

Quirkcast is a biweekly (subject to change) online podcast that breaks down complex science topics to a wide audience. Hosted by Tim Lou, Saahil Shenoy, and Michael Park, we aim to advance scientific awareness and broaden public interest in science. As former academic researchers turned science advocates, we hope you enjoy our podcast as much as we do!


Quirkcast is a biweekly (subject to change) online podcast that breaks down complex science topics to a wide audience. Hosted by Tim Lou, Saahil Shenoy, and Michael Park, we aim to advance scientific awareness and broaden public interest in science. As former academic researchers turned science advocates, we hope you enjoy our podcast as much as we do!

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Kirjaudu sisään tai rekisteröidy, jos haluat seurata ohjelmia, tallentaa jaksoja ja saada uusimmat päivitykset.

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Afrikka, Lähi‑itä ja Intia

Aasian ja Tyynenmeren alue


Latinalainen Amerikka ja Karibia

Yhdysvallat ja Kanada