Outsource Your Course

Ariel Schiffer
Podcast Outsource Your Course

Hey there! Welcome to the Outsource Your Course Podcast. My name is Ariel Schiffer and I am the founder and CEO of Dreampro, a boutique course design agency that helps entrepreneurs and small businesses turn their expertise into high-quality courses. Our mission is to improve the quality of learning in the online business industry by providing done-for-you and DIY offerings for business owners. If you’re thinking about working with us to develop your course,  we work so closely with our clients that at the end of the day I want YOU to feel like you've found the perfect person to support you in your journey. I hope that through this podcast you are going to feel really good about your decision to work with us for your course whether that is a HELL YES or a no. For more information and to book your course consultation visit www.outsourceyourcourse.com

Saison 1

  1. ÉPISODE 1

    About the CEO & Head Course Creator, Ariel Schiffer

    Courses are SUCH a powerful and lucrative stream of income for your business.    But here’s the reality… just because you’re incredible at what you do doesn’t mean you’re an expert course creator, and that’s OKAY. That’s why we’re here to help!    In this first episode of Outsource Your Course, I’m sharing a bit more about myself, my background, our team, and what you can expect as a business owner when you work with our course design agency. I’ve created this podcast for you for a few different reasons…   Getting your course outsourced is NOT cheap, and for good reason. With our agency, you’ll find that not only do we give you access to our creative ideas and resources, but we also put attention to detail in every aspect of your program. Outsourcing and seeking support on your course creation is a big decision. I wanted to share with you ALL of the magic our agency brings to the process and really ensure that you have all the information needed to make this investment. I’m a big believer in working smarter, not harder. I would assume if you’re here tuning into the podcast, you feel the same way. I bring this same value into my services and capitalize on taking an innovative approach when it comes to helping YOU create an incredible course.   I’m really excited to have this platform as a place for you to gain the insight and knowledge needed to finally launch the courses your business deserves! I am fully confident that we’ll offer the best experience you’ve had with a service provider and I hope you’ll tune in to hear all the details as to what you can expect when working with us.  For all the details, be sure to listen to the entire first episode on your favorite streaming platform! When you are ready to book with us visit www.outsourceyourcourse.com

    10 min
  2. ÉPISODE 3

    Industry-Wide Problems That Can Devalue Your Course

    Don’t be that course creator putting out low-quality offers that are only hurting your clients and affecting your long-term sales potential.   This is an ongoing issue that I see in our industry and why I’m so passionate about delivering a high-quality course design service to help businesses LEVERAGE their expertise in a way that’s going to promote overall growth and propel them forward towards long-term success.   In this episode of Outsource Your Course, we’re taking the deep dive into the industry-wide problems I’ve seen time and time again that can devalue your course. A few of the problems I’ll be covering include…   Selling before you create. I see this too often! People tend to sell first in order to “validate” the idea of their course. However, if you follow the course creation process in a strategic way, you won’t need to do this.  Struggles to translate expertise into teaching material. Listen, this is okay! You may have a world of knowledge in your industry, but that doesn’t mean you may know the best way to replicate it into teachable material.  Marketing over quality. This is wrong! I see so many course creation programs that are literally 10% creation emphasized and 90% marketing. Your focus and energy should be on the creation process itself.   This is a super value-packed episode and I know it’s going to be tremendously helpful for anyone who’s looking to create impactful courses. I hope that by hearing more about these common mistakes, you can take away key points to implement a more successful and innovative course!  For all the details, be sure to listen to episode 3 on your favorite streaming platform! When you are ready to book with us visit www.outsourceyourcourse.com

