11 min

68 | Celui où on parlait de la méditation Neurosapiens

    • Sciences

Découvrez le livre NEUROSAPIENS ! 
Pour apprendre à créer rapidement et à moindre coût son podcast, c'est par ici ! 

Recherches et écriture : Thaïs Marques
Production, animation, réalisation : Anaïs Roux
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/neurosapiens.podcast/

Produit et distribué en association avec LACME Production.

Références : 
Bamber, M. D., & Kraenzle Schneider, J. (2016). Mindfulness-based meditation to decrease stress and anxiety in college students: A narrative synthesis of the research. Educational Research Review, 18, 1–32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.edurev.2015.12.004
Fox, K. C. R., Nijeboer, S., Dixon, M. L., Floman, J. L., Ellamil, M., Rumak, S. P., Sedlmeier, P., & Christoff, K. (2014). Is meditation associated with altered brain structure? A systematic review and meta-analysis of morphometric neuroimaging in meditation practitioners. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 43, 48–73. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neubiorev.2014.03.016
Hasenkamp, W., & Barsalou, L. W. (2012). Effects of Meditation Experience on Functional Connectivity of Distributed Brain Networks. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2012.00038
Hoge, E. A., Bui, E., Palitz, S. A., Schwarz, N. R., Owens, M. E., Johnston, J. M., Pollack, M. H., & Simon, N. M. (2018). The effect of mindfulness meditation training on biological acute stress responses in generalized anxiety disorder. Psychiatry Research, 262, 328–332. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2017.01.006
Saeed, S. A., Antonacci, D. J., & Bloch, R. M. (2010). Exercise, Yoga, and Meditation for Depressive and Anxiety Disorders. Depression and Anxiety, 81(8).
Stinson, C., Curl, E. D., Hale, G., Knight, S., Pipkins, C., Hall, I., White, K., Thompson, N., & Wright, C. (2020). Mindfulness Meditation and Anxiety in Nursing Students. Nursing Education Perspectives, 41(4), 244–245. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000635
Whitfield, T., Barnhofer, T., Acabchuk, R., Cohen, A., Lee, M., Schlosser, M., Arenaza-Urquijo, E. M., Böttcher, A., Britton, W., Coll-Padros, N., Collette, F., Chételat, G., Dautricourt, S., Demnitz-King, H., Dumais, T., Klimecki, O., Meiberth, D., Moulinet, I., Müller, T., … Marchant, N. L. (2022). The Effect of Mindfulness-based Programs on Cognitive Function in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Neuropsychology Review, 32(3), 677–702. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11065-021-09519-y
Wielgosz, J., Goldberg, S. B., Kral, T. R. A., Dunne, J. D., & Davidson, R. J. (2019). Mindfulness Meditation and Psychopathology. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 15(1), 285–316. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-021815-093423
Zsadanyi, S. E., Kurth, F., & Luders, E. (2021). The Effects of Mindfulness and Meditation on the Cingulate Cortex in the Healthy Human Brain: A Review. Mindfulness, 12(10), 2371–2387. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-021-01712-7

Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

Découvrez le livre NEUROSAPIENS ! 
Pour apprendre à créer rapidement et à moindre coût son podcast, c'est par ici ! 

Recherches et écriture : Thaïs Marques
Production, animation, réalisation : Anaïs Roux
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/neurosapiens.podcast/

Produit et distribué en association avec LACME Production.

Références : 
Bamber, M. D., & Kraenzle Schneider, J. (2016). Mindfulness-based meditation to decrease stress and anxiety in college students: A narrative synthesis of the research. Educational Research Review, 18, 1–32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.edurev.2015.12.004
Fox, K. C. R., Nijeboer, S., Dixon, M. L., Floman, J. L., Ellamil, M., Rumak, S. P., Sedlmeier, P., & Christoff, K. (2014). Is meditation associated with altered brain structure? A systematic review and meta-analysis of morphometric neuroimaging in meditation practitioners. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 43, 48–73. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neubiorev.2014.03.016
Hasenkamp, W., & Barsalou, L. W. (2012). Effects of Meditation Experience on Functional Connectivity of Distributed Brain Networks. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2012.00038
Hoge, E. A., Bui, E., Palitz, S. A., Schwarz, N. R., Owens, M. E., Johnston, J. M., Pollack, M. H., & Simon, N. M. (2018). The effect of mindfulness meditation training on biological acute stress responses in generalized anxiety disorder. Psychiatry Research, 262, 328–332. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2017.01.006
Saeed, S. A., Antonacci, D. J., & Bloch, R. M. (2010). Exercise, Yoga, and Meditation for Depressive and Anxiety Disorders. Depression and Anxiety, 81(8).
Stinson, C., Curl, E. D., Hale, G., Knight, S., Pipkins, C., Hall, I., White, K., Thompson, N., & Wright, C. (2020). Mindfulness Meditation and Anxiety in Nursing Students. Nursing Education Perspectives, 41(4), 244–245. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000635
Whitfield, T., Barnhofer, T., Acabchuk, R., Cohen, A., Lee, M., Schlosser, M., Arenaza-Urquijo, E. M., Böttcher, A., Britton, W., Coll-Padros, N., Collette, F., Chételat, G., Dautricourt, S., Demnitz-King, H., Dumais, T., Klimecki, O., Meiberth, D., Moulinet, I., Müller, T., … Marchant, N. L. (2022). The Effect of Mindfulness-based Programs on Cognitive Function in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Neuropsychology Review, 32(3), 677–702. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11065-021-09519-y
Wielgosz, J., Goldberg, S. B., Kral, T. R. A., Dunne, J. D., & Davidson, R. J. (2019). Mindfulness Meditation and Psychopathology. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 15(1), 285–316. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-021815-093423
Zsadanyi, S. E., Kurth, F., & Luders, E. (2021). The Effects of Mindfulness and Meditation on the Cingulate Cortex in the Healthy Human Brain: A Review. Mindfulness, 12(10), 2371–2387. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-021-01712-7

Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

11 min

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Votre cerveau
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Mécaniques du vivant
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La science, CQFD
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