impact on both physical and mental health. It can lead to increased stress, anxiety, sleep problems, and poses risks for obesity and cardiovascular issues. Psychological effects include symptoms of depression and suicidal tendencies, often associated with poor sleep quality due to excessive screen time. Moreover, it can disrupt circadian rhythms, alter brain chemistry, and impede mental development, particularly in children. High screen addictions has greater effects on brain development in children and the negative outcomes for both adults and children. you can read the full article here, This review article studied the relationships between screen time and digital device usage, precisely during the night times, the quality of sleep, anxiety causes, feelings of depression, and issues related to self-esteem, as well as physical effects in individuals. Results also show that exposure to mobile phones has a deleterious impact on the viability and motility of sperm.  As studied in the article, the Screen time maximum of 4 hours in extreme recommendation. Anything beyond 4 hours is a addiction. Just look around, Your family member , friends or colleagues whose usage of screen time is more than 4 hours, You can clearly see their behavior getting changed. I am no mental health doctor, but when someone you love or care for are getting into high screen time, you can clearly see the impact on your relationship. Excessive screen time, especially when it involves activities like prolonged smartphone or computer use, social media scrolling, and watching videos, can have several negative impacts on a person's physical and mental well-being. Some of these negative effects include: * Physical Health Issues: * Sedentary Lifestyle: Spending long hours in front of screens often leads to a sedentary lifestyle, which is associated with various health problems, including obesity. * Sleep Disturbances: The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with sleep patterns, leading to sleep disturbances and insomnia. * Eye Strain: Prolonged screen use can cause digital eye strain, characterized by symptoms like dry eyes, headaches, and blurred vision. * Mental Health Issues: * Anxiety and Depression: Excessive screen time, especially on social media, can contribute to feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. * Reduced Attention Span: Constant exposure to screens can lead to a shorter attention span and difficulty concentrating on tasks. * Increased Stress: Frequent notifications, news, and social media updates can contribute to increased stress levels. * Impact on Relationships: * Decreased Social Interaction: Excessive screen time can lead to reduced face-to-face social interactions, which may negatively affect relationships with family and friends. * Conflict: In some cases, disputes can arise in relationships due to one person's excessive screen time, which may lead to feelings of neglect. * Productivity and Academic Performance: * Decreased Productivity: Excessive screen use, especially for non-productive activities, can reduce overall productivity in work or

    19 min
  2. 14/08/2023

    Keeping up with the Joneses & Gender Equality in Sweden

    Welcome to Sridhar’s newsletter number # 42 & Podcast (Click Play button for Audio version of the Post). Appreciate you being here, so we can connect weekly on interesting topics. Add your email id here to get this directly to your inbox. Do subscribe over Apple Or Spotify podcast (Minimalist techie Or on Spotify ) or hear it over email you received through my subscription or on my website. This weekly newsletter is mostly about the article, books, videos etc. I read or watch or my views on different topics which revolves around my head during the week. Now, let us dive into this week’s reads. 1. Keeping up with the Joneses Lets talk about keeping up with Joneses, This is most Often topic in most of homes. Every home this will be discussed. Last week, we talked about rice and it was more of rant. so this week instead of rant, i want to focus on solution talking more. Some one is having BMW or Audi car we are having Nissan Altima as example , they are living life with enjoyment or why dont we buy the same car or even higher range than that. Remember this type of discussion at your home, may be not car , some other possessions, this topic comes up way more and every time one struggles to explain their partner that we don’t need keep up with Joneses. Or in some cases we will see that conversations goes into trap and one is buying high end car just because their colleague, friend, neighbors had it. Even it was not a need. So its either a stressful situation to explain to partner or one is getting into trap. Keeping it short, as many of us face, knows this situation. So lets talk how to deal with the situation. Dealing with the pressure to keep up with others lifestyles and financial choices can be challenging. Here are few suggestions to address the issue regarding possessions and home buying or home improvement topics where this comes up. Comparing Possessions The headline explains it. This is about when partner wants to have possessions like car like neighbors, gold, diamonds, backyard setup, sofa, tv, phones, the list goes on. To address such discussion, * Acknowledge Feelings: Acknowledge your partner feelings and let her know that it's okay to have aspirations. At the same time, express your contentment with what you have and that material possessions don't define your happiness. * Value-Based Decisions: Make financial decisions based on your shared values and long-term goals. Emphasize the importance of financial stability, saving for the future, and living within your means. * Define Success: Encourage each other to define success on your terms rather than comparing yourselves to others. Success can be measured in various ways, such as personal growth, experiences, and fulfilling relationships. * Communicate Financial Goals: Discuss your financial goals and priorities as a couple. Create a budget that aligns with your shared objectives and keeps your financial situation in mind. Home Buying/ Home Improvement Comparison Second most faced situation is home buying or home improvement comparison. Like someone else buying 1.5 Million home or $900K home and why we are not buying like them, One keeping their blind spots here without looking that their own family income is say less than $700K. Same applies to home improvement comparison, where one is looking for much bigger deck or pool in backyard etc. To address such discussion, * Educate About Financial Risks: If someone is planning to spend 50% of their income on a mortgage, discuss the potential financial risks of such a high debt-to-income ratio. Educate your partner about the importance of a manageable mortgage payment that allows for financial flexibility. * Set Clear Budgetary Limits: Determine a reasonable budget for your own home purchase, considering factors like your current income, expenses, and long-term financial goals. Stick to a budget that provides financial security and allows for savings. * Financial Planning: Work together to create a comprehen