    8 min
  3. ÉPISODE 4

    Your ROI Working With Dreampro

    What’s in it for YOU when you work with our course design agency anyway?   I get it. I come from a corporate background so the importance of return on investment is not a new concept to me. Let’s just dive right in - 95% of OUR clients who’ve launched their course saw a return on investment within the FIRST 90 days.    Did I get your attention?   In this episode of Outsource Your Course, we’re tackling the VERY important subject whenever it comes to making an investment, ROI. I’m not only passionate about the impressive ROI we’ve been able to provide our clients, but also the crazy amount of time we save our clients by taking course creation off of their plate. Here’s a few topics I’m covering in this episode...   The importance of TIME. Our course design process saves business owners on average at least 100 hours of work that it’d take to create a high-quality product. That’s… A LOT of time.  The higher quality product, the higher the price, therefore the higher return. Are you following? By outsourcing your course to an expert team such as ourselves, you’re not only getting a high quality course, you’re also getting a higher profit. Win win!  Don’t underestimate the power of an expert instructional design service. We’re not only taking the course creation off your plate, but we’re ensuring that the final result is optimized to the highest of standards for your learners. This way, your learners are happy with the outcome, you’re happy, and we’re happy!    This is going to be a great episode pulling back the curtains and really giving you a clear view on what you can expect with our course design agency. The more information I can provide to you that’ll help you make an informed decision and level up your product suite, the better!  For all the details, be sure to listen to episode 4 on your favorite streaming platform. When you are ready to book with us visit www.outsourceyourcourse.com

    7 min
  4. ÉPISODE 5

    What it Means to Have a Dreampro Certified Course

    What is a Dreampro Certified Course, why is it important, and why should you care?   I’m glad you asked. My mission that I carry out every day in my course design agency around improving the quality of learning has made a few standards clear to me. These are standards I abide by and uphold for ALL of my clients.    In this episode of Outsource Your Course, here’s a few core principles we stand by and promise to bring to your course outsource experience...   The intuitive learner experience. We look at this and analyze how easy your course is to navigate for learners. We dive into every aspect of your program and ensure it’s accessible and easy to understand.  Supportive and high quality graphics. In order to hook the attention of your learners in a strategic way, we always make sure the course materials are aesthetically pleasing in a way that’s easy to absorb the information being provided. Inclusive for all learners. We have to make sure your course is reflecting the need for ALL different types of learners, you never want to hone in on a specific learner type and miss out on a whole pool of potential customers for your course!  Sound instructional design. A few things we take into consideration here include whether your course is learner-centric, if it’s action focused, if it’s concise and cohesive. All important qualities of a successful course.    We definitely don’t expect you to be the course creation expert, that’s why we’re here to help and offer our expertise. The end goal should always be having exceptional results and transformations from your clients, and we ensure that through our Dreampro Certification!  For all the details on being Dreampro Certified and the benefits it will bring to your course, be sure to listen to episode 5 on your favorite streaming platform. When you are ready to book with us visit www.outsourceyourcourse.com

    5 min
  5. ÉPISODE 7

    Case Study: Katie Ferro’s Evergreen Course for Bookkeepers

    Introducing… one of my very FIRST design clients in the entrepreneurial space!    This is an exciting episode of Outsource Your Course. I’m joined by Katie Ferro, one of my clients that I helped revamp a program for and we’re taking a look at her rapid business growth as well as how she initially came across our course design agency.   A few topics Katie and I cover in this episode include...   Why Katie went seeking a course design expert and the missing gaps in her business when it came to her product suite. The support and tools Katie gained from my design services and how I was able to structure a framework for her course out of a “braindump” so to speak. Debunking the common myth that outsourcing a course takes up too much time and too much energy. How to set up your course not only to attract clients, but to attract long lasting clients with incredible transformation.   It is really incredible to see everything come full circle for Katie and her business. I am SO excited for you to listen to this episode, it’s full of golden nuggets and it’s going to be very valuable to anyone who’s been thinking about outsourcing their course but just hasn’t bit the bullet. This is going to dissolve ALL of your fears and misconceptions!  For all the details and to hear the case study with Katie Ferro, tune into episode 7 of Outsource Your Course wherever you get your podcasts. When you are ready to book with us visit  www.outsourceyourcourse.com

