221 épisodes

CX Connoisseur, Steve Pappas, shares his insights on how to turn your customers into loyal brand ambassadors.

Known for his relentless pursuit of all things 'customer', Steve knows how to help your business and create experiences that customers respond to.

Listen to Steve's insights. Learn to grow and accelerate your business.

Learn more: www.scienceofcx.com

Science of CX Stephen Pappas

    • Affaires

CX Connoisseur, Steve Pappas, shares his insights on how to turn your customers into loyal brand ambassadors.

Known for his relentless pursuit of all things 'customer', Steve knows how to help your business and create experiences that customers respond to.

Listen to Steve's insights. Learn to grow and accelerate your business.

Learn more: www.scienceofcx.com

    Prescribing Success: Healing Healthcare Business with Daniel Tribby

    Prescribing Success: Healing Healthcare Business with Daniel Tribby

    Daniel Tribby is a dynamic leader and entrepreneur who has made a significant impact in the realm of private healthcare. With a deep understanding of the challenges healthcare providers face, Daniel authored a comprehensive guide aimed at helping providers shift their thinking and enhance their business acumen. His journey into business development was self-taught through workshops, coaching, and an avid habit of reading 2 to 3 books a month. 

    As the founder of a thriving practice in Orlando, Daniel discovered that while many healthcare professionals excel in patient care, they often lack the skills necessary to run a successful business. This realization led him to write his book, providing a much-needed resource for healthcare entrepreneurs. The book covers essential topics such as branding, marketing, sales processes, customer service, and financial management, all tailored specifically to the healthcare industry.

    Daniel's approach is grounded in his own experience of building a practice from the ground up. He is passionate about teaching others how to create sustainable businesses that not only survive but thrive in a competitive market. His expertise extends to innovative treatments like stem cell therapy, where he champions the use of the body’s natural healing abilities to avoid overprescribed medications and unnecessary surgeries.

    Through his website, Daniel offers consultation services, providing healthcare providers with the tools and strategies they need to succeed. His mission is to empower providers to develop both their clinical skills and business acumen, ensuring they can deliver exceptional care while also running a profitable practice.

    Key Takeaways 

    1. Healthcare Providers Need Business Skills: Many healthcare professionals lack formal training in business development, leading to challenges in running a successful practice. Daniel emphasizes the importance of acquiring entrepreneurial skills to complement clinical expertise.

    2. Effective Marketing Requires Empathy: Traditional healthcare marketing often focuses on credentials and accolades rather than addressing patient needs. Daniel advocates for a shift towards empathetic marketing that resonates with patients on an emotional level.

    3. Invest in Professional Development: Whether through hiring experts or self-education, investing in professional development is crucial for healthcare providers looking to succeed as entrepreneurs. Daniel encourages practitioners to prioritize learning and growth to navigate the complexities of running a business effectively.


    [00:21:53] Daniel Tribby discusses the lack of business development education in healthcare and the necessity for providers to learn foundational business skills.

    [00:24:31] The conversation shifts to marketing in healthcare, highlighting the importance of empathetic messaging and the pitfalls of focusing solely on credentials and accolades.

    [00:29:12] Daniel outlines two approaches for healthcare providers to embrace entrepreneurship: hiring experts to manage the business side or committing to learning and implementing business skills themselves.

    [00:33:39] Explaining stem cell therapy, Daniel emphasizes its potential as a revolutionary approach to orthopedic medicine, offering natural healing solutions for conditions like back pain and rotator cuff tears.


    1. "Just hanging my letters on a door won't bring patients; it's not how it works anymore."

    2. "To succeed in healthcare, you must work on and in your business."

    3. "Stop unnecessary surgeries and treatments; focus on healing from within."

    4. "Address the root cause of ailments for true healing."

    Connect with Daniel

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/iamdanieltribby/ 

    Website - https://www.danieltribbyofficial.com/ 

    • 40 min
    Amy Brown: Amplifying Healthcare Experiences with AI

    Amy Brown: Amplifying Healthcare Experiences with AI

    Amy Brown is the founder and CEO of Authenticx, a groundbreaking software platform that revolutionizes healthcare by analyzing and activating patients' voices at scale. 

    With a career spanning decades in the healthcare industry, Amy has been a tireless advocate for underserved populations and a leader in expanding healthcare coverage to thousands of Indiana residents.

    Amy's journey in healthcare began with managing a contact center, where she witnessed firsthand the untapped potential of customer interactions as a source of valuable insights. Her experience managing the workforce taking in millions of conversations led her to found Authenticx in 2018. Her mission with Authenticx is clear: to bring the authentic voice of the patient into the boardroom and drive positive healthcare outcomes.

    Under Amy's leadership, Authenticx has evolved from manual analysis to developing AI models that enable near-real-time analysis of customer interactions. This innovation allows healthcare organizations to identify transformational opportunities and make data-driven decisions to improve patient experiences.

