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    A man suspected in an apparent attempt to assassinate former US president Donald Trump at his Florida golf course hid out for nearly 12 hours beforehand, according to a court complaint. 根据一份法院诉状,一名男子涉嫌暗杀美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普。该男子在特朗普位于佛罗里达州的高尔夫球场事先躲藏近 12 个小时。 The suspect, Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, was charged with two federal gun crimes on Monday.嫌疑人瑞安·韦斯利·劳思现年58 岁,16日受控两项联邦涉枪罪名。 The incident Sunday afternoon raised questions about how an armed person was able to get so close to Trump, the Republican presidential candidate in the Nov 5 election, two months after a gunman fired at Trump during a July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, cutting his ear with a bullet.这场发生在15日下午的事件引发疑问:7月13日,一名枪手在宾夕法尼亚州巴特勒市的竞选集会上向特朗普开枪,子弹擦伤了他的耳朵。两个月后,一名持枪者又为何能如此接近 11 月 5 日将参与大选的美国共和党总统候选人特朗普? Trump's visit to his golf course in West Palm Beach was not on his public schedule, US Secret Service Acting Director Ronald Rowe said Monday. 美国特勤局代理局长罗纳德·罗16日表示,特朗普去西棕榈滩自家高尔夫球场打球并未列入其公开行程。 A Secret Service agent who was "walking the perimeter" of the course, according to the criminal complaint, opened fire after seeing a rifle barrel poking out of bushes a few hundred yards away from Trump, who was on the fifth hole fairway. 根据刑事起诉书,当时一名特勤局特工正在巡视球场,发现灌木丛中伸出一根步枪枪管,距当时在5号球洞球道的特朗普仅几百米,随后特勤局特工开了枪。 The gunman fled in a Nissan sport utility vehicle "at a high rate of speed", according to the complaint filed in US District Court in West Palm Beach. Officers found a loaded SKS assault-style rifle with a scope, a digital camera and a plastic bag of food. 根据提交给美国西棕榈滩地区法院的起诉书,枪手乘坐一辆日产运动型多功能车“高速”逃离。警察在现场发现了一支装有瞄准镜并带有子弹的半自动步枪、一部数码相机和一塑料袋食品。 Records show a phone associated with Routh was located at the golf course starting at 1:59 am on Sunday EDT, according to the complaint. Federal agents had requested Routh's location data from his wireless provider. 诉状显示,从美国东部时间15日凌晨1:59开始,劳思的手机在高尔夫球场被定位。联邦特工要求劳思的无线服务供应商提供他的位置数据。 The suspect was on the public side of a fence along the course's boundary, Rowe said. 罗纳德·罗说,嫌疑人当时在球场边界围栏公开的一侧。 Routh was arrested about 40 minutes after the incident, driving north on Interstate 95. The license plate on his vehicle had been reported stolen from a Ford truck. Bodycam footage of Routh's arrest was released by the Martin County Sheriff's Office. 事发约40分钟后,劳思在95号州际公路向北行驶时被捕。据报告,他的车牌是从一辆福特卡车上偷来的。马丁县警长办公室公布了劳思被捕时的车载摄像头录像。 "There have been previous individuals who have taken pictures of the former president while he's golfing," Dave Aronberg, the state attorney for the district that covers Palm Beach County, told Fox News. "They've gone through the shrubs and been able to poke a camera through the fencing. You would think that perhaps maybe they would consider someone scoping the perimeter." “以前曾有人在前总统打高尔夫时拍下他的照片。”棕榈滩县州检察官戴夫·阿伦伯格告诉美国福克斯新闻,“他们穿过灌木丛,将摄像头从围栏中探出。你会认为,也许他们会

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    Chinese people have shown strong spending power during the Mid-Autumn Festival, with many sectors such as tourism and postal services marking vigorous growth during the three-day vacation. 今年中秋假期,居民表现出强劲的消费能力。旅游、邮政服务等诸多行业在三天假期内出现强劲增长。 The latest figures from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism show that domestic tourism spots received about 107 million visits over the holiday, up 6.3 percent from that of 2019—before the COVID-19 epidemic.文化和旅游部最新数据显示,中秋节假期,全国国内出游1.07亿人次,比新冠疫情发生前的2019年同期增长6.3%。 The celebrations that lasted for three days, from Sunday to Tuesday, was one of China's major four traditional festivals, while the other three are Spring Festival, Tomb-sweeping Day and Dragon Boat Festival.从15日至17日,为期三天的庆中秋活动是中国四大传统节日之一,其他三个节日分别是春节、清明节和端午节。 Diversified celebrations including making and eating mooncakes, guessing lantern riddles and watching the full moon are organized by families for amusement during the festival that concluded on Tuesday.