Blokes Don't Talk

Braden Anderson
Podcast Blokes Don't Talk

Launching April 2020, we're starting a conversation. We'll be releasing weekly interviews with ordinary and extraordinary men, discussing their relationship with mental health and happiness. You'll hear what tools they've picked up along the way to help keep their heads above water, and also what they've learned to avoid on their path to happiness. If you know a great bloke, particularly a bloke who's been through a bit and found his way out, we'd love to have them on the Podcast. If so, flick us a message and we'll go from there.

  1. Season 1, Episode 19: Ryan Maidorn


    Season 1, Episode 19: Ryan Maidorn

    In a world where you could be anything, be a good human. Gen Z have the world (and the history there of) on the screen in their pocket. They are entrepreneurial, and near impossible to market to. They value experience, yet display the financial maturity & ambition of pre millennial generations. They're politically progressive, and will undoubtedly change the world; and quickly. This new world of accelerated technology and communication lays a new world of possibility at Gen Z's feet, affording them quite literally the ability to change the world overnight. But how does that translate to the ability to change someone's day? How does potential interact with our inner voice when the tremendous noise of this new world grows silent? In a world where you can do a rapidly growing anything, what do you do that is fulfilling? Ryan Maidorn is prime Gen Z, but could very easily be Gen Y. He grew up in the country, where winter means AFL (Lindenow Football & Netball Club) and summer means cricket (Meerlieu Cricket Club) , and boxing (R U Fit with Paul Turk Carroll) fills the free nights and clears the mind. He loves and values his family, and shared times in the great outdoors. He has a humble job with a very reputable employer (Morelli Furniture and Bedtime) that he takes great pride in, and is extremely thankful for. Ryan comes from Gen Z and can instantly reach 1000's of people with a picture, status or tweet, but it's not what you see of him. He works hard, he looks forward to the future, he smiles in the sun on a beautiful day, and, when he asks you a question, he looks you in the eye patiently, with his ears and heart open. In a world where Ryan could be anything, his priority is being a good human, and ultimately, is there a single better way to change the world?

    1 h 15 min
  2. Season 1, Episode 18: Bailey Ireland


    Season 1, Episode 18: Bailey Ireland

    Summum bonum. Amor fati. Memento mori. Do the ultimate good. Love fate. Remember death . Many men in 30's, 40's and beyond, turn to stoicism as a path to a more fulfilling interaction with life. Do what you should, when you should; accept that you don't control the outcome; know that you are ultimately fragile and that life is finite. Accepting this as a man entering one's post prime, feels like a deep exhale. It feels like learning something we biologically know. But what does stoicism offer a young man barely entering the prime of his life? And, even if he holds the wisdom to believe the merit of the principle, he surely couldn't have been tested thoroughly enough by life to resonate with the deep evolutionary truths of the message surely; could he? Bailey Ireland is a very interesting young man. He has been raised with optimism & enthusiasm in the face of significant adversity, and now exudes acceptance, compassion, and a healthy lacing of ambition.  Author Steve Biddulph in his book 'The New Manhood' identifies 5 Truths of Manhood, in a list the could be considered a stoic antidote to the absence of coming of age initiations. His list reads: 1. You are going to die. 2. Life is hard. 3. You are not that important. 4. Your life is not about you. 5. You are not in control of the outcome. At 18 Bailey already knows and accepts these truths, and moves forward into life with excitement, not fraudulently unbreakable, but simple anti-fragile.

    1 h 22 min
  3. Season 1, Episode 15: Jason Crisp


    Season 1, Episode 15: Jason Crisp

    2020 has been a rollercoaster. This past summer's 'fires of the century' which raged across eastern and southern Australia already feel some years ago. As a former timber industry worker and a man with a couple of degrees and a PhD around marine biology and the effect of climate change on crustaceans, it would have been bloody interesting to talk to Jason about the fires. In South Eastern Victoria and Southern NSW, a 4-year drought broke after the fires to the extent flooding was an issue.  To add to the above credentials, Jason is from a farming family and this would have been something else fascinating to get his insights on. Covid-19 rolled in and on top of his extensive understanding of biology, Jason resides in Broome, a town heavily reliant on the tourist trade. We wonder what he would have had to say about that? 2020 obviously wasn't done yet, and with the awful death of George Floyd in the US, the global BLM movement put a spotlight on our treatment of our indigenous population. Being that Broome is a gateway to many of our remote north-western indigenous communities, and being that Jason, among other professional responsibilities, teaches the business aspects of aquaculture to the local traditional landowners, we can't help but think it would be amazing to get his take on the state of the closing the gap efforts.  With the above absorbed and considering Jason is married to an incredible lady with whom he awaits the arrival of twins, that he has a great job he loves and that he has a strong friend network, it could almost seem a waste to discuss with Jason to be the ups and downs of being a man.  Braden probably felt the same, but 5 minutes in he had to pick up his jaw off the floor. Jason is a genuine, empathetic, generous and very intelligent man; but life still found him, as it does us all. Buckle in.

    1 h 38 min

À propos

Launching April 2020, we're starting a conversation. We'll be releasing weekly interviews with ordinary and extraordinary men, discussing their relationship with mental health and happiness. You'll hear what tools they've picked up along the way to help keep their heads above water, and also what they've learned to avoid on their path to happiness. If you know a great bloke, particularly a bloke who's been through a bit and found his way out, we'd love to have them on the Podcast. If so, flick us a message and we'll go from there.

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