Grace In Real Life podcast

Jill E. McCormick, writer + speaker
Podcast Grace In Real Life podcast

This podcast is for those who want to wholeheartedly pursue Christ. You’re a woman who wants to follow where God leads, to live and love well, to extend grace to yourself and others, but there’s a part of you that’s like how? You want your faith to intersect with your busy and full life, but you aren’t sure what that looks like in real-time. Here at the Grace In Real Life podcast, we talk about how to practically apply grace in real life. Listen in!

  1. 19 MARS

    What I Want You To Know: Your Good Shepherd leads you to wide open spaces

    Being who you are, being who God created you to be, is the most free way to live. So how do we live in the wide open space God offers? Listen in. Living in God’s wide open spaces means there is no condemnation in Christ. God certainly convicts and corrects, but He never assaults your identity. If the Lord has set you free, you are free indeed. It is a grace to accept the fearful and wonderful way God designed you, not to wish you were more like someone else, not to feel confined by the belief that there’s only one way to live your life.  Friend, our God takes us away from tight spots and places us in wide-open, green pastures. We no longer need to feel as if we must contort ourselves to fit and conform to someone else’s standards or life or expectations of what we “should” be doing.  We no longer need to play the comparison game. We no longer need to feel the shame of legalism. We are free to run, dance, live, and rest in the grace of the wide open spaces of God’s provision and goodness.  In this episode, we’ll unpack how our God is a God of wide open spaces. So, how is this grace, and what do we even mean? Mentioned in the podcast  The FCC requires that I tell you that I'm an Amazon Affiliate, which means I earn a bit of commission on each sale. But don't worry, there's no added cost to you! #194: What I Want You To Know: Grace and truth #195: What I Want You To Know: It all counts Four Years of Podcasting Giveaway Lauren Gaines Twyla Franz Amber Palmer Katie Scott Mandy Pallock Marnie Hammar Kirk Freeman Jen Babakhan Yohonna Smith Here’s how to connect with Jill Website  Instagram  Subscribe to Jill’s weekly “the good + the grace” email

    17 min
  2. 12 MARS

    What I Want You To Know: It all counts

    It all counts. Every act the Lord asks you to do is valuable. He sees it all. It all matters. All the work given to you by God and done in love is meaningful.  I’m really good at discounting or downplaying the good ways God wired me, how He’s forming me through trials, and the work I do, the roles I hold, and how I show up in the world. And y’all, I believe that discounting is an effective - but totally flimsy - tactic of our enemy, who wants us quiet and isolated and stuck because we’re questioning our value and the goodness of God.  Y’all, Jesus sees it all. He delights in all the good you do in His name and out of love. He sees your sacrifice right now. He sees your heart trying to figure out life and how to love your people well. He knows your intentions, and God desires to help you every step of the way. All the work given to you by God and done in love is meaningful.  Mentioned in the podcast  The FCC requires that I tell you that I'm an Amazon Affiliate, which means I earn a bit of commission on each sale. But don't worry, there's no added cost to you! Four Years of Podcasting Giveaway Safe People by Drs. Townsend and Cloud #194: What I Want You To Know: Grace and truth Lauren Gaines Twyla Franz Amber Palmer Katie Scott Mandy Pallock Marnie Hammar Kirk Freeman Jen Babakhan Yohonna Smith   Here’s how to connect with Jill Website  Instagram  Subscribe to Jill’s weekly “the good + the grace” email

    22 min
  3. 5 MARS

    #194: What I Want You To Know: Our God of AND

    Our God is a God of grace and truth. But what does this mean for us in our busy and full lives? Listen to what it means for our God to be a God of AND.  If you’ve been around the Grace In Real Life podcast long enough, you’ve heard me share that our God is a God of AND:  He’s grace AND truth Mercy AND holy justice  Love AND perfect judgment Man of Sorrows AND Prince of Peace Offensive AND attractive What does this concept of God’s AND-ness mean for our everyday, walking-around lives? This is good and true, but what do we do with it? The reality that we love and worship our God of AND coupled with the truth that we are people of AND impacts three areas: How we work out our salvation How we live How we embrace our humanity  In today’s episode, you’ll learn about the grace and truth of our God, that: The grace of salvation is to be received AND lived.  Christ-followers are not individualistic islands to ourselves but interwoven parts that create a whole. Grace calls us higher; to see that life and that our own selves are more nuanced than we ever thought possible. To see that God’s ways are higher and bigger than we could ever imagine. Mentioned in the podcast  The FCC requires that I tell you that I'm an Amazon Affiliate, which means I earn a bit of commission on each sale. But don't worry, there's no added cost to you! Four Years of Podcasting Giveaway The Rest of God by Mark Buchanan Prayer in the Night by Tish Harrison Warren Here’s how to connect with Jill Website  Instagram  Subscribe to Jill’s weekly “the good + the grace” email

    16 min
  4. 27 FÉVR.

