72 épisodes

Hi and welcome. I’m Dr. Barbara Byers and my passion is spiritual formation. As a speaker, author and counselor I’ve seen firsthand the fractures of the soul that keep us from a truly abundant life. I’ve created videos for the practical process of healing those fractures and walking in transformation.

This is Isaiah 61:1-4, the call to bring good news and the healing power of Christ to those afflicted, broken and held captive so that lives are rebuilt, repaired and raised up to true freedom and identity.

Website: https://www.drbarbarabyers.com/
Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCaeWYKIUy9KaIGSgyUkaF0Q
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drbarbarabyers/

Please reach out to inquire about speaking engagements.
Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas

Dr. Barbara Byers Barbara Byers

    • Éducation

Hi and welcome. I’m Dr. Barbara Byers and my passion is spiritual formation. As a speaker, author and counselor I’ve seen firsthand the fractures of the soul that keep us from a truly abundant life. I’ve created videos for the practical process of healing those fractures and walking in transformation.

This is Isaiah 61:1-4, the call to bring good news and the healing power of Christ to those afflicted, broken and held captive so that lives are rebuilt, repaired and raised up to true freedom and identity.

Website: https://www.drbarbarabyers.com/
Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCaeWYKIUy9KaIGSgyUkaF0Q
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drbarbarabyers/

Please reach out to inquire about speaking engagements.
Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas

    Exploitative Relationships Pt. 2

    Exploitative Relationships Pt. 2

    Recognizing and dealing with exploitative relationships.

    • 14 min
    Exploitative Relationships Pt. 1

    Exploitative Relationships Pt. 1

    Identifying and dealing with exploitative relationships.

    • 17 min
    Shield of the Lord

    Shield of the Lord

    What is it to be shielded by the Lord?

    • 14 min
    The Joy of the Lord

    The Joy of the Lord

    The Joy of the Lord is our Strength!

    • 16 min


    We can overcome debilitating shame.

    • 15 min


    What it means to give and receive blessing.

    • 16 min

Classement des podcasts dans Éducation

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Choses à Savoir
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