Off the Deep End

Erin Monahan
Podcast Off the Deep End

Off the Deep End is a weekly podcast that offers feminist insight and analysis to all things anti-capitalist entrepreneurship, conscious business, relationships, astrology, and whatever else your host, Erin Monahan, wants to go off the deep end about!

  1. 28 AOÛT

    Ep 21: Unpacking the Myths of Work, Being an Artist, and Wealth with Alexandra Moreno (Live, 1:1 Coaching Session)

    Introducing a new segment of OFF THE DEEP END! I'm doing live, 1:1 coaching sessions with folks in my community for free! If you'd like to join me for a live session for free email me at Today's episode features the incredible singer/songwriter, multi-disciplinary artist, Alexandra Moreno who wants to create unique offerings that reflect her values. She has several ideas, including jingle creation, voice coaching, copywriting and editing, consulting for artists applying for grants, and astrology and intuition services. Time stamps are below. We discuss her hesitancy to label herself and fears being stuck in a certain role or pigeon-holed. We cannonball into the challenges of making money as an artist and the shame that creeps in for most, if not all of us, who are trying to make a living doing what we love. The conversation explores the idea of creating a new relationship with translation as a means of survival. The discussion also touches on the power of reframing and shifting strategies to create different outcomes, the idea that sometimes "rejection is protection," the fear of being judged for embracing spiritual practices like astrology and intuition consulting. We also explore the paradoxical, subconscious belief that has been running unchallenged in the back of Alexandra's mind that asking for money is only valid if you don't actually need it. Money trauma works in mysterious and insidious ways. Join us for this beautiful conversation and join the Alexandra Moreno fan club at the links below! CEO of the fan club is already taken by yours truly, but we have plenty of room for fellow fan-girls/boys/theys/thems. Check out Alexandra's website and music: Become a subscriber of her Substack, Luminence: Follow her on Instagram! @_morenoalexandra Free workshop! Harmonize! for anti-capitalist entrepreneurs who want to harmonize their values with their business goals Book a 1:1 Clarity Call with me to see if 1:1 coaching is right for you! Visit all my free and paid resources and workshops here! How to Make Money When You Hate Capitalism workshop! Subscribe to my Substack, Anti-Capitalist Money Club, and get the weekly Mercury Missive and monthly video training on all things healing your relationship with business, money, and self-worth! 🇵🇸 Give what you can to this GoFundMe to provide hot meals to Palestinian children in north Gaza: Donate to + if you are in the United States, visit & for education and prompts for taking action to support Palestine. 🇵🇸🇵🇸MECA is on the ground to provide Gaza with medical aid, clean water, food, psychological support, and more. Give what you can at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ SAD and Pol's mutual aid fund for Mx. Yaffa and MASGD 🇸🇩 Donate to Home Tax Sudan: Donate to Friends of the Congo: Time Stamps 00:00 Introduction and Overview of Projects 11:55 The Beauty and Whimsy of Alexandra's Music 19:02 The Belief that Work Should Be Hard for Money 26:17 Fear of Labels and Feeling Stuck 38:15 Struggling to Make Money Through Art 41:08 Standing Up for Yourself + Refusing Un-Aligned Work 45:47 The Challenges of Being a Young Artist 47:35 Conflicting Desires and Inner Voices 56:18 Taking Power Back and Shifting Strategies 59:11 "Rejection as Protection" 01:22:13 Fear of Judgment and Acceptance 01:27:36 The Challenges of Funding as an Independent Artist 01:28:50 The Shame Around Needing Money 01:38:48 Shame and the Perce

    2 h 6 min
  2. 13 AOÛT

    Ep 20: How to Navigate Criticism/Feedback/Being Called-Out (Part 1)