    Spiritual Health: Disciple-making in your right-now life with Kirk Freeman

    What is disciple-making? How do we do it? What does it look like to make disciples when your schedule is full? And how can you possibly disciple your teenagers?  When I really stop and think about it, going and making disciples sounds intimidating. How do I do it? What does it even look like? Is it One More Thing to add to my already full schedule? But as today’s guest points out, disciple-making is as easy and light as enjoying and following Jesus and helping others enjoy and follow Jesus. Discipleship is a gift from Jesus that we get to receive. It’s not a “have to” situation; it’s a “look what I get to do with my Father” situation.   Because making disciples can feel big and weighty, I invited pastor and author Kirk Freeman to the show.  In today’s episode, you’ll receive practical strategies and anchoring truths as you learn about how disciple-making relates to spiritual health. You’ll learn: Starting points for disciple-making, How to make disciples when you’re low on time, And how to spiritually lead your teenager. Mentioned in the podcast  The FCC requires that I tell you that I'm an Amazon Affiliate, which means I earn a bit of commission on each sale. But don't worry, there's no added cost to you! A Holy Hush Threads by Kirk Freeman #70: Helping your kids enjoy Jesus with Kirk + Debbie Freeman [Grace in Parenting series] #188: Spiritual Health: Moving from head to heart: How to experience God’s love with Dr. Curt Thompson #189: Spiritual Health: How to be compassionate to yourself with Kendra Adachi #190: Spiritual Health: How to honor God with Jordan Raynor #191: Spiritual Health: The benefits of studying theology with Jen Wilkin #192: Spiritual Health: The power of questions with Mandy Pallock Here’s how to connect with Kirk Freeman Instagram Website Threads by Kirk Freeman Here’s how to connect with Jill Website  Instagram  Subscribe to Jill’s weekly “the good + the grace” email

    49 min
  5. 20 FÉVR.

    Spiritual Health: Building resilient relationships one question at a time with Mandy Pallock

    When we were in college, Ryan gave me the nickname “The Interrogator” because I love asking questions. People are truly fascinating to me, and God gave us such an incredible world to discover, it seems impossible for me to not ask eleventybillion questions in a day. But as today’s guest points out, if all we do is ask questions, we’re just delving into trivia instead of a person's heart. Because asking and responding to questions is an art in which many of us would like to grow, I invited Mandy Pallock to the show. In today’s episode, you’ll receive practical strategies and anchoring truths as you use the power of questions to cultivate spiritual health. You’ll learn: How questions draw you into deep community, Why questions are powerful, One pro tip on how to ask questions your kids will actually answer, And a sure-fire question to kick-start any conversation.   Mentioned in the podcast  The FCC requires that I tell you that I'm an Amazon Affiliate, which means I earn a bit of commission on each sale. But don't worry, there's no added cost to you! #188: Spiritual Health: Moving from head to heart: How to experience God’s love with Dr. Curt Thompson #189: Spiritual Health: How to be compassionate to yourself with Kendra Adachi #190: Spiritual Health: How to honor God with Jordan Raynor #191: Spiritual Health: The benefits of studying theology with Jen Wilkin The Question Habit by Mandy Pallock A Holy Hush Here’s how to connect with Mandy Pallock Instagram Website Podcast   Here’s how to connect with Jill Website  Instagram  Subscribe to Jill’s weekly “the good + the grace” email

    38 min
  6. 13 FÉVR.