在17日结束的中秋节期间,家家户户都组织了丰富多彩的庆祝活动,包括做月饼、吃月饼、猜灯谜和赏月。 Among the industries closely related to people's livelihood, tourism shows tremendous performance though Typhoon Bebinca landed in Shanghai on Monday, and disrupted travel plans of some travelers. 尽管台风“贝碧嘉”于16日登陆上海,打乱了部分游客的出行计划,但在与民生密切相关的行业中,旅游业表现抢眼。 Travelers' expenses reached over 51 billion yuan ($7.19 billion), rising by 8 percent compared with 2019 when the holiday was celebrated in mid-September. Last year, the holiday coincided with the National Holiday.国内游客出游总花费超过510亿元(约71.9亿美元),较2019年9月中旬庆祝假期时增长8%,而去年的假期恰逢中秋和国庆“双节”。 Travelers opted for short-distance or night tour events considering the shorter duration of the holiday and as the main activity of the celebration is enjoying the full moon in the company of loved ones. East China's Fujian province said that the tourist visits to its scenic spots per night was around 2.06 million over the holiday, with the number increasing by 19.5 percent compared with that in 2019.考虑到假期时间较短,且主要庆祝活动是陪伴亲人共赏圆月,短途游、夜间游成为游客们的选择。据福建省统计,假日期间,该省景区每晚游客量约为206万人次,与2019年相比增长了19.5%。 Domestically, destinations with heavy Chinese cultural vibes and various folk amusement events marked "travel craze", such as lantern fairs and Chinese opera performance, said the ministry.有关部门表示,在国内,中国文化氛围浓厚的旅游目的地和各种民间娱乐活动也掀起了“旅游热”,比如灯会和中国戏曲表演。 The inbound and outbound tourism market is not inferior to the domestic market in any respect. The National Immigration Administration announced on Wednesday that mainland's border inspection offices recorded about 5.25 million entries and exits for both Chinese and foreign individuals over the three-day holiday, marking a year-on-year rise of 18.6 percent.出入境旅游市场毫不逊色于国内市场。国家移民管理局18日通报,今年中秋节期间,全国边检机关共查验出入境中外人员约525万人次,同比增长 18.6%。 Among them, mainland residents made around 2.63 million entries and exits, up 15.1 percent year-on-year, while the number of foreign individuals jumped by 62.2 percent year-on-year to 554,000. Residents from Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions and Taiwan totaled 2.07 million entries and exits over the ho

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    Chinese authorities have slapped 441 million yuan ($62.1 million) in penalties and imposed a six-month business suspension on PwC's auditing unit in the country, after the entity was found to have "covered up and even condoned" fraud at Evergrande Real Estate Group. 中国证监会、财政部就普华永道中国审计部门“掩盖甚至纵容”恒大地产财务造假的违法行为,处以罚款4.41亿元人民币(合6,210万美元),并暂停经营业务6个月。 The China Securities Regulatory Commission said on Friday that PwC Zhong Tian LLP had failed to exercise due diligence in its audit of Evergrande Real Estate Group, the flagship subsidiary of Evergrande Group. 13日,中国证监会表示,普华永道中天会计师事务所在对中国恒大集团旗舰子公司恒大地产集团有限公司进行审计时未勤勉尽责。 In May, the CSRC had fined the troubled real estate developer some 4.18 billion yuan for fraudulent bond issuances and false statements. 今年5月,中国证监会因其欺诈发行公司债券和虚假记载行为,对陷入困境的恒大地产处以约41.8亿元的罚款。 Based on China's Securities Law, the commission confiscated the auditing unit's revenue involved in the Evergrande case of 27.74 million yuan and fined it 297 million yuan — totaling about 325 million yuan, which, according to the commission, was a "record-breaking" punishment against auditing firms. 依据《中华人民共和国证券法》,中国证监会没收普华永道涉恒大地产案收入2774万元,罚款2.97亿元,总计约3.25亿元。中国证监会称,这是针对审计公司的“创纪录”处罚。 The Ministry of Finance also said on Friday that, in accordance with the law of certified accountants, it had decided to impose a six-month business suspension on PwC Zhong Tian and fined it 116 million yuan, while closing down its Guangzhou office. 13日,财政部也表示,依据《中华人民共和国注册会计师法》,决定对普华永道中天处以1.16亿元罚款,暂停经营业务6个月,同时撤销普华永道广州分所。 CSRC and the Finance Ministry have examined PwC's role in the Evergrande fraud, in which the developer was found to have engaged in five fraudulent bond issuances based on false statements in the annual reports of 2019 and 2020. 中国证监会和财政部已对普华永道在恒大地产欺诈案中扮演的角色进行了审查,发现恒大地产2019年、2020年的年报存在虚假记载,相关5次公司债券发行构成欺诈发行。 