    In this episode, Erin shares her experience of receiving feedback and criticism for printing merch for a Terra Incognita Media fundraiser from a former Terra community member. She discusses the importance of discernment when receiving feedback, explores the concept of white feminism and the need for continuous learning and unlearning, and reflects on her own journey of “waking up” to her attachment to the construct of whiteness and the mistakes she made along the way. The episode highlights the complexities of navigating feedback and the importance of self-reflection and growth. She discusses the importance of coupling somatic healing with anti-racist work, and how they go hand in hand. Erin also addresses how too often as white women (people) we channel our anger and grief at each other because we’re easier and more accessible targets than the out-of-reach systems, institutions, and corporations who are contributing the most to climate chaos and oppression. Individuals and small businesses are not the same as big corporations or entire extractive industries. She explores the concept of discernment and the dangers of holding each other to impossible standards. Erin plans to continue the discussion in part two, where she will delve into advice as to how to navigate criticism, feedback, and call-outs, and provide insights as to how to continue showing up as a confident and capable leader and being visible in your work. RESOURCES: Terra Podcast: Ep 14: "Cancel Culture Isn’t Real" Seeing White, MEN, The Land That Never Has Been Yet White Supremacy Culture pdf Prentis Hemphill's Finding Our Way Podcast Subscribe to the Mercury Missive (weekly Wednesday Newsletter) FREE WORKSHOP! Harmonize! is a class that will teach you the framework for harmonizing your anti-capitalist values with your business and entrepreneurial goals. Interested in 1:1 coaching or on-demand courses? Visit my website and book you free Clarity Call! Get your Stop Glorifying John Muir shirt!

    1 h 7 min
  3. 06/03/2023

    19: The Saturnian Nature of Entrepreneurship and The Myths that the Coaching Industry Sells

    “How can you harmonize with your business while being in capitalism?” A brilliant question posed by Chantel Chapman, co-founder of the Trauma of Money. In this episode Erin explores this question, and goes off the deep end about the VERY Saturnian nature of building a business, the highs and lows she’s experienced, her own frustrations with entrepreneurship, the illustrious smoke and mirrors of the coaching industry, the bullshit that was peddled by the charlatan Tim Ferris about the 4-hour work week, and how we can take the pressure off ourselves to be “there” when the point is to be right *here.* Thank you to Sky Daddy Saturn for inspiring this episode and making a surprise appearance throughout! Erin briefly talks about the impact of the Saturn Return and your Christ Year for anyone who’s an astrology nerd! Healing Through the Second House is OPEN FOR ENROLLMENT! Early bird goes until Friday, March 10th, 2023 at midnight CT! We start Wednesday, March 22, 2023 because the astrology is just so damn good! Follow Erin on Instagram Visit Erin’s Website! Read Erin's Blog and her writing on Medium Book a Free Clarity Call with Erin! Free resource! Second House Reflection Guide! Follow Erin on Twitter Free workshop: How to Make Money When You Hate Capitailsm! Jessica Lanyadoo Ghost of a Podcast The Christ Year! And Your Saturn Return The New Yorker Article, in which Cal Newport Calls Tim Ferris Radical LOL Jacobin Article, "The Fraud and the 4-Hour Work Week" Time stamps are below! The reality of what it’s like to build a business: 00:00-6:58 Building Terra Incognita Media for the last 8 years: 6:58-12:30 The marathon of entrepreneurship and the frustration of not being “there” yet: 12:31-27:15 The Smoke and Mirrors of the Coaching Industry: 27:16-29:19 Saturn and Your Business 29:20-32:16 The Coaching Industry Can Make Entrepreneurship Look Glamorous and It’s Not 32:17-32:34 The Non-Linear Nature of Seaons and Cycles in Life and Business 32:35-38-35 Celebrity Astrologer, Chani Nicholas’ So-Called “Late Blooming” 38:36-40:14 Does Not Making Millions Mean You’re Not an Expert? 40:15-44:37 Inspiring Mentor and Co-Founder of Trauma of Money, Chantel Chapman’s Experience with Feeling Like a Fraud Despite Her Expertise 44:38-46:49 Experts Experience Money Trauma Too: My Experience with Debt, Overspending, and Over-Giving 46:50-52:09 A Climbing Coach Who Can’t Climb “Hard Stuff” is Still a Great Coach 53:10-56:21 Entrepreneurship is Not One-Size-Fits-All 56:22-58:27 The Bullshit of the 4-Hour Work Day and the Charlatan Tim Ferris 58:28-1:14:37 Did I Drink the Kool-Aid a Little Bit of the Elusive “There”? 1:14:38-1:17:55 Building a Business is an Expensive, Grueling, Marathon, and Building Community is Crucial 1:17:56-end

