Expatlang - Understand Native French

Expatlang - Understand native French
Expatlang - Understand Native French

If you're learning French and have already reached an intermediate level, it's now time to take it to the next level. With Expatlang's podcast : Understand Native French, you'll discover the way French people speak in real-life. My name's Jean-Baptiste, I'm a native French teacher. I interview French people on a wide variety of topics - French lifestyle, French food culture, French history, French politics or French society. Join me and let your French skyrocket! Visit our social networks and website : https://instabio.cc/3092207XSikwN

  1. 14/12/2022


    DANS L'EPISODE D'AUJOURD'HUI - LE FREEGANISME - PART 2 Bonjour à tous les amis. Je suis heureux de vous retrouver pour ce deuxième épisode dédié au sujet du freeganisme.  Le freeganisme, comme nous l’avons découvert la semaine dernière, est une pratique qui consiste à récupérer, dans les poubelles des magasins, des produits qui pourraient encore être consommés. Mais au fait, savez-vous si le freeganisme est légal ? Que fait la police lorsqu’elle surprend des personnes en train de fouiller dans les poubelles ? Dans l’épisode d’aujourd’hui, Léa va nous parler de ce que nous avons le droit ou pas de faire lorsque nous fouillons dans les poubelles. Elle nous racontera aussi ses plus intéressantes anecdotes de sa vie de freeganiste.  Pour en savoir plus, écoutez l’épisode d’aujourd’hui. IN TODAY'S EPISODE: FREEGANISM - PART 1 Hello, hello my dear friends! I'm so happy to see you again for this second episode dedicated to the topic of freeganism. Freeganism, as we saw last week, consists in salvaging edible food from the bins. But do you know if doing so is legal in France ? What do the police do when they find someone going through the bins on the streets ? In today's episode, Léa will tell us the dos and don'ts when going through the bins. She'll also tell us some of her best anecdotes of her freegan life. If you want to find out more about it, listen to today's episode.  Listen to today's episode to find out more about it. Do you want to book a lesson with me ? Click on this link : Learn french in Nice, Cannes, French Riviera - Expatlang If you want to acquire Expatlang's first book, click on this link : https://pge.me/expatlangfrenchasreallyspokeninfrance Download additional resources to work on this podcast on : Best podcast to learn French - Understand Native French - Expatlang If you want to find out more about our Premium services : Understand Native French with Expatlang! PREMIUM OFFER - Expatlang If you're listening on Itunes Podcast, please give me a rating and a review. Hope you'll enjoy today's episode!

    29 min
  2. 25/11/2022


    DANS L'ÉPISODE D'AUJOURD'HUI : LE FREEGANISME - PARTIE 1 Bonjour à tous les amis. Aujourd'hui, nous allons parler d'un sujet qui va certainement en surprendre plus d'un(e) parmi vous : le freeganisme. Connaissez-vous ce concept ? Le freeganisme est une pratique qui consiste à récupérer, dans les poubelles des magasins, des produits qui pourraient encore être consommés. En effet, en France, ce sont chaque année, près de 10 000 tonnes de produits alimentaires qui sont jetés à la poubelle. Et parmi ces produits, une grande partie pourrait parfaitement être consommée par la population. L'objectif est ainsi de limiter le gaspillage alimentaire. Pour mieux comprendre la situation, j'ai demandé à mon amie Léa de nous parler du freeganisme. Elle le pratique depuis près de dix ans et est très sensible à la question du gaspi alimentaire. Pour en savoir plus, écoutez l'épisode d'aujourd'hui. IN TODAY'S EPISODE: FREEGANISM - PART 1 Hello, hello my dear friends! Today, we're going to talk about a topic that'll probably sound surprising to a lot of you - freeganism! Are you familiar with this concept? Freeganism is an activity that consists in going through the bins to salvage any product that's been thrown away but can still be consumed. Indeed, in France, close to 10,000 tons of food are thrown away every year, among which a wide part is still edible. The goal of freeganism is to fight food waste. In order to have a better understanding of the situation, I've asked my friend Lea to give us her insight. She's been a freeganist for about 10 years and she's quite aware of the problems related to food wastes. Listen to today's episode to find out more about it. Do you want to book a lesson with me ? Click on this link : Learn french in Nice, Cannes, French Riviera - Expatlang If you want to acquire Expatlang's first book, click on this link : https://pge.me/expatlangfrenchasreallyspokeninfrance Download additional resources to work on this podcast on : Best podcast to learn French - Understand Native French - Expatlang If you want to find out more about our Premium services : Understand Native French with Expatlang! PREMIUM OFFER - Expatlang If you're listening on Itunes Podcast, please give me a rating and a review. Hope you'll enjoy today's episode!