    34 min
  3. 23/07/2023

    Panic Buyer Mindset - India Rice export Ban

    Welcome to Sridhar’s newsletter number # 41 & Podcast (Click Play button for Audio version of the Post). Appreciate you being here, so we can connect weekly on interesting topics. Add your email id here to get this directly to your inbox. Do subscribe over Apple Or Spotify podcast (Minimalist techie Or on Spotify ) or hear it over email you received through my subscription or on my website. This weekly newsletter is mostly about the article, books, videos etc. I read or watch or my views on different topics which revolves around my head during the week. Now, let us dive into this week’s reads. Todays topic is a Rant, Lets understand the panic behavior's and control the same. Indians are buying Rice Bags in panic mode, this is causing rate hikes, unavailability of rice stock for many. In recent weeks, there has been a surge in panic buying of rice in India. This has led to a sharp rise in prices and shortages of the staple food in some parts of the country. There are a number of reasons for this panic buying. One is the ongoing war in Ukraine, which has disrupted global food supplies. Russia and Ukraine are major exporters of wheat and other grains, and the war has caused prices of these commodities to soar. This has raised concerns about food security in India, which is a major importer of wheat. Another reason for the panic buying is the recent heatwave in India. The heatwave has damaged crops and reduced yields, which has further raised concerns about food availability. The panic buying is also being driven by social media rumors and misinformation. Some people have been spreading rumors that there is a shortage of rice in India, which has led to even more people rushing to buy rice. The panic buying is having a number of negative consequences. It is driving up prices, making rice less affordable for many people. It is also leading to shortages, making it difficult for people to find rice to buy. The government has taken some steps to try to address the panic buying. It has increased imports of rice and wheat, and it has released stocks from government warehouses. However, these measures have not been enough to stop the panic buying. The government needs to take further steps to address the panic buying. It needs to provide accurate information about food availability and prices. It also needs to crack down on social media rumors and misinformation. If the government does not take action, the panic buying could lead to serious food shortages in India. I am concerned about the potential for price inflation due to panic buying. When demand for a product increases sharply, it can lead to shortages, which can then drive up prices. This is what we have seen with the recent panic buying of rice in India. Retailers are likely to be reluctant to bring prices down once the panic buying has subsided. This is because they have become accustomed to the higher prices and they are now making more profit. In addition, they may be worried that if they lower prices, they will lose customers to other retailers who are still charging higher prices. The government can play a role in preventing price inflation by taking steps to increase supply of the product in question. For example, in the case of rice, the government could import more rice or release stocks from government warehouses. The government can also crack down on hoarding and speculation, which can also drive up prices. In the long term, the best way to prevent price inflation is to address the underlying factors that are causing it. For example, in the case of rice, the government could invest in agricultural research and development to improve crop yields. The government could also provide subsidies to farmers to help them cope with the rising cost of inputs, such as fertilizer and fuel. It is important to remember that price inflation is not always a bad thing. In some cases, it can be a sign of economic growth. However, when price inflation is caused by panic buying

    32 min
  4. 09/07/2023

    Our vacation systems are completely broken!!