    30 min
  6. ÉPISODE 8

    Maintaining Your Vision & Saving You Time

    You’re probably wondering how we’re able to do all the things at this point from crafting together a game-changing course for you to actually saving you TONS of time while elevating your business.    Well, that’s exactly what I’ll be diving into in episode 8 of Outsource Your Course! I wanted to address a commonly asked question that we get from our clients when it comes to maintaining their vision while still keeping them in their zone of genius.   I’ll be breaking down our streamlined process and what you can expect when you outsource your course with us. A few points I go over in this episode include...   When it comes to gathering the necessary information and material from you, we’re INTENTIONAL about it. We’re not just throwing you a blank google document to fill in whatever you think we need to know. We’re thoughtfully asking you for the specific content that will be needed. Tying into the above point, when we ask you for specific content, we do it in a timely manner. The goal at the end of the day with this service is to save you time and headache, right? So rest assured that anything we need provided will be communicated WAY ahead of time.  Myself and my instructional designers step in and GET TO WORK! Based upon all the information we collect, it’s now time to use our creative magic and turn your “brain dump” content into an actionable and cohesive end result. That’s a brief overview for you at least as far as what you can expect when it comes to outsourcing your course while staying true to your vision. Be sure to tune into episode 8 of Outsource Your Course for ALL the details.  When you are ready to book with us visit  www.outsourceyourcourse.com

    7 min
  7. ÉPISODE 9

    Making Your Course Launch Easy

    Hey, guess what? Your launches don’t have to be time-consuming and stressful!    I’m a firm believer that the end result of your launch comes from these factors: an aligned offer, structure & pricing, an engaged & ready audience, OR your energy.    In episode 9 of Outsource Your Course, I’m sharing all the tools and strategies you gain from our course design agency when it comes to simplifying your course launch. That’s right… a launch with EASE, sounds dreamy right? Here’s a few points I’ll be highlighting in the episode...   The important qualities needed for a launch to be successful. A few of these qualities include having a CLEAR outcome of transformation for your clients and high-quality resources for your learners. How to develop an unshakeable confidence and belief in your offer. When you’re unwavering in this, trust me, it’s a game-changer!   A breakdown of ALL the powerful ways our team of experts fills these missing gaps to help you have that successful launch you deserve. From launch expert resources to mindset shifts and finally having the confidence around your business, we promise to give you a seamless launch experience.    Ready to step out of the stress and overwhelm with your courses? Look no further, dive into episode 9 of Outsource Your Course to get ALL the details as to how we can finally make your seamless course launch experience a reality.   When you are ready to book with us visit  www.outsourceyourcourse.com

    7 min
  8. ÉPISODE 10

    Will it Be Worth it?

    If you’re in your head wondering whether it’ll be worth it to outsource your course and whether it’d be worth the investment to partner up with our team of experts, I got you covered!    In episode 10 of Outsource Your Course, we’re going to highlight a very commonly asked question from clients. “Will it be worth it?”, and my short answer is “Yes”, and I’ll be diving deeper into why in this episode.   Some of the reasons that I can assure this investment is MORE than worth it include…   I’ll be straight up with you all! I’m so proud of this fact, 95% of our clients that launched the course we created for them saw an ROI within the FIRST 90 days.  We’ve helped business owners create powerful and impactful courses among all industries from corporate, leadership, construction, podcasting, technology, you name it, we’ve done it.   We’ve helped business owners in every phase of their career whether they were just starting out and it was their first course to successful and “seasoned” business owners seeking to revamp their signature offers.   Let’s be honest, if you’ve been listening to these episodes and following along to this point, chances are that you know there is a need for our services in your business. So dive into the full episode on your preferred streaming platform and then connect with us! Let’s chat more about how we can bring your dream course to life.  When you are ready to book with us visit  www.outsourceyourcourse.com

    2 min

À propos

Hey there! Welcome to the Outsource Your Course Podcast. My name is Ariel Schiffer and I am the founder and CEO of Dreampro, a boutique course design agency that helps entrepreneurs and small businesses turn their expertise into high-quality courses. Our mission is to improve the quality of learning in the online business industry by providing done-for-you and DIY offerings for business owners. If you’re thinking about working with us to develop your course,  we work so closely with our clients that at the end of the day I want YOU to feel like you've found the perfect person to support you in your journey. I hope that through this podcast you are going to feel really good about your decision to work with us for your course whether that is a HELL YES or a no. For more information and to book your course consultation visit www.outsourceyourcourse.com

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