    29 min
  3. 09/11/2022


    DANS L'ÉPISODE D'AUJOURD'HUI : LA MUSIQUE ANTILLAISE - PARTIE 2 Bonjour à tous les amis. Si vous écoutez ce podcast depuis un petit moment, vous avez certainement remarqué à quel point j'aime les Antilles. Ces petites îles au milieu de la mer des Caraïbes possèdent un patrimoine culturel extrêmement important et riche et aujourd'hui, je voudrais justement vous parler de l'un de ces aspects : la musique. La musique est une affaire sérieuse aux Antilles. Et justement, Cyril notre spécialiste de la Martinique va nous expliquer pourquoi la musique antillaise y est si présente, mais aussi pourquoi elle a tant de difficultés à s'exporter. Écoutez la deuxième partie de cet épisode pour en savoir plus. IN TODAY'S EPISODE: CARIBBEAN MUSIC - PART 2 My dear friends. If you've been listening to this podcast for a long time, I'm sure you've already noticed how much I love the French islands of the Caribbean. These tiny islands in the middle of the Caribbean Sea possess a rich cultural heritage and today, I'd like to tell you about one of these aspects : music. Music is a serious business in the French Caribbean islands. Cyril, our specialist from Martinique will explain us why Caribbean music is such a business, but also why it's so difficult to export it outside of this area of the world. Listen to the second part of the interview to find out more about it ! Discover Caribbean music : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6HbHGmf7lVghqpLTyZwecc?si=929eeca0e1b84b03 Do you want to book a lesson with me ? Click on this link : Learn french in Nice, Cannes, French Riviera - Expatlang If you want to acquire Expatlang's first book, click on this link : https://pge.me/expatlangfrenchasreallyspokeninfrance Download additional resources to work on this podcast on : Best podcast to learn French - Understand Native French - Expatlang If you want to find out more about our Premium services : Understand Native French with Expatlang! PREMIUM OFFER - Expatlang If you're listening on Itunes Podcast, please give me a rating and a review. Hope you'll enjoy today's episode!

    22 min
  4. 26/10/2022


    DANS L'ÉPISODE D'AUJOURD'HUI : LA MUSIQUE ANTILLAISE - PARTIE 1 Bonjour à tous les amis. Si vous écoutez ce podcast depuis un petit moment, vous avez certainement remarqué à quel point j'aime les Antilles. Ces petites îles au milieu de la mer des Caraïbes possèdent un patrimoine culturel extrêmement important et riche et aujourd'hui, je voudrais justement vous parler de l'un de ces aspects : la musique. La musique est une affaire sérieuse aux Antilles. Et justement, Cyril notre spécialiste de la Martinique va nous expliquer pourquoi la musique antillaise y est si présente, mais aussi pourquoi elle a tant de difficultés à s'exporter. Écoutez cet épisode pour en savoir plus. IN TODAY'S EPISODE: CARIBBEAN MUSIC - PART 1 My dear friends. If you've been listening to this podcast for a long time, I'm sure you've already noticed how much I love the French islands of the Caribbean. These tiny islands in the middle of the Caribbean Sea possess a rich cultural heritage and today, I'd like to tell you about one of these aspects : music. Music is a serious business in the French Caribbean islands. Cyril, our specialist from Martinique will explain us why Caribbean music is such a business, but also why it's so difficult to export it outside of this area of the world. Listen to the episode to find out more about it !  Discover Caribbean music : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6HbHGmf7lVghqpLTyZwecc?si=929eeca0e1b84b03  Do you want to book a lesson with me ? Click on this link : Learn french in Nice, Cannes, French Riviera - Expatlang If you want to acquire Expatlang's first book, click on this link : https://pge.me/expatlangfrenchasreallyspokeninfrance Download additional resources to work on this podcast on : Best podcast to learn French - Understand Native French - Expatlang If you want to find out more about our Premium services : Understand Native French with Expatlang! PREMIUM OFFER - Expatlang If you're listening on Itunes Podcast, please give me a rating and a review. Hope you'll enjoy today's episode!