    Spiritual Health: Doing theology with Jen Wilkin

    What are the benefits of studying theology? Isn’t theology for those in seminary or pastors? Do you need to study it? The truth is this: You are a theologian. If you’re like me, you’re like, “Am I a theologian? I’m pretty sure theologians went to seminary and read ancient texts and write papers about abstract attributes of God. I’m pretty sure I’m not one.” Through this conversation, Jen Wilkin will convince you of how you really, truly are a theologian in your right-now life and why that’s important for today’s world and generations to come. (Y’all, some of the stats Jen shares about what current evangelicals believe about basic Christian doctrine are shocking.) If you’ve ever doubted that you’re a theologian, that it’s above your pay grade, that it’s all head-knowledge and no experience, or that it’s too academic for your liking, please listen to Jen’s wisdom on why theology matters in your everyday, busy and full life. Theology may feel like a big topic, so I’m thankful Jen is here to walk us through the importance of it. In today’s episode, you’ll receive practical strategies and anchoring truths as you learn how to honor God. You’ll learn: What theology is, What are first-tier theological issues, What to do (and not do!) when you disagree with someone on a theological point, And the value of having theological conversations with our brothers in Christ. Mentioned in the podcast  The FCC requires that I tell you that I'm an Amazon Affiliate, which means I earn a bit of commission on each sale. But don't worry, there's no added cost to you! You Are a Theologian by J.T. English and Jen Wilkin Inductive Bible Study Knowing Faith podcast R.C. Sproul Systemic Theology by Louis Berkof #188: Spiritual Health: Moving from head to heart: How to experience God’s love with Dr. Curt Thompson #189: Spiritual Health: How to be compassionate to yourself with Kendra Adachi ​​#190: Spiritual Health: How to honor God with Jordan Raynor Here’s how to connect with Jen Wilkin Instagram Website Podcast   Here’s how to connect with Jill Website  Instagram  Subscribe to Jill’s weekly “the good + the grace” email

    46 min
  7. 6 FÉVR.

    Spiritual Health: Glorifying God through your work with Jordan Raynor

    We’re talking about becoming spiritually healthy by recognizing how sacred our work is – no matter what we do – and how our work matters for eternity. Some of you might hear that and think, “But I’m not in full-time ministry. I’m not a missionary or on a church’s staff or recording a worship album. How is my work sacred?” Or maybe you think, “Well, maybe my work is important because it’s where I get to share the gospel.” I hope you receive the light Jordan sheds on how important your work is – whether you’re a spiritual director or a teacher’s aide, whether you’re a women’s ministry leader or a hairstylist, whether you’re a speaker or a marketing coordinator. Work – done in partnership with God – is the oldest spiritual discipline there is, and it’s one we don’t talk much about. I deeply want you to know that God created the concept of work before sin ever entered the world and that your work is tied to the redemptive power of the gospel of Jesus. I hope you are freed from feeling as if your work is only important if you’re sharing the gospel and fulfilling the Great Commission.  Friends, Jordan and I believe in the power and importance of the Great Commission. People come to a relationship with Jesus because someone who knows Jesus tells them about Jesus. And also, so often, we feel the weight or obligation or guilt because we don’t share the gospel in every interaction we have.  What would it be like to know that God designed you to participate in the Great Commission AND His command to us to fill and subdue the earth, to participate in creating good and useful and beautiful things with Him? How free would you feel to know that the work you’re doing right now matters for all eternity, and it makes God smile when you partner with Him in that work – whether you evangelized today or not? What would it be like to only feel free to do the good works God prepared in advance for you to do before the creation of the world? How loud would you exhale if you remembered the beautiful gift that is Sabbath rest? Jordan and I talk about the beauty, sacredness, and eternal value of our work, whether it’s prosecuting human traffickers, teaching at cosmetology school, writing grants, or selling real estate. In today’s episode, you’ll receive practical strategies and anchoring truths as you learn how to honor God. You’ll learn: four ways your work matters for eternity, what to do when the Great Commission feels heavy, and why Sabbath is good for your soul and goals. Mentioned in the podcast  The FCC requires that I tell you that I'm an Amazon Affiliate, which means I earn a bit of commission on each sale. But don't worry, there's no added cost to you! Redeeming Your Time by Jordan Raynor The Sacredness of Secular Work by Jordan Raynor Enneagram Three Sabbath #188: Spiritual Health: Moving from head to heart: How to experience God’s love with Dr. Curt Thompson #189: Spiritual Health: How to be compassionate to yourself with Kendra Adachi Here’s how to connect with Jordan Raynor Instagram Website Podcast   Here’s how to connect with Jill Website  Instagram  Subscribe to Jill’s weekly “the good + the grace” email

    52 min

À propos

This podcast is for those who want to wholeheartedly pursue Christ. You’re a woman who wants to follow where God leads, to live and love well, to extend grace to yourself and others, but there’s a part of you that’s like how? You want your faith to intersect with your busy and full life, but you aren’t sure what that looks like in real-time. Here at the Grace In Real Life podcast, we talk about how to practically apply grace in real life. Listen in!

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