    Welcome to Sridhar’s newsletter number # 40 & Podcast (Click Play button for Audio version of the Post). Appreciate you being here, so we can connect weekly on interesting topics. Add your email id here to get this directly to your inbox. Do subscribe over Apple Or Spotify podcast (Minimalist techie Or on Spotify ) or hear it over email you received through my subscription or on my website. This weekly newsletter is mostly about the article, books, videos etc. I read or watch or my views on different topics which revolves around my head during the week. Now, let us dive into this week’s reads. 1. Taking Leave from Work By Law at every work place employees are deserved for time off. The burnout culture is been pushing many not to take any time off and also Judge others. There are organizations few which give Unlimited vacation or mostly at least 2 weeks of leaves are granted for employee. Even 2 weeks time-off is not taken by many. Have you ever felt burned out at work after a vacation? Our vacation systems are completely broken. They don’t work. By the time we finally turn on our out-of-office messages, we’re beyond stressed, and we know that we’ll have an even bigger pile of work waiting for us when we return. What a nightmare. For most of us, it’s hard to actually use vacation time to recharge. What happens in practice with unlimited vacation time? Peer pressure. Social signals that say you’re a slacker if you’re not in the office. What’s the solution? Recurring, scheduled mandatory vacation. Yes, that’s right — an entirely new approach to managing vacation. TED talk, “The Power of Time Off,” - This is been referred in this episode. Listen. That is all for this week. See you again. Do let me know in comments or reply me over email to share what is your view on this post. So, Share, Like, subscribe whatever these days’ kids say :-) Stay Connected, Share Ideas, Spread Happiness. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    38 min
  5. 26/02/2023

    Effective team stand-ups & Absent Team Member

    Welcome to Sridhar’s newsletter number # 39 & Podcast (Click Play button for Audio version of the Post). Appreciate you being here, so we can connect weekly on interesting topics. Add your email id here to get this directly to your inbox. Do subscribe over Apple Or Spotify podcast (Minimalist techie Or on Spotify ) or hear it over email you received through my subscription or on my website. This weekly newsletter is mostly about the article, books, videos etc. I read or watch or my views on different topics which revolves around my head during the week. Now, let us dive into this week’s reads. 1. How to run team stand-ups effectively Personally I run at least 3 stand-up calls per day. Most of the days they are good, but few days are not so great. Specially on not so great days, will end up reminding team in between call to remind them how to give their stand-up updates clearly or after end of the call when i feel that i could do better. Would refer to my OneNote document where i have few tips noted for time to time to read them quick. Yeah, its better to have your own self notes instead of searching online as they will be quick refresher and also allows me to edit the same for any updates. So this week sharing some tips for running effective team stand-ups. * Set a clear agenda and stick to it. This will help keep the meeting focused and on track. The most basic agenda which you can have team follow their updates in this format. * What did I work on yesterday? * What am I working on today? * What issues are blocking me? * Encourage participation from all team members. This will help ensure that everyone feels heard and that important issues are addressed. * Keep the meeting short and to the point. Stand-ups are meant to be quick check-ins, so try to keep the meeting to 15 minutes or less. * Encourage team members to share their progress, challenges, and any blockers they may be facing. This will help the team stay informed and identify areas where they can help each other. * Follow up on any action items or issues that were brought up in the stand-up. This will help ensure that progress is being made and that the team is moving forward. * Keep it informal and use a flexible format that works for your team, such as remote or hybrid. * Be flexible and adaptable. Be open to feedback and adjust the format or structure of the meeting as needed to best meet the needs of your team. * To keep everyone engaged if you are literally standing in a room, then play a catch. toss the ball for someone to catch it, so they can give their update. Skip giving to the person next to or who has already given their update. This something i have done only once in my career. As mostly I had folks remote in my teams, I randomly call person name to let them give their update instead of going in any chronological order. If your team's stand-up meetings are running longer than expected, here are a few things you can try: * Remind team members to keep their updates brief and to the point. Encourage them to focus on the most important information and to skip over any details that are not relevant to the rest of the team. * Set a time limit for the meeting and stick to it. This will help ensure that the meeting stays on track and that everyone has enough time to complete their work. * Encourage team members to come prepared with their updates. This will help reduce the time it takes for them to gather their thoughts and present their information. * Consider breaking the meeting up into smaller groups or sub-teams. This will allow each group to focus on specific tasks and will reduce the time it takes to go through updates from every team member. * Encourage team members to address any issues or blockers during the stand-up and to schedule follow-up meetings if necessary. * Set specific time for each agenda items and stick to it. * Keep the focus on progress, not problems. Encourage team members to share what they've accomplished since the last mee