    25 min
  5. 12/10/2022


    DANS L'ÉPISODE D'AUJOURD'HUI : LA BELLE HISTOIRE D'AMOUR - PARTIE 2 Dans l'épisode 21, nous avons fait la connaissance de Marie-Christine qui nous a raconté comment elle a rencontré son compagnon durant une semaine de vacances sur le Chemin de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle. Son compagnon est allemand et vit en Allemagne alors qu'elle vit en France. Cette semaine, elle va nous raconter comment elle vit sa relation à distance. Est-ce que vous pouvez imaginer ce que cela fait de vivre à cheval sur deux pays, deux cultures et deux maisons ? Si, comme moi, vous êtes curieux, écoutez l'épisode d'aujourd'hui pour en savoir plus. IN TODAY'S EPISODE: A BEAUTIFUL LOVE STORY - PART 2 In episode 21 of this podcast, you all got to meet Marie-Christine who told us about how she met her partner during a trip on the way to Santiago de Compostela.  Her partner is German and lives in Germany while she lives in France. In this week's episode, she'll tell us everything about how she manages this distance relationship.  Can you imagine what it's like to have a double life ? Two countries, two cultures, two houses ? If, like me, you're curious about it, listen to today's episode to find out more about it.  Do you want to book a lesson with me ? Click on this link : Learn french in Nice, Cannes, French Riviera - Expatlang If you want to acquire Expatlang's first book, click on this link : https://pge.me/expatlangfrenchasreallyspokeninfrance Download additional resources to work on this podcast on : Best podcast to learn French - Understand Native French - Expatlang If you want to find out more about our Premium services : Understand Native French with Expatlang! PREMIUM OFFER - Expatlang If you're listening on Itunes Podcast, please give me a rating and a review. Hope you'll enjoy today's episode!

    24 min
  6. 28/09/2022


    DANS L'EPISODE D'AUJOURD'HUI : LA BELLE HISTOIRE D'AMOUR  Je suis absolument persuadé que vous avez tous d’excellentes raisons d’apprendre le français. Mais j’ai une petite question. Est-ce qu’il y en a parmi vous qui apprenez le français par amour ? Le problème, c’est que, lorsqu’on vient de deux pays différents, il n’est pas facile de se retrouver pour vivre ensemble. Face à cela, certains couples prennent une décision totalement différente. Ils décident de vivre leur relation à distance. C’est-à-dire qu’aucun des deux ne choisit de quitter sa vie. Chacun reste chez soi et les amoureux ne se retrouvent que pour des périodes limitées, tous les weekends pour les plus chanceux, ou seulement pendant les vacances pour ceux qui sont trop éloignés. Aujourd’hui, nous allons retrouver Marie-Christine qui justement est en relation à distance. Dans une très longue conversation, elle a très gentiment accepté de nous raconter son histoire et comment elle vit cette situation au quotidien. Cet épisode est le premier d'une série de deux. On se retrouve dans le prochain pour entendre la suite.  IN TODAY'S EPISODE: A BEAUTIFUL LOVE STORY I'm convinced that you all have excellent reasons to be learning French. But I'm curious. Are some of you learning French because of love?  The problem is that when we come from two different countries, it's not always easy to live in the same country. Facing this, some couples make a totally different decision. They decide to start a distance relationship. This means that none of them leaves their life behind to follow the other. Each of them stays home and they only meet for limited periods of time, every weekend for the lucky ones, or only during the holiday for those who live to far apart from each other.  Today, we'll be listening to Marie-Christine who's in a distance relationship. In today's conversation, she's kindly accepted to tell us her story and how she lives this situation daily.  This is the first part of two. Meet me in the following episode to listen to the end of the conversation.  Listen to the episode to find out more about it. Do you want to book a lesson with me ? Click on this link : Learn french in Nice, Cannes, French Riviera - Expatlang If you want to acquire Expatlang's first book, click on this link : https://pge.me/expatlangfrenchasreallyspokeninfrance  Download additional resources to work on this podcast on : Best podcast to learn French - Understand Native French - Expatlang If you want to find out more about our Premium services : Understand Native French with Expatlang! PREMIUM OFFER - Expatlang If you're listening on Itunes Podcast, please give me a rating and a review. Hope you'll enjoy today's episode!

