10 épisodes

Do you write for children or young adults? Have your latest book sales been disappointing or nonexistent? Are you ready to begin marketing yourself as a kidlit author? Hi! I’m Lou - host of Kidlit Marketing Made Easy(er) where I help authors with book marketing and author branding. As a developmental editor and author, I know that you want to spend time writing, not marketing. I also know that you need to  create connections and build relationships with your readers so you can share and sell your work. Tune in twice a month and learn how to build an engaging social media presence, author newsletter and author brand without wasting precious writing time or becoming overwhelmed.  I’ll share step-by-step, actionable marketing strategies you can use to effectively and confidently build your unique audience as a children’s and young adult author.Here’s something I tell all my clients: start here, start now, just start. Tomorrow’s you will be grateful that today’s you did.

Kidlit Marketing Made Easy(er‪)‬ Lou Piccolo

    • Éducation
    • 5,0 • 1 note

Do you write for children or young adults? Have your latest book sales been disappointing or nonexistent? Are you ready to begin marketing yourself as a kidlit author? Hi! I’m Lou - host of Kidlit Marketing Made Easy(er) where I help authors with book marketing and author branding. As a developmental editor and author, I know that you want to spend time writing, not marketing. I also know that you need to  create connections and build relationships with your readers so you can share and sell your work. Tune in twice a month and learn how to build an engaging social media presence, author newsletter and author brand without wasting precious writing time or becoming overwhelmed.  I’ll share step-by-step, actionable marketing strategies you can use to effectively and confidently build your unique audience as a children’s and young adult author.Here’s something I tell all my clients: start here, start now, just start. Tomorrow’s you will be grateful that today’s you did.

    #9 Creating an Opt-In for Your Author Newsletter

    #9 Creating an Opt-In for Your Author Newsletter

    The world is a busy place in which we're constantly bombarded by text messages, voice messages, phone calls, social media notifications and emails. There's only so much stimulation a nervous system can take! Many people are filtering their sensory experiences to keep the noise out by toning down their time spent on social media or online.When you create an opt-in for your newsletter, you want to make sure that you're not part of the noise that potential subscribers filter out!In t...

    • 10 min
    #8 How Often Should I Send My Author Newsletter?

    #8 How Often Should I Send My Author Newsletter?

    "When should I send out my author newsletter?"That's one of the most frequently asked questions my children's authors ask. How do you know how often is too often and how much is not enough? In this episode, we'll answer those questions by looking at:your subscribersyour contentyour goal in writing a newsletteryour statisticsBonus: When should you NOT send out a newsletter? You'll find that information in this episode too!For show notes and transcripts, visit my website.You can also conne...

    • 10 min
    #7 Voice and Tone in Your Author Newsletter

    #7 Voice and Tone in Your Author Newsletter

    Your voice is particular to you. It's a natural part of who you are. But a lot of authors find it difficult to access their voice and to decide on tone when writing their newsletter. In this episode, we'll be taking a peek at:the difference between voice and tonewhy voice and tone are important how to find your voice if it's gone missinghow to choose the tone of your newsletterBonus: There's a challenge that, should you accept it, will have you writing your first newsletter in your ...

    • 9 min
    #6 What Do I Talk About in My Author Newsletter?

    #6 What Do I Talk About in My Author Newsletter?

    If you're not sure what you're meant to be talking about in your children's author newsletter, you're not alone! This is the most common problem all newsletter writers struggle with when they're starting out. In this episode, we break your newsletter up into three parts to make the process easier:A featured topicSomething you want to promoteNewsBonus: you get access to a list of 24 content ideas you can use to write your newsletter.For show notes and transcripts, visit my websiteYou can ...

    • 7 min
    #5 Nurturing Your Author Newsletter Mindset

    #5 Nurturing Your Author Newsletter Mindset

    The most important investment you can make in your career as a children's author is to spend time nurturing your author newsletter mindset.If you’re thinking of a newsletter as something gimmicky or sales-y, this episode will help you shift your mindset so you can bridge the gap between where you are today and creating an author newsletter. We look at: the benefits of an attitude of play, experimentation and learning how you can use your own writing to create a newsletter...

    • 9 min
    #4 Starting an Author Newsletter

    #4 Starting an Author Newsletter

    As a children's or young adult author, you need a newsletter. While you may feel that you don't have time to write a newsletter or even enjoying reading them, a newsletter will help you create deeper connections with readers which has a greater possibility of leading to sales at some point down the line. In fact, newsletters have a greater possibility of leading to sales than any other marketing tool out there.In today's episode, we'll be taking a peek at:how author newsletters are a more eff...

    • 10 min


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