    1 h 34 min
  4. 13/05/2022

    17: Maximum Wage: A Jupiter in Aries Rant About The Exploitative Structure of Climbing Gyms

    A rant about how exploitative climbing gyms are has always been coming it was just a matter of when I had the emotional energy. This is also a discussion about the false distinction between "unskilled" and "skilled" labor as if there is a difference, the myth of meritocracy, and how no matter what job you do everyone deserves a thriving, maximum wage. Some backstory: In Fall of 2014 I got a job at Planet Granite, now called Movement. This was at the height of my climbing obsession. I was also gradually becoming more outspoken about my values as I began diving deep into unlearning my conditioning under imperialist-white supremacist-capitalist-patriarchy as bell hooks called it. You know that phase where you start seeing oppressive power dynamics everywhere and you’re like “what the fuck. My life has been one big lie”? I was in the middle of that. I had this naive belief that everyone aligned with my values. But quickly I found out this wasn’t the case. I wrote an essay that called out and criticized the management that led to me being ostracized and gaslit. For years I attempted to have conversations with the managers about making the space more accessible to people who weren’t just cis, white men. Of course, I wasn’t the only one speaking up about this. PDX Climbers of Color has been doing the incredible labor of making Portland’s climbing community safer and more welcoming for people of color, and removing barriers of access for marginalized folks. Today, I live and climb in so-called St. Louis, the traditional territories of the Osage, Miami, and Oceti Sakowin peoples. I have had so many conversations with the people who work at Upper Limits, a chain climbing gym here that markets itself as “local, family owned,” to make it sound more wholesome than it really is. Many climbing gyms will purport holding “community” values, especially after the 2020 Black Lives Matter movement protests took to the streets in unprecedented numbers, but when you look at the LACK of actions being taken things don’t add up. A climbing gym membership is expensive as fuck. Employees are not paid living wages. The owners rake in excessive profit while staff go without healthcare, benefits, or sustainable income. I’m the girl at the climbing gym ranting about MAXIMUM WAGES and how if there’s ever an organized strike I’ll be there to protest alongside employees if they ever decide to. If you are in the so-called St. Louis area on Thursday evening, May 19th, 2022, come by Rise Coffee Shop in the Grove where I'll be doing free 15 minute mini readings! I'd love to connect with you in person and there will be live music! It will be so fun! Hope to see you there! Questions? Email me at  Connect with me on Insta @erin.k.monahan Learn more about my work, who I am, and what I offer at my website at

    51 min
  5. 13/03/2022

    16: Fear of Visibility, Healing Shame, and Lessons from the Nine of Pentacles

    What’s your biggest fear around being visible in your work? Are you afraid you’re going to make a mistake? Are you afraid people aren’t going to like you? Are you afraid of success because you’re worried you won’t be able to sustain it? Or are you afraid of failure, so you don’t even try? In this episode I go into a discussion about the fear of visibility and the shame that often holds us back from expressing our fullest and most authentic self. The morning of this recording I asked spirit for a message we needed to hear that relates to this topic and out popped the 9 of pentacles, which is quite synchronistic - as to be expected!  Here are some affirmations I shared in the episode: I take time to replenish and recharge throughout my day. I honor my natural cycles and trust I will be be supported and sustained. I find pleasure and ease in the daily, mundane rituals that make up the magic my life. It is safe to recognize and enjoy the wealth and abundance i cultivate. My efforts deserve celebration no matter how big or small they may seem to me. When i am replenished and full i can share the overflow with others and be of service. Reciprocity is a current that spirals out and back to me in a cyclical nature. I trust that what i put out and put in will come back to me. I generate limitless abundance on the condition that i take care of my material, physical body and i stay grounded and rooted in the daily, mundane chores of my life that assist me in cultivating the magic i’m called to manifest. Sign up for the free masterclass Embodied Entrepreneurship! Vesta Business School is open for enrollment from March 21st-April 31st! Vesta is my signature 12-week group coaching program that begins Thursday, April 7th, 2022 and goes until Thursday, June 23, 2022. Book your free Clarity Call here! Free resource: Embodied Healing Strategies for Anti-Capitalist Entrepreneurs

