338 épisodes

This series of podcasts includes a variety of areas--everything from astrology to healthcare to epidemiology to medicine. Also video lectures can be found at Doc B channel on YouTube. Please checkout my new edocb.org website.

Digital Empowerment Sri Banerjee

    • Éducation

This series of podcasts includes a variety of areas--everything from astrology to healthcare to epidemiology to medicine. Also video lectures can be found at Doc B channel on YouTube. Please checkout my new edocb.org website.

    June Strawberry Full Moon

    June Strawberry Full Moon

    This podcast is about the astrological predictions of the Strawberry Full Moon.

    • 4 min
    Geospatial Gun Violence Street Labeling--ArcMap

    Geospatial Gun Violence Street Labeling--ArcMap

    This is about mapping a point level dataset at a census tract level.

    • 2 min
    Sample Final Oral Defense

    Sample Final Oral Defense

    This is a final overall defense for one of my DrPH students.

    • 29 min
    Ethics of Solitary Confinement

    Ethics of Solitary Confinement

    In this podcast, I discuss about the negatives of the penal system solitary confinement.

    • 16 min
    Mapping Basics in ArcMap

    Mapping Basics in ArcMap

    This is a instructional lecture on how to create a map with moderate level of knowledge of ArcMap.

    • 12 min
    New Moon Astrology (June 2024)

    New Moon Astrology (June 2024)

    This is the new moon astrology for the June 2024 new moon.

    • 4 min

Classement des podcasts dans Éducation

La base
Choses à Savoir
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Laury Thilleman
Ma parole
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L'esprit critique, le podcast
L'esprit critique
Ces questions que tout le monde se pose
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Choses à Savoir
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