CSRC said PwC Zhong Tian had violated multiple audit standards with inaccurate working papers and ineffective on-site inspections, failed to detect Evergrande's fraud and issued unqualified audit reports. 中国证监会称,普华永道中天违反多项审计准则,审计工作底稿失真,现场走访程序失效,未能发现恒大地产的欺诈行为,并出具了标准无保留意见审计报告。 "PwC's actions were not merely simple audit negligence or failure. To some extent, it covered up and even condoned Evergrande Real Estate's financial fraud and fraudulent bond issuances. “普华永道上述行为,不只是简单的审计失职、失效行为,它在一定程度上掩盖甚至纵容了恒大地产财务造假和欺诈发行公司债券。” "The actions severely eroded the foundation of law and integrity, significantly harmed the legitimate rights and interests of investors, seriously undermined market confidence and should be severely punished according to the law," said CSRC. 对此,中国证监会表示:“这些行为严重侵蚀法律和诚信基础,严重损害投资者合法权益,严重破坏市场信心,依法应予严惩。” Citing the case, the Finance Ministry said it will continue to enhance supervision and inspection. 财政部援引该案例表示,将继续加强监督和检查。 "For any discovered cases of accounting and auditing frau

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    US President Joe Biden has proposed removing a trade exemption that allows goods made in China and shipped by popular companies such as Shein and Temu to bypass import duties if they are worth less than $800. 美国总统拜登提议取消一项贸易豁免政策。该政策允许由中国制造、经中国跨境电商平台Shein和Temu等热门公司运输,价值低于800美元的商品免缴关税。 A US trade association said such changes would also affect American companies and consumers who enjoy buying the low-cost goods. 一家美国贸易协会表示,这种变化也会影响喜欢购买低价商品的美国公司和消费者。 The "de minimis'' exemption permits such packages to be flown into the United States without levies or processing fees. “小额豁免”政策允许此类包裹进口美国时,无需支付关税或手续费。 The Biden administration wants the packages to no longer be exempt from tariffs if they fall under Sections 201 or 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, or Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, according to a statement released by the White House on Friday. 根据白宫13日发表的声明,拜登政府希望,如果符合美国《1974年贸易法》第201条、第301条,或《1962年贸易扩大法》第232条的规定,这些商品将不再享受关税豁免。 But the administration's changes will not go into effect right away, The New York Times reported, adding that the proposal will be subject to comment by industries before being finalized in the coming months. There also is a presidential election on Nov 5. 但政府的改革不会立即生效,《纽约时报》报道称,在未来几个月内最终敲定前,该提案将征求各行业的意见。总统选举也将在11月5日举行。 More than 1 billion de minimis packages from across the globe came through US customs in 2023, up from 134 million in 2015, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data. 根据美国海关和边境保护局的数据,2023年,有超过10亿个来自全球各地的“小额豁免”包裹通过美国海关,高于2015年的1.34亿个。 China is the biggest source of retail packages entering the US daily, with around 3 million falling under de minimis, CBP data shows. 美国海关和边境保护局数据显示,中国是每天进入美国的零售包裹的最大来源国,其中约有300万个包裹属于“小额豁免”范围。 Z. John Zhang, a professor of marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, told China Daily that Chinese fast-fashion brands are so successful because they offer international consumers several perks. 宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的市场营销学教授张忠告诉《中国日报》,中国快时尚品牌之所以如此成功,是因为它们为国际消费者提供了多项优惠。 "Prices are lower, helped by a significant extent by zero tariffs that the US is levying on small parcels of less than $800 in value," Zhang said. “价格的低廉,在很大程度上得益于美国对价值800美元以下的小包裹征收零关税。”张忠表示。 Shein and Temu have defended their businesses. 中国跨境电商平台Shein和Temu对此表态。 "Since Temu's launch in September 2022, our mission has been to offer consumers a wider selection of quality products at affordable prices," a Temu spokesperson told, a technology news website. "We achieve this through an efficient business model that cuts out unnecessary middlemen, allowing us to pass savings directly to our customers. Temu's growth does not depend on the de minimis policy." “自Temu于2022年9月推出以来,我们的使命一直是为消费者提供更多物美价廉的商品。”Temu发言人告诉科技新闻网站,“我们通过高效的商业模式来实现这一目标,这种模式剔除了不必要的中间环节,使我们能够将节省下来的成本直接惠及顾客。Temu 的发展并不