    1 h 22 min
  6. 15: Emotions, Fantasy, and Reality: The Seven of Cups Reversed and the King of Cups


    15: Emotions, Fantasy, and Reality: The Seven of Cups Reversed and the King of Cups

    How might you be creating fantasies, scenarios, or playing into narratives that might not actually be true in an effort to avoid your own feelings? Jessica Dore, author of Tarot for Change, writes on an Instagram post with an image of the Seven of Cups, “...turning inward might feel scary at first because fantasizing about other people’s feelings helps us avoid our own.” I sometimes find myself doing this without even realizing it. Often, this can be a trauma response or survival strategy where we think if we can predict what the other person is saying, thinking, or going to do next we'll be safe or we'll feel like we have some sense of control over the situation or outcome. It's Pisces season, so pulling the seven of cups reversed and King of Cups is quite timely because the cups represent water and our emotions.  These cards actually speak to Scorpio energy, which is a water sign like Pisces. I believe this an invitation to ask ourselves how might we see more clearly the thought fantasies that we might be creating, maybe the projections we’re engaging, and which ones do we want to give our energy to, and which ones do we want to let evaporate? When we can create discernment around our emotions, fantasies, and the reality of our experience we can cultivate congruence and resonance between what we  think and believe, and our responses, choices, and actions. By allowing our emotions to flow, and by holding space to acknowledge and tend to our own desires, feelings, fears, and sensations, we become adept at being able to hold space for others' feelings to flow as well. Announcements and links: Get your early bird ticket for Healing Money Trauma 101! Sliding scale for Black folks can be found here! Interested in a scholarship? Email me at - no need to justify or explain just let me know you need financial assistance and we'll set you up! Subscribe to the newsletter! Connect with me on Instagram! Did you know I offer astrological money coaching? You can find out more about the Second House here and book your session here! Desire longer-term 1:1 support? Find out how you can work with me in this capacity here!

    42 min
  7. 14: Five of Swords, the 8 Worldly Winds, and Healing Money Trauma


    14: Five of Swords, the 8 Worldly Winds, and Healing Money Trauma

    The fives are about chaos and restlessness. They're creative, but destabilizing. Conflict, change, growth, and movement are all par for the course when we pull this card. We’re moving on from the fours which represent structure, stability, groundedness, and/or rest. After the fives come the sixes, which are all about harmony, cooperation, and realignment. The fives are this kind of in-between space of moving pieces and things shifting.  The five of swords has a lot of wind and movement to it. The clouds are moving fast and jagged. This card could represent a struggle of some kind, confronting our perceptions, and/or learning to move through challenges. This card is inviting us to put down our armor, to release what we’re struggling with maybe mentally or psychologically, and to confront the perceptions we have about whatever challenge it is we’re facing. When it comes to business I know many of us struggle with the desire to be heard and seen, but not wanting to come across as self-absorbed. We struggle with wanting to make a sustainable income, but not wanting to come across as greedy and selfish. We perceive that making money is in direct conflict with our anti-capitalist values. This card is asking us to consider where is the struggle real? And when might our system be alerting us to a false alarm? Sometimes our minds can detect danger or threat when there isn’t really an immediate danger or threat. The five of swords gives us an opportunity to ask are you afraid of success? Of having money? Of doing well for yourself? Are you afraid of gaining success and not being able to sustain it? Is there a voice that says you’re not worth it, you don’t deserve it, or you won’t be able to keep the success? Listen in as we discuss this card and some lessons we can glean about anti-capitalist entrepreneurship and healing our money trauma. Get your early bird ticket for Healing Money Trauma 101! Sliding scale for Black folks can be found here! Interested in a scholarship? Email me at - no need to justify or explain just let me know you need financial assistance and we'll set you up! Subscribe to the newsletter! Connect with me on Instagram! Did you know I offer astrological money coaching? You can find out more about the Second House here and book your session here! Desire longer-term 1:1 support? Find out how you can work with me in this capacity here!

    32 min

À propos

Off the Deep End is a weekly podcast that offers feminist insight and analysis to all things anti-capitalist entrepreneurship, conscious business, relationships, astrology, and whatever else your host, Erin Monahan, wants to go off the deep end about!

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