My Hijacked American Lie-fe Part 2

Jay Bryson Kambestad
Podcast My Hijacked American Lie-fe Part 2

I am back on the podcast warpath. Jimbo and his gang of retards have done everything they can think of to suppress my unstoppable will to destroy those that sought to hurt an innocent person. I fucking hate Jimbo and the gang and will stop at nothing to ensure they are brought to justice. I am still on the streets and need legal assistance. I tried to seek counsel from Mrs Allred but that doesn't look to be the case. I have yet to speak to her. Since she isn't available than i will be searching for a new lawyer to represent me. 619-329-2848

  1. 09/05/2023

    Shit, I Totally Forgot This One.....

    Yeah, it's not looking so good for a shit load of shit bag people that willingly decided that my life was worth the promise of pocket change....if they even were paid by Jimbo. Most, likely, they were not and will not paid a single penny or peso or anything. The only compensation provided to them will be a fucking very hard lesson learned that ultimately will cost them in the long run. It will be, in terms of non financial means, that directly affect their earning potential, distrust, a shit reputation and awkward glances from passerbys in public. Jimbo and the shit stains lie about everything to everyone pertaining to me. Aside from a few DUis I was set up for, well one was my own, I have not committed any other serious crimes nor have I ever been associated with any charges that would suggest I have done harm to any other living being, including animals or any human of any age. Jimbo is in fact guilty of that. I will put my social security number and his for the world to life has been destroyed so there really isn't much worth taking from me. I will amend this within the day because I don't want it out there for everyone. My social is 559-77-2057. My piece of shit bag adoptive loser of a father has a social security of 568-68-8912. His DOB 05/24/1947and mine is 07/02/1983. Please run every check you can think of and verify for yourself that I am in deed not a monster but the person you have been helping and believing this whole time is in fact the real piece of shit fucking loser. I trust you will use the socials to corroborate my assertions. Please use them accordingly. Thank you for your time and trust in believing in me. -Jay

    1 h 21 min
  2. 06/05/2023

    The Only Way Out Is Through.....

    The Golden Rule states do unto others as you would have them do unto you. So fuck you...fuck all of you for thinking that I don't matter. Fuck you, for believing without a doubt that your artificially insignificant and egomaniacal driven vastly inferior lives matter more than me. This is a lesson in hubris. Think of Icarus flying to high after Dadelus, his real father that cared for his best interests, told him not to go to high as the heat from the sun would melt the wax holding his wings together and he would go plummeting into the sea if that occured. As most of us know, Icarus failed to heed that warning....Jimbo I did my best to honor a family I thought I belonged to. Apparently, that no matter what I did nothing would have been sufficient. Being the most successful....I am the target to be killed because o made your other biological kids look inferior although i never knew I was any different. My guess is had become a drunken bum living on the streets that would have insulted the family reputation even more so but you would be seen as a completely shit bag paternal or parental system and somewhat responsible, at least in the eyes of the neighbors. Damned if I do and damned if I don't. But, as Charles Pallanuk wrote in Damned and Doomed, yes I read motherfuckers, he also wrote Invisible Monster and Fight Club....go fuck yourself. I am adopted and I have never been more proud to be a rejecter piece of shit orphan. I would honor that anyday than being a fucking lazy, self righteous, incorrectly believing entitled fucking asshole. We were kinda raised seemed to take great joy in the fact that you abused, neglected and just fucked up my life in any way that your, at times, decent earnings afforded you the ability to do so. I am happy to be a degenerate orphan whose parents, adoptive or biological, didn't fucking want. I raised myself. Nature vs Nurture. I will fucking destroy everyone that stands in my way and seeks to hurt Oso, Bella and I.

    1 h 29 min

À propos

I am back on the podcast warpath. Jimbo and his gang of retards have done everything they can think of to suppress my unstoppable will to destroy those that sought to hurt an innocent person. I fucking hate Jimbo and the gang and will stop at nothing to ensure they are brought to justice. I am still on the streets and need legal assistance. I tried to seek counsel from Mrs Allred but that doesn't look to be the case. I have yet to speak to her. Since she isn't available than i will be searching for a new lawyer to represent me. 619-329-2848

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