    19 min
  6. 02/01/2023

    FY 2023 Consumer Impact, Be Resilient for your New Year Resolution

    Welcome to Sridhar’s newsletter number # 38 & Podcast (Click Play button for Audio version of the Post). Appreciate you being here, so we can connect weekly on interesting topics. Add your email id here to get this directly to your inbox. Do subscribe over Apple Or Spotify podcast (Minimalist techie Or on Spotify ) or hear it over email you received through my subscription or on my website. This weekly newsletter is mostly about the article, books, videos etc. I read or watch or my views on different topics which revolves around my head during the week. Now, let us dive into this week’s reads. 1. Retail giants vs Suppliers - Impact to End Consumer Retail giants are taking a hard line with suppliers, pushing back on price raises that have become commonplace in the industry. Walmart is leading the way; last month its CEO told Sam's Club suppliers he would fight attempts to pass price hikes onto retailers, The Wall Street Journal reports, citing anonymous sources. Walmart has previously issued tough edicts to suppliers, threatening not to stock their products over price hikes. Chains like Target and Amazon have made similar moves, asking suppliers for discounts — as a tight labor market, high inflation and an inventory glut weigh on suppliers and retailers. That is really a conundrum when the buyer has so much power/clout. Seller’s wallet share of Walmart purchase is in low single digit to very best mid double digit. So in my view its more of walmart’s buying power vs. supplier’s ability to price appropriately. This is just an observation but how do we counter such a push from walmart is altogether a different question and conundrum to me - Accept it as market structure/market constraints or plan taking the above push from Walmart as given variable in business planning. Consumers are 70% of the US economy. Consumer goods channels are now seeing: the “fastest boomerang (power) back to customers ever seen”. Most of the remaining B2B economy will follow. Retail is always a tough business but it's especially tough in an economic downturn. Walmart, Amazon and Target are all working to push more of the downward margin pressure back on their suppliers."Large retailers are canceling orders, resisting price increases and in some cases asking suppliers to provide discounts. This puts pressure on product makers that are struggling to adapt to shifting consumer demand."While it wasn't a macro economic event we saw that same thing happening during the initial phases of the trade war with China. Manufacturers got squeezed by their retail customers and were able to muddle through by pushing back on their suppliers in turn, and in some cases cutting into what little product margin they had.So far this has felt similar, but with the added pressure of an anticipated slowdown in consumer demand. I expect this Q4 and next year to be tough, and for manufacturer's to have to work especially hard to maintain a profitable and sustainable business. 2. Be Resilient for your New Year Resolution Few Notes from the book “ The Difference ”, Specially the topic of increasing your Resilience Quotient hit a note, which I thought of sharing with the group, specially near year resolutions on the way. This short list is going to help you increase your resilience quotient to keep your new year goal and meet. * Ask yourself one question, Do i have to change or does someone else have to change for me to succeed at my goal ? * Do Something. It may be wrong thing, but it is okay, you will do something else latter. Take small actionable steps towards your goal * Take a Break. This is opposite of #2. If you are working on something which is not going anywhere, Take a break. Rest to get your focus back. * Find a Cheerleader. When you share your goal with others, their is 50% chance of success. You are not looking for someone who can push the same mountain as you are pushing. You are looking for someone who can believe in you and keep a check on y

    35 min
  7. Housing Market, Kids Mental Health , Labor Shortages to 2022


    Housing Market, Kids Mental Health , Labor Shortages to 2022

    Welcome to Sridhar’s newsletter number # 37 & Podcast (Click Play button for Audio version of the Post). Appreciate you being here, so we can connect weekly on interesting topics. Add your email id here to get this directly to your inbox. Do subscribe over Apple Or Spotify podcast (Minimalist techie Or on Spotify ) or hear it over email you received through my subscription or on my website. This weekly newsletter is mostly about the article, books, videos etc. I read or watch or my views on different topics which revolves around my head during the week. Now, let us dive into this week’s reads. 1. U.S Housing Market There is huge shortage of homes in USA, This is very much known since more than 2 years now. Current U.S Market is so tight, that house listed on the market is closed in less than a week. In my area, seen few of the home sold on 2nd day of their Listing becoming active. So any prospective buyer, specially first time home buyers are left out of this race. This resulted home prices way beyond on their year on year growth. Prices are so high, but still many are going ahead and buying them at premium prices. At stock market as many say, Paying high price for something now and assuming it will go high further without any data points is a speculation. Home Prices currently are in same boat. Other end, iBuyer concept ended up another hole in this process. iBuyer are organizations like Zillow, Redfin, Opendoor, who buy the houses from the market, flip them and then sell for profit. Zillow in recent days declared that it got the business wrong and its no longer revenue generating for them, as they bought so many home since last 2 years and now they are not able to sell the homes with a margin enough to run the business. Overall, housing market inventory issue is not getting resolved even in 2022 as projected by many economists. One has to make their life’s biggest investment within a week and in hot areas on the spot or less than a day. Zillow coming out of the business is a sign for buyers not to panic and go into buying now ? Let me know your thoughts. 2. Surgeon General warns of mental health 'epidemic' for kids U.S Surgeon from State of Union, General Vivek Murthy has released a advisory in December of 2021 about the mental health epidemic for kids. 1 out 5 kids suffer depression and 1 out of 4 kids suffer anxiety, Year by year depression, hopelessness, suicide rates have been going up, Covid has added additional spike to it now. You can see the full advisory in below link, Protecting Youth Mental Health The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory To add to fuel, Social media, Pop Culture bombard young kids with their media content, telling them they are not good looking enough, popular enough, smart enough or rich enough. To take Action, All have to recognize that mental health is an essential part of overall health. Mental health conditions are real, common, and treatable, and people experiencing mental health challenges deserve support, compassion, and care, not stigma and shame. Mental health is no less important than physical health. And that must be reflected in our how we communicate about and prioritize mental health. Ensure that every child has access to high-quality, affordable, and culturally competent mental health care. Care should be tailored to children’s developmental stages and health needs, and available in primary care practices, schools, and other community-based settings. In regular day to day living as well, every child should have quality access to childcare, education, Healthy food, health care, stable housing, be in safe neighborhoods. Its call for action for every adult there, to have this better future for every kid. For more insights, Do read the Advisory for sure. 3. Labor Shortage continues to 2022 as well In 2021, the biggest buzz word over LinkedIn and over all workplaces was “The Great Resignation”. Pand