    25 min
  7. 14/09/2022


    DANS L'EPISODE D'AUJOURD'HUI : LA DANSEUSE DE POLE Je ne sais pas comment se passent les choses dans votre pays, mais en France, il y a certaines activités qui gagnent en popularité sans qu’on sache véritablement pourquoi. Dans les années 90, le squash était un sport incontournable. Puis ça a été le jogging et la participation à des marathons qui a pris le devant de la scène dans les années 2000. Et maintenant, depuis la fin des années 2010, c’est un sport assez improbable qui est en train de conquérir les Françaises et certains Français. Il s’agit de la pole-dance. Dans cet épisode, une prof de pole-dance nous dit tout sur ce sport très tendance. Ecoutez l'épisode pour en savoir plus. IN TODAY'S EPISODE : THE POLE DANCER I don't know how things are in your country, but here in France, certain hobbies get very popular and there's no way to know why. In the 90's, squash clubs were the place to be. Then jogging and marathons came along and kept French people busy. And finally, now, since the end of 2010's, a very uncommon sport is gaining popularity among French women and some men as well : pole dancing.  In today's episode, a pole dance teacher tells us everything about this very trendy sport.  Listen to the episode to find out more about it.  Do you want to book a lesson with me ? Click on this link : Learn french in Nice, Cannes, French Riviera - Expatlang If you want to acquire Expatlang's first book, click on this link : https://pge.me/expatlangfrenchasreallyspokeninfrance Download additional resources to work on this podcast on : Best podcast to learn French - Understand Native French - Expatlang If you want to find out more about our Premium services : Understand Native French with Expatlang! PREMIUM OFFER - Expatlang If you're listening on Itunes Podcast, please give me a rating and a review.  Hope you'll enjoy today's episode!

    26 min
  8. 24/08/2022


    Dans l'épisode d'aujourd'hui : LES PROJETS DE VOYAGE Ça y est, les vacances sont terminées. L'été touche à sa fin et ce sera bientôt le mois de septembre avec le retour au travail ou à l'école. Mais cette année, j'ai décidé de ne pas céder à la nostalgie. Pour ne pas être déçu de la fin des vacances, je vous propose d'imaginer les prochaines vacances. Dans l'épisode d'aujourd'hui, je vous propose une discussion avec Audrey qui est une voyageuse invétérée. Elle et son mari ont parcouru le monde et ils sont toujours en train de préaprer leur prochain voyage. Elle va nous raconter comment elle aime voyager, sa philosophie en tant que touriste et partager avec nous quelques expériences de voyages insolites. Ecoutez l'épisode pour en savoir plus. In today's episode : Travel plans That's it, the summer holiday's over. The summer is coming to an end and soon, September will be here, which means back to work or back to school. But this year, I've decided not to let an overflow of nostalgia get to me. Instead, in order not to feel sad about the end of the holiday, I'd like to invite you to think about your next holiday.  In today's episode, I'm having a conversation with Audrey who's always planning her next trip. She and her husband have traveled the world and the seven seas and always looking for new ideas. She's going to tell us everything about how she likes to travel, her philosophy as a tourist and share with us some of the most incredible travel experience.  Listen to the episode to find out more about it. Do you want to book a lesson with me ? Click on this link : Learn french in Nice, Cannes, French Riviera - Expatlang If you want to acquire Expatlang's first book, click on this link : https://pge.me/expatlangfrenchasreallyspokeninfrance Download additional resources to work on this podcast on : Best podcast to learn French - Understand Native French - Expatlang If you want to find out more about our Premium services : Understand Native French with Expatlang! PREMIUM OFFER - Expatlang If you're listening on Itunes Podcast, please give me a rating and a review. Hope you'll enjoy today's episode!

    23 min


Notes et avis

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3 notes

À propos

If you're learning French and have already reached an intermediate level, it's now time to take it to the next level. With Expatlang's podcast : Understand Native French, you'll discover the way French people speak in real-life. My name's Jean-Baptiste, I'm a native French teacher. I interview French people on a wide variety of topics - French lifestyle, French food culture, French history, French politics or French society. Join me and let your French skyrocket! Visit our social networks and website : https://instabio.cc/3092207XSikwN

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