GovConBiz with Linda Rawson

Podcast GovConBiz with Linda Rawson

GovConBiz Linda Rawson educates people and businesses on strategy, tidbits and experience about government contracting.


  1. 12/10/2020

    SBIR/STTR with Nicole Toomey Davis

    You Will Learn * How Nicole got started in Technology * How Nicole and her Husband Won 1.2 Million Dollars in SBIR awards * Tips and Techniques from Her Workshop on SBIR/STTR Resources & Links * FREE Download 40 Ways to Improve your SBIR Proposal! * SBIR Workshop * VentureWrench Library Free tools for Entrepreneurs * Blog Nicole Toomey Davis is a serial entrepreneur and the President, CEO, and co-founder of AI-software company, Enclavix, LLC, creators of the VentureWrench Startup Community with a vision of high tech and high touch to help coach large numbers of entrepreneurs effectively.  She has raised millions of dollars in investor funding for her award-winning startups as well as over $1.2 million in SBIR funding for Enclavix and VentureWrench. Nicole Toomey Davis Ms. Davis also invested millions of dollars in some of Utah’s most sophisticated tech startups during her tenure running Utah’s high-profile technology grant funding program.   Ms. Davis holds a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Electrical Engineering from Brigham Young University and an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. She is an experienced Board Member, published author, professional speaker, and entrepreneur coach. The Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs fund startups and small businesses across technology areas and markets to stimulate innovation in technology to meet Federal research and development (R&D) needs focusing on transitioning innovations to commercial applications. Why SBIR? Nicole is a big believer in the SBIR program because Enclavix has won 1.2 million dollars from the National Science Foundation. She and her husband, Brad, wanted to create technology to help entrepreneurs and used Artificial Intelligence to curate a library. The content they put around the resources are courses to help entrepreneurs. Nicole has talked with the SBIR program managers and found out that some people that get invited to present to the National Science Foundation don’t submit their idea once the idea is accepted because it is much work to submit a full proposal. Women in Tech Nicole and Linda are both women in tech, had a pleasant conversation surrounding all the progress in technology. Create one of the first mobile email systems, and she has a memory of the technical challenges surrounding that experience. It is difficult to up with waves of technology and need to hustle every day.

    36 min
  2. CMMC with Brian Hubbard


    CMMC with Brian Hubbard

    You Will Learn * Brian Hubbard's Journey into Cybersecurity * CMMC Background * CMMC Requirements * Company Strategy for Cybersecurity Resources & Links * CMMC Readiness Assessment at * CMMC Accreditation Body Brian Hubbard is a Cybersecurity Expert working at Edwards Performance Solutions, a WOSB in Columbia, Maryland. He was one of the facilitators of the original National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) framework.  He is an advocate of businesses being protected from cyber-attacks because they will put out of business in a fleeting time. How healthy is your cybersecurity program for your business? Brian structures cybersecurity programs that facilitate a business being successful. He focuses on cybersecurity strategy development and penetration analysis and what you can do as a business owner to improve your cybersecurity program continually. Brian transitioned to Edwards Performance Solutions from his own business. He described how he dealt with that transition and realized when he had no more business on his pipeline that he would have to merge with another company. Brian Hubbard and Edwards Performance Solutions The Early Years Brian started his journey in a small town, Dunkirk, Indiana, a population of 2,300 people. He went to Purdue University and studied Information Security, and lucked into his first job with the National Security Agency (NSA) when they recruited at Purdue University. He landed and interviewed with the NSA. For the first time in his life, he flew on a jet airplane to Baltimore, Maryland, and for the first time, was in a coastal city. The National Computer Security center, that organization has gone away since then. Studying under the luminary’s and leaders in the field and followed them when they left the government in Maryland. Brian ended up at Booz Allen and worked on cybersecurity and intelligence community for 20 years. He loved working for small business and went back to a small business to work with NIST. He feels like his career has been propelled by luck. He worked with a team that was developing what became known as the NIST cybersecurity framework.  Brian facilitated the workshops that were happening in the industry need for the NIST Framework. Improve the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure, including industries such as banking, oil and gas, and banking. Four thousand people participated in these workshops across the country—18 months to develop the document. Publication to get NIST standard is a lot longer than that, so it was an aggressive schedule. This publication got rolled out by the white house. This experience was a highlight of his career. To be successful in business, cybersecurity should be a part of every business strategy.