    Amy's dedication to leveraging technology for the betterment of healthcare has made Authenticx a pioneering force in the industry. Her vision extends beyond individual interactions to address systemic inefficiencies in processes and technology decisions, ultimately leading to improved clinical outcomes and enhanced patient satisfaction.

    Key Takeaways 

    1. Authenticx's Mission: Authenticx is dedicated to bringing the authentic voice of the patient into healthcare decision-making processes, leveraging AI-driven analytics to drive positive outcomes.

    2. Real-Time Insights: The platform provides near-real-time analysis of customer interactions, empowering organizations to identify trends, issues, and opportunities for improvement as they happen.

    3. Cross-Functional Impact: Authenticx's data visualizations and voice clips enable leaders across different functional areas to access actionable insights, leading to informed decisions and proactive improvements.

    4. Automation for Efficiency: Authenticx's AI-driven analytics automate tasks, freeing up human resources to focus on activating data insights and addressing systemic inefficiencies in healthcare processes and technology.


    [00:03:11] Amy Brown discusses her inspiration behind Authenticx and the wealth of untapped data in customer interactions within the healthcare industry.

    [00:06:32] Amy explains Authenticx's approach to listening at scale, focusing on near-real-time analysis of customer interactions to provide immediate feedback to agents post-interaction.

    [00:10:19] The conversation shifts to discussing how Authenticx combines data visualizations and literal voice clips of customer feedback to empower leaders across functional areas to make informed decisions based on customer insights.

    [00:13:36] Amy emphasizes the importance of using data to improve processes and technology decisions, not just individual interactions, and how Authenticx's AI-driven analytics can automate tasks to free up human resources for activation of data insights.

    [00:27:17] Steve Pappas wraps up the episode, thanking Amy Brown for sharing insights into Authenticx's approach and encouraging listeners to visit Authenticx's website for more information.


    1. "Listening at scale means accessing 100% of conversation data for actionable insights across the organization."

    2. "Conversation data provides valuable insights for everyone, from the CX suite to the board."

    3. "Unsolicited feedback is often the most reliable and can drive meaningful improvements."

    4. "Using technology for ongoing listening helps businesses be proactive and responsive to customer needs."

    Connect with Amy

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/amy-brown-84821210/  

    Website - https://authenticx.com/ 

    • 29 min
    Unleashing High Performance and Maximizing Growth with Margie Oleson

    Unleashing High Performance and Maximizing Growth with Margie Oleson

    Margie Oleson is a renowned expert in team performance and organizational dynamics, specializing in helping teams achieve high levels of productivity and growth. 

    With a background in psychology and organizational development, Margie brings a unique blend of expertise in human behavior and business strategy.

    Throughout her career, Margie has worked with numerous organizations across various industries, guiding them to optimize their teams' potential and create a culture of excellence.

    Her approach emphasizes the importance of open communication, cross-functional alignment, and continuous learning to drive organizational success.

    Margie is the founder of Olsen Consulting, a firm dedicated to helping teams and leaders unlock their full potential. 

    She is also the creator of the Top Team Accelerator program, offering assessments and strategies to enhance team performance.

    As a thought leader in team dynamics, Margie regularly shares her insights through speaking engagements, workshops, and online resources. 

    She is passionate about empowering teams to thrive in today's dynamic and competitive business environment.

    Key Takeaways

    1. Optimize Meetings: Break out strategy and tactics in meetings, ensuring the right people are present and focusing discussions on the appropriate level of decision-making.

    2. Cross-Functional Alignment: Foster open communication and cross-functional alignment to drive organizational success and leverage the collective expertise of diverse teams.

    3. High-Performance Culture: Cultivate a high-performance culture by implementing systems and processes that promote productivity, growth, and continuous learning within teams.

    4. Strategic Approach: Take a strategic approach to team development, including regular assessments, clear goal-setting, and ongoing refinement of meeting structures and processes.


    [00:29:51] The importance of productivity, growth, and cross-functional alignment within organizations.

    [00:31:05] Margie Oleson invites listeners to visit top teamaccelerator.com for a free team assessment and actionable recommendations.

    [00:32:30] The challenges and inefficiencies of traditional meetings, emphasizing the need for strategic separation of tactics and strategies.

    [00:35:24] Key strategies for conducting effective meetings, including agenda-setting, decision documentation, and follow-up actions.

    [00:38:22] Margie Oleson and Steve Pappas discuss the impact of scheduled meetings and the importance of face-to-face interactions for fostering creativity and innovation.

    [00:41:44] the financial implications of inefficient meetings and the need for organizations to quantify and address meeting-related costs.