    26 min
  8. 24/10/2021

    Facebook whistle blower , Employee Rally, Reaching top in Career Impacts Health

    Welcome to Sridhar’s newsletter number # 36 & Podcast (Click Play button for Audio version of the Post). Appreciate you being here, so we can connect weekly on interesting topics. Add your email id here to get this directly to your inbox. Do subscribe over Apple Or Spotify podcast (Minimalist techie Or on Spotify ) or hear it over email you received through my subscription or on my website. This weekly newsletter is mostly about the article, books, videos etc. I read or watch or my views on different topics which revolves around my head during the week. Now, let us dive into this week’s reads. 1. Facebook whistles blower - Frances Haugen First week of October 2021, Frances Haugen has given series of interviews. She is former Facebook employee who has shared or leaked the documents which majorly highlighted the negative impact of social media and Instagram in particular which has been impacting 1 out 3 teen girls in U.S and across the world. With the information she has shared, public, law makers should go in deep and analyze the data points so proper regulation can put in place. She is coming into limelight, will actually help other employees to come forward and share the dark secrets which are known already but hidden from public eye and law makers. Drug Cartels and Human Trafficker use these platforms openly Teen Girls and Boys both mental health is impacted. 1 out of 3 is really a scary number for next generation and it should worry ever one of us. See more here, 2. Big Tech and Their Employees Rally Apple employees have launched a campaign against their organization decision for return to the office. Dave Chapelle’s “The Closer” show has brought group of Netflix employees calling themselves Team Trans, they have scheduled a rally outside their office Every time I read an article or view any news about big tech and their employees’ submitting memos, forming groups and going into rallies. The first thing comes to my mind is, how the hell they are getting time in their 8-5 to spend this much amount of their energy on these things. One end being working remote, I hardly getup once or twice in my 8-hour worktime. Seriously need to know how their daily job routine is. I’m not against these asks at all, as coming to remote working, I’m all in for it. Organizations who have worked so well in last 18 months being remote, making a decision to call their employees back is ridiculous. It’s like treating in 2021 as well as 1950’s factory era and expecting everyone to be in office. Coming to any streaming giants shows which are hurtful etc. My view is, they are so many options to stream, if you don’t like it, then don’t watch it. Move on, there are infinite number of shows on streaming platforms. Why would one spend their time, knowing the content is not their likeable content and spend their time and then their energy to talk how bad it is, or they got offended. Seriously, just switch the channel. Leaving this aside, let’s talk the real issue here. doesn’t matter which topic it is, there is a disconnect between employee and employer. All this Covid time, many companies have internally and externally released to press, that they are spending good amount for employee wellbeing. If companies are really committed for employee wellbeing, then why this type of rallies are happening across many companies in the world. Problem is, however fairy tale is painted, Actually its always numbers or Companies client takes higher priority over their own employees who help them building their products. This is where many companies fail. Companies who center their communication with employees around belongingness and humanity are the one who doesn’t run in this issues. What are your thoughts? 3. Dying to Lead ? Reaching top in Career Impacts Health The topic of burnout is most trending topic since we all began working remote since last 18 months. Many of us have played multiple roles at home while working for the ro

    21 min


Minimalist Techie sharing his views on technology, life. Mostly on Life, Personal Finance, Parenting etc.

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