    40 min
  3. R&D Tax Incentive with Justin Maxwell


    R&D Tax Incentive with Justin Maxwell

    This Episode You Will Learn * Justin Maxwell's Story * How Your Business Qualifies for the R&D Tax Incentive * Justin started the interview by saying that he is a proud husband and father. His family is the motivator for doing what he does. He started as a schoolteacher. He wanted to give more to the world, provide more value, and do something big. He knew teaching school was not where he was going to finish, and he was constantly look for more ways to provide value. He read books on taxes. He took courses on taxes. He took courses on retirement accounts, insurance, real estate, how money works, all sorts of different courses. He found out the way the world works and how he could design the lifestyle he wanted versus being driven down a path that is corporate and the world. The way the normal world drives us. He eventually ended up where he is now in an extremely specific tax niche called the Research and Development (R&D) tax incentives. The tax incentive that most CPAs, many small businesses, and many medium sized businesses are missing out on. Stop focusing on Tax Deductions and focus on Tax Incentives and Credits A lot of businesses and CPAs focus on tax deductions. They focus on lowering your tax liability and that is fabulous. You should have a CPA on your team that does focus on tax deductions, because that is going to save you money. But a tax incentive and a tax credit are different from a deduction, an incentive, and a credit is the government saying, if you do certain things, we are going to pay you money for doing it. That is how Justin and his partner started their business. The R&D tax incentive was being missed. Businesses were doing the R&D, they were doing the development, they were inventing things. As they were creating things, they were not taking advantage of the incentive, which the government wants to give. All this money is sitting in the government, they want to give you money for being inventive and innovative, but you are not taking advantage of the money. That is why we started our company. We do not file taxes. We do not do deductions. All we do is incentives and credits. ~Justin Maxwell Big Life Financial helps businesses get money back on average. They help small business owners get back between $10,000 and $30,000 a year. If the business is qualifying for this incentive and that money can go towards keeping employees doing more projects, the business grows versus the money being left in the government. Justin has helped some businesses get upwards of $200,000. Most businesses fall between $10,000 and $30,000, but it could be much, much more. That is what the R&D Tax Incentive is. The government's paying you to be an inventor, to be innovative and grow and, and change the world. Big Life Financial just tries to help the business recoup some of that cost. How did Justin transition from teacher to entrepreneur? Justin said Big Life Financial started out slowly and his partner and mentor had other businesses before including real estate. His partner had success coaching businesses. Justin leaned on him for knowledge and survival. Just being able to do understand what is going to be happening next in the different steps from entity developments to even Justin’s own taxes. Having someone to listen to him,

    14 min
  4. 30/07/2020

    Introduction to Government Contracting by Linda Rawson

    Linda Rawson provides an Introduction to Government Contracting. Welcome to the launch of GovConBiz! Our mission is to educate and inform small business owners, to take their business to a new level. We can show you how to win business with the federal government. Hello, I am Linda Rawson, Founder of GovConBiz. I am the founder of DynaGrace Enterprises. DynaGrace is an 8(a) graduate and an Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business and has been in business since 2006. Why am I different? You can see the prime contractor awards that DynaGrace has won on a site called I am personally responsible for DynaGrace winning millions in federal government contracts and am excited to show you how to do the same. The federal government awards over $500 billion in contracts every year. That is $1.2 billion every day - $52 million every hour - $860,000 every minute - and $14,000 every second! ( That is a lot of money, right? Whether you are a supplier, a contractor, or a service provider there is a lot of money to win especially as a Small Business. Do ever wonder what it takes to compete and WIN in the world's largest market? You may be wondering how you can get a piece of that action. So much paperwork! Well, it is not easy, and it is not for the faint of heart, but it does have its advantages The Advantages of Government Contracting * Stability. DynaGrace was recession proof through the Covid-19 pandemic. We continued to get paid. * Consistent Work. If you are doing an excellent job the government will want to do business with you again and again. * Find More Opportunities. Government Contracting is an opportunity for your company to grow. You may have killed it in the commercial sector now do that in the government sector. * Assured Payment. If you contracted with the government to do a job, and they said you did a great job. It may be awhile, but you will get paid. * Increase Company Value. Your revenue goes up because of the substantial size of the contracts. Advantages for Women and Minority Owned Businesses especially when there are percentages required for each of these socioeconomic statuses. Steps to Get Started in Government Contracting * Incorporate Your local state government has a method for you to incorporate. You will need to figure out what kind of corporate structure you should be whether LLC, S-Corp, C-Corp or Sole Proprietor. You lawyer can help with that. * IRS Employee Identification Number (EIN) During the incorporation process, your state will ask you to have an IRS Employee Identification Number. These are also easy to get but remember you don’t want to go back and modify the information.

    13 min

À propos

GovConBiz Linda Rawson educates people and businesses on strategy, tidbits and experience about government contracting.

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