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    Do you ever get that feeling that there aren't enough hours in the day? That time is somehow racing away from you, and it is impossible to fit everything in. But then, you step outside into the countryside and suddenly everything seems slower, more relaxed, like time has somehow changed. 你是否有过这样的感觉:一天的时间不够用?时间不知不觉地从你身边溜走,不可能把所有事情都安排好。但是,当你走到郊外,突然间一切都变得缓慢、轻松起来,就好像时间发生了某种变化。 It's not just you – recent research showed nature can regulate our sense of time. 不仅仅是你,最近的研究表明,大自然可以调节我们的时间感。 For many of us, the combined demands of work, home and family mean that we are always feeling like we don't have enough time. Time poverty has also been exacerbated by digital technologies. Permanent connectivity extends working hours and can make it difficult to switch off from the demands of friends and family. 对我们许多人来说,工作、家庭和家人的综合需求意味着我们总是感觉时间不够用。数字技术也加剧了时间贫乏。永久连接延长了工作时间,也使我们难以摆脱朋友和家人的要求。 Recent research suggests that the antidote to our lack of time may lie in the natural world. Psychologist Richardo Correia, at the University of Turku in Finland, found that being in nature may change how we experience time and, perhaps, even give us the sense of time abundance. 最新研究表明,解决我们时间匮乏问题的良方可能在于自然世界。芬兰图尔库大学的心理学家理查多·科雷亚发现,身处在大自然中可能会改变我们对时间的体验方式,甚至可能让我们感觉到时间的充裕。 Correia examined research which compared people's experiences of time when they performed different types of tasks in urban and natural environments. These studies consistently showed that people report a sense of expanded time when they were in nature compared to when they were in an urban environment. 科雷亚查阅了比较人们在城市和自然环境中执行不同类型任务时对时间体验的研究。这些研究一致表明,与在城市环境中相比,人们在大自然中会有时间更充裕的感觉。 For example, people are more likely to perceive a walk in the countryside as longer than a walk of the same length in the city. Similarly, people report perceiving time as passing more slowly while performing tasks in natural green environments than in urban environments. Nature seems to slow and expand our sense of time. 例如,与在城市中散步相比,人们更倾向于认为在郊外散步的时间更长。同样,与城市环境相比,人们在绿色自然环境中执行任务时会觉得时间过得更慢。大自然似乎减缓并扩展了我们的时间感。 It's not just our sense of time in the moment which appears to be altered by the natural world, it's also our sense of the past and future. Previous research shows that spending time in nature helps to shift our focus from the immediate moment towards our future needs. So rather than focusing on the stress of the demands on our time, nature helps us to see the bigger picture. 自然世界似乎不仅改变了我们当下的时间感,还改变了我们对过去和未来的时间感。先前的研究表明,在大自然中度过的时间有助于将我们的注意力从眼前转移到未来的需求上。因此,大自然会帮助我们看到更广阔的前景,而不是专注于时间要求带给我们的压力。 This can help us to prioritise our actions so that we meet our long-term goals rather than living in a perpetual state of "just about keeping our head above water". 这可以帮助我们确定行动的轻重缓急,从而实现我们的长期目标,而不是永远生活在“只求过得去”的状态中。 This is in part because s

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    The successful 10-kilometer vertical takeoff and vertical landing test flight of Zhuque 3 or Rosefinch 3 VTVL-1 test rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China's Gobi Desert on Wednesday marks a breakthrough in the nation's commercial space industry. 9月11日,中国自主研发的朱雀三号可重复使用试验火箭在酒泉卫星发射中心成功完成了10公里级的垂直起降飞行测试,这标志着中国商业航天领域的一项重大突破。 This way of launching and getting back a reusable rocket involves five stages, namely ascent, engine shutdown, unpowered gliding, in-flight engine restart to control speed of descent, and, lastly, soft landing. By successfully conducting this test twice, the Zhuque 3 team has proved its ability to recycle rockets for use, thus lowering costs. 发射和回收可重复使用火箭的过程包括五个阶段,分别是上升、发动机关机、无动力滑翔、空中发动机重新点火以控制下降速度,以及最后的软着陆。朱雀3号的研发团队已成功进行了两次飞行测试,证明了其重复使用火箭,进而降低成本的能力。 It's true that the Chinese have a long way to go in the field of recycling rockets, compared with the US-based SpaceX, which announced on Tuesday a fifth orbit test flight for Starship in November, in which they will attempt to recover the rocket booster by capturing it with the launch tower. 美国的SpaceX于9月11日宣布将在11月进行星舰的第五次轨道测试飞行,届时他们将尝试用发射塔捕捉火箭助推器以回收火箭。与SpaceX相比,中国在火箭回收领域还有很长的路要走。 