Khoerunisa Podcast

Baekh Hoerunnisa
Podcast Khoerunisa Podcast

My name is khoerunisa. I will tell you about my date, day, month and year. My friend once asked me "do you have any memories that are still remembered until now" “ I answered "of course, even I remember the day, date, month, year" why "Tell me anything" first when I started to enter the pesantren.   Friday, March 15, 2018. At that time I was very surprised because in 1 week I would go to Tasikmalaya to stay overnight because, for the first time I was far from my parents and it made me cry. When my parents say goodbye to go home I immediately wonder "will my family leave me here" or "should


  1. 07/04/2021

    Khoerunisa podcast

    Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb welcome to our my podcast. My name is khoerunisa I will present the core material of learning in the smester two, especially the learning concepts and the concepts of the early semester and final semester exams. Learning objective, student are able too:   1.    Have good ethics in public speaking delivery. 2.     Organize their own speech in relation to purposes of speaking and audiences. 3.    Utillize appropriate tools or media to support their speech. 4.    Deliver speech confidently. And for the first learning concept that was conveyed on Monday, namely making 6 groups, each of which contains 5 people or 6 people. Continue at every meeting one group will presenting 1 material and will also make a podcast with material that has been conveyed by the presenter. For the materials that will be delivered from each team: -         Meeting 1 about why public speaking matters? -         Meeting 2 about The process of public speaking -         Meeting 3 about Etics in public speaking -         Meeting 4 about What is comunication apprehention? -         Meeting 5 about Delivering the speech -         Meeting 6 about Informative speaking, persasive speaking, and speaking to entertain. Then for the beginning of the semester exam, each individual must make a video recording with choose one material that has been mastered and understood. And for the second learning material that will be conveyed: -         Meeting 8 about practice to informative speech. -         Meeting 9 about practice to argumentative speech. -         Meeting 10 about practice to persasive speech -         Meeting 11 about practice to controversial speech. -         Meeting 12 about motivational speech -         Meeting 13 about funny speech -         Meeting 14 about special occasion speech. For the final examination of the semester one class will make work together in one class to create man agenda “presenting  online sharing session” Maybe that's all I can say, I'm sorry if there are wrong words and words that I can't understand. Thanks for listening I'm khoerunisa Excuse yourself Wassalmualaikum wr.wb

    3 min
  2. 18/02/2021


    My name is khoerunisa. Here I will tell you my age height, and weight.  When I was in 6th grade and at that time I was 11 years old I had a severe stomach disease, and the doctor said don't eat anything except eat porridge. I developed the disease within 2 months, and every day I have to eat porridge. When I recovered my body became thin and my weight became 35 kilos from 39 kilos. However, when I started to enter junior high school my diet improved and I ate more. When I was thirteen years old I gained 43 weight. In my opinion it was not good for a child who was still in junior high school because he was small at the age of thirteen and had such an extreme weight. Hahahah But when I was in the ninth grade I decided to reduce it. eat me because at that time it will carry out early high school graduation.  When I was 14 years old I weighed 42 from my original 39. At that time my body was very extreme. And I decided to diet but failed. When I graduated from early high school I decided to go completely on a when I was 15 years old my weight dropped from 46 to 44. And I think that was a very extraordinary drop hahahah. Oh and when I was in 11th grade and I was 16 years old I gained weight again because, at that time in the cafeteria someone was selling a very delicious seblak, almost every day I ate one and finally I gained weight initially from 44 up again 2 kilos so 46 and back to when I was 15 hahah.  And when I was 17 years old I weighed 43 kilos because I had a car accident. At that time I had to go to the hospital and I was hospitalized for 1 week and I was not allowed to eat snacks.  And when I started approaching graduation in high school I decided to go on a diet again because I had to look good in my graduation clothes. And finally I lost weight but the loss is not as good as before. And I weighed 44 kilos. And now in 2021 the world has the spread of the corona virus, everyone must stay at home and don't go out. And of course my daily activities today are different from last year, I used to do sports a lot, but now I have to go through quarantine for 2 years. My current daily activities are only sleeping and eating hahahah, my parents are always angry when I leave the house and I am not allowed to exercise outside. I also started exercising at home by cleaning the house and helping my parents with sales. And thank God I don't gain too much weight now. And now when I am 18 years old I weigh 45 kilos, in my opinion it's still better than in the past hahah. And when I started to enter campus activities, my body weight started to become irregular, because, of course, schools are different from the same campus. When I entered campus activities my diet decreased because I was always full of activities to do assignments. And now I have lost 44 kilos when I was 18 years old. Maybe that's the only thing that can arrive, right? I'm sorry if there's a wrong word. Thanks for listening That's all from me ......

