80 épisodes

A podcast all about the Premodern format for Magic:the Gathering.

Premodcast Mike Harris, Andrew Walker, Jared Doucette

    • Loisirs

A podcast all about the Premodern format for Magic:the Gathering.

    Season 2 Episodes 2 & 3 - HotD

    Season 2 Episodes 2 & 3 - HotD

    Two lovely gentlemen discussing two fantastic expisodes from season two of House of the Dragon. Sorry we didn't get one in last week, but we make up for it with a longer than usual episode of the HotDcast.

    • 1h 27 min
    Season 2 Episode 1 - HotD

    Season 2 Episode 1 - HotD

    House of the Dragon is back baby! And so is the HotD-cast. Jared and Mike discuss the first episode of season 2 and look forward to the rest of the season.

    • 1h 5 min
    The Legacy of Summer

    The Legacy of Summer

    It is time for another premodcast! The gang chats about Mike's participation in PSS6, as well as the skipped over Urza's Legacy top 5. Around minute 56 we give some tournament announcements that we forgot to do at the beginning, sorry! Be sure to check that out, looks like a lot of events coming up so be on the look out for Premodern near you!

    • 1h 54 min
    Tom Metelsky's 2024 Tier List

    Tom Metelsky's 2024 Tier List

    It's that time of year again, premodcast's annual meta- analysis. With the rising popularity of the format we changed things up a bit, instead of crunching the numbers on TC Decks the boys are joined by Premodern All-Star Tom Metelsky who provided his personal tier list. And yes a brief discussion on "the state of premodern" enjoy!

    • 2 h 1m
    3 Decks and Destiny

    3 Decks and Destiny

    The boys are back to discuss the rise of RG Terraponza, UW Flippi, and a fun twist on FEB. It's also time for another top 5...although mistakes were made and it should have been Urza's Legacy we plow ahead into Urza's Destiny.

    • 1h 39 min
    4 Players, 3 Tournaments, 1 Day

    4 Players, 3 Tournaments, 1 Day

    Hello 2024! The gang kicks off the year by bringing back guest Michael James Heup, as he along with all 3 members of the cast attended an in-person Premodern tournament on January 13th. And one of the 4 took their tournament down! Who could it be? Listen and find out!

    • 2 h 14 min

Classement des podcasts dans Loisirs

Fin Du Game
Fin Du Game
La folie des hauteurs
France Bleu
Les aventures de Toudou
France Inter
Dans La Boîte à Gants
cami's hotline

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