However, the 10-km vertical takeoff and vertical landing test flight proves that the technology Zhuque 3 employs is reliable and now that it has cleared the test flight it will be ready for long-distance flights in the future. 然而,10公里垂直起降测试飞行证明了朱雀3号采用的技术是可靠的,现在它已经通过了测试飞行,未来还将会在长途飞行领域有所发展。 That the test rocket was manufactured by LandSpace, a private rocket maker in China, adds value to the achievement. In fact, out of 30 launch missions conducted by China's space sector in the first half of 2024, commercial carrier rockets were responsible for five. The domestic commercial space industry is flourishing. 更值得骄傲的是,试验火箭是由中国的私营火箭制造商蓝箭航天打造的,在2024年上半年中国航天部门发射的30余枚火箭中,5枚是商业运载火箭。我国的商业航天产业正在蓬勃发展。 As an important new engine for economic growth, the industrial scale of the commercial space sector is expected to exceed 2.3 trillion yuan ($323.05 billion) this year. It is just a matter of time before ordinary people travel to space as conveniently as taking a flight today. And Chinese people could be among the first to realize that dream. 作为经济增长的重要新引擎,预计今年商业航天产业的规模将超过2.3万亿元人民币(约合3230.5亿美元)。未来,普通人去太空旅游将会像如今乘飞机旅游一样便利,而中国人有望最先实现这一愿望。 Vertical adj.垂直的 Booster n.火箭助推器;推进器

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  7. 13 SEPT.


    Chinese lawmakers on Friday voted to adopt a decision on gradually raising the statutory retirement age in the country, marking the first adjustment in the arrangement since 1950s. 9月13日,全国人大常委会会议表决通过了关于实施渐进式延迟法定退休年龄的决定,这是自20世纪50年代以来对这一规定的首次调整。 According to the decision adopted at the 11th session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress, the statutory retirement age for men will be gradually raised from 60 to 63 in the course of 15 years starting 2025, while that for women cadres and women blue-collar workers will be raised from 55 to 58 and from 50 to 55, respectively. 根据在第十四届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议通过的决定,从2025年期,我国将用15年时间,逐步将男职工的法定退休年龄从原60周岁延迟到63周岁,将女职工和女性蓝领工人的法定退休年龄从原50周岁、55周岁,分别延迟到55周岁、58周岁。 Starting 2030, the minimum year of basic pension contributions required to receive monthly benefits will be gradually raised from 15 years to 20 years at the pace of an increase of six months annually. 从2030年开始,领取月度福利所需的最低基本养老金缴费年限将逐步从15年提高到20年,每年增加半年。 Meanwhile, people will be allowed to voluntarily retire by no more than three years in advance after reaching the minimum year of pension contributions. But it is not allowed to retire earlier than the previous statutory age. 同时,达到最低养老金缴费年限后,人们可以选择自愿提前退休,但提前退休的时间不得超过三年。但是,不能在达到原定的法定退休年龄之前退休。 The new policies will also allow individuals to postpone retirement to an even later date if they reach an agreement with employers, but such a delay should be no more than three years. 新政策还将允许个人在与雇主达成协议后推迟退休,但延迟期限不得超过三年。 The decision also specifies measures to refine the old-age insurance incentive mechanism, implement the employment-first strategy, ensure the basic rights and interests of workers who have passed their statutory retirement age, and improve elderly care and childcare services. 该决定还明确了完善养老保险激励机制、实施就业优先战略、保障已过法定退休年龄工人的基本权益以及改善老年人护理和儿童保育服务的措施。 The document includes specific provisions on welfare for unemployed old-age workers and on earlier retirement for those in special professions. 文件中还包含了对失业老年工人福利和特殊职业提前退休的具体规定。 The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee made clear arrangements on gradually raising the statutory retirement age in the country. 中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会和第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议明确了逐步提高法定退休年龄的安排。 The plan passed by lawmakers on Friday was formulated on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the average life expectancy, health conditions, the population structure, the level of education and workforce supply in China.  在全面评估中国的平均预期寿命、健康状况、人口结构、教育水平和劳动力供应的基础上,会议代表于13日通过了该决议。  Cadres n.(尤指共产党的)党务工作者,干部 Provisions n.法律协议的条纹,条款,规定 Postpone v.推迟;延期

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