    5 min
  3. 17/02/2021


    My name is khoerunisa. I will tell you about my date, day, month and year. My friend once asked me "do you have any memories that are still remembered until now" “ I answered "of course, even I remember the day, date, month, year" why "Tell me anything" first when I started to enter the pesantren.   Friday, March 15, 2018. At that time I was very surprised because in 1 week I would go to Tasikmalaya to stay overnight because, for the first time I was far from my parents and it made me cry. When my parents say goodbye to go home I immediately wonder "will my family leave me here" or "should I stay here". I can only cry. I cried within a month hahaha because I'm not used to being away from my parents. But alhamdulillah, I was able to face the test and I could gain knowledge. “You cry in one month" my friend was surprised to find out I cried in one month. I just smiled because I was embarrassed. Second, it was my seventeenth birthday. I was born on the twenty-seventh of April two thousand and two. Where was my birthday on Saturday, the twenty-seventh of April two thousand and nineteen many of my friends who celebrated my birthday activities and gave me many gifts. The most memorable thing at the event was one of my friends who gave me EXO's album and EXO lightsticks. I was very happy to get the gift because I really like Korean kpoop idols. And it is the best gift I got. My friend was also surprised when he found out "Wow amazing, but now the album still has" Sure it is "" You used to like exo "" yes I used to just like exo but, now I also like Treasure J “continued no. just nodded Ok the 3rd time was my final high school graduation and it coincided with Tuesday, August 20, 2020. It was a very confused day for me because it was time to think about the future what should I do to become a person success hmmm. And alhamdulillah, I was finally studying at the university struggling with the English faculty. Hopefully this path I can become a more successful and useful person. The 4th Aminnnn is when taking the SBMPTN test. It was done on Wednesday, August 15, 2020. I did the SBMPTN test in Bandung. And there were many obstacles that occurred at that time. First, I was afraid that my pesantren teacher would not allow me because, at that time, the corona virus was being transmitted. However, my teacher allowed me to take the test. After the permit, I immediately went to Bandung. I was shocked to see many people taking the SBMPTN test and it made me nervous. When the exam was in progress and ended I waited for the results but I was still given the opportunity to continue studying. And in my opinion, this activity is a new experience for me because I can see problems that are extremely difficult and can motivate myself that learning does not only take 7 years or 9 years, but seeking knowledge must be done until we die. Because if we want to be successful but we don't have knowledge, then our success is just a dream. It's useless to want to be successful but don't have the knowledge. That's the importance of studying. hmmmm, I think it's like that, because it was just the moment when I entered high school.

    6 min

À propos

My name is khoerunisa. I will tell you about my date, day, month and year. My friend once asked me "do you have any memories that are still remembered until now" “ I answered "of course, even I remember the day, date, month, year" why "Tell me anything" first when I started to enter the pesantren.   Friday, March 15, 2018. At that time I was very surprised because in 1 week I would go to Tasikmalaya to stay overnight because, for the first time I was far from my parents and it made me cry. When my parents say goodbye to go home I immediately wonder "will my family leave me here" or "should

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