    1. "Our bodies and brains thrive on growth and productivity, so setting up systems that work for us can lead to incredible progress." - Margie Oleson

    2. "Break out strategy and tactics in meetings, focusing on high performance and ensuring the right people are present for effective discussions." - Margie Oleson

    3. "Document decisions, questions, and actions in meetings to ensure clarity and prevent missed opportunities." - Margie Oleson

    4. "Face-to-face interactions foster energetic exchanges and spur creativity and innovation that virtual meetings may lack." - Margie Oleson

    Connect with Margie

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/margieoleson/ 

    Website - https://www.oleson-consulting.com/ 

    Mail - margie@oleson-consulting.com 

    • 47 min
    Crafting Experiences Beyond Technology with Chris Wood

    Crafting Experiences Beyond Technology with Chris Wood

    Chris Wood is a seasoned expert in customer experience (CX) transformation, with a focus on leveraging technology to enhance human connections and empathy in customer interactions. 

    With a career spanning over two decades, Chris has been at the forefront of helping organizations, from Fortune 100 companies to non-profits, navigate the evolving landscape of customer engagement.

    As the author of "Customer Transformation" and "Customer Transformation for Nonprofits," Chris has articulated a comprehensive framework for achieving CX excellence, emphasizing the prioritization of customer needs and emotions. 

    Chris is a sought-after speaker and consultant, known for his dynamic presentations and practical insights into building customer-centric cultures. He is dedicated to helping businesses harness the power of data, technology, and human empathy to drive meaningful customer experiences and sustainable growth.

    In addition to his writing and speaking engagements, Chris actively engages with organizations to develop tailored strategies that align with their unique customer experience goals. 

    Through his website and social media channels, Chris continues to share his expertise and connect with professionals seeking to elevate their CX initiatives.

    Key takeaways  

    1. Prioritize the Customer Experience: Organizations should adopt an "outside-in" perspective, starting with understanding the customer's needs and emotions before formulating business strategies.

    2. Embrace Human-Centric Technology: While technology like AI can enhance efficiency, it should not replace human connections. Businesses should leverage technology to augment, not replace, empathetic interactions with customers.

    3. Utilize Data and Feedback: Analyze customer data, feedback, and sentiment to understand what is working and what needs improvement. This includes engaging with employees, monitoring social media, and gathering insights from competitors.

    4. Continuous Improvement: Customer experience transformation is an ongoing process. Businesses must continuously reassess their strategies, adapt to changing customer needs, and prioritize the development of a customer-centric culture.


    [00:23:20] Chris Wood challenges the underinvestment in customer support and emphasizes the importance of human connections over technology in business success.

    [00:28:39] The evolution of emotion detection technology and its potential to revolutionize customer experience by providing real-time insights into customer sentiments.

    [00:30:37] The limitations of current chatbot technology and the need for AI to detect customer emotions and frustrations beyond just text responses.

    [00:34:35] The conversation shifts to developing a sound strategy for digital customer transformation.

    [00:37:41] Chris Wood introduces the concept of the "outside-in" perspective for business strategy.

    [00:41:42] Encouraging listeners to consider their own business strategies in light of the outside-in perspective and to prioritize the customer experience in their decision-making.


    1. "Your underinvestment in support and your desire to replace human connections with technology is your downfall, nothing else." - Chris Wood

    2. "Focus on the intelligence aspect rather than simplistic if-then approaches." - Chris Wood

    3. "Look beyond surveys, involve customers in discussions, monitor social media, and analyze competitor actions." - Chris Wood

    4. "Start with the customer and work your way to the business." - Chris Wood

    Connect with Chris

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrishood/ 

    Website - https://chrishood.com/ 

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/chrishood1

    • 44 min
    Promotional Power Play: Crafting Brand Ambassadors with Swire Ho

    Promotional Power Play: Crafting Brand Ambassadors with Swire Ho

    Swire Ho is a seasoned expert in promotional marketing and customer experience strategies, known for his innovative approaches to enhancing brand visibility and engagement. 

    With a deep understanding of trade show dynamics and social media integration, Swire specializes in helping companies leverage promotional items to maximize their marketing impact.

    As the founder of Garuda Promo & Branding Solutions, Swire has built a reputation for delivering customized promotional solutions tailored to each client's unique objectives and target audience. 

    He believes in the power of promotional products not only as tangible brand assets but also as tools for creating memorable customer experiences.

    With a commitment to staying ahead of industry trends, Swire stays informed about the latest developments in promotional marketing and customer experience technology. He actively shares his expertise through consultations, speaking engagements, and networking opportunities.

    Swire is a firm advocate for the value of customer experience in driving business growth and fosters long-term relationships with his clients by providing attentive service and innovative solutions. His goal is to help businesses build strong brand identities and cultivate loyal customer bases through strategic promotional initiatives.

    Key Takeaways 

    1. Integration of Social Media: Utilize social media platforms to extend the reach of promotional efforts, encouraging recipients to share their experiences and engage with the brand online.

    2. Customization and Brand Alignment: Select promotional items that align with the brand's identity and values, ensuring that they resonate with the target audience and contribute to a cohesive brand image.

    3. Strategic Gift Giving: Approach promotional gifting strategically, considering the recipient's preferences and needs, as well as the potential for long-term engagement and brand advocacy.

    4. Focus on Customer Experience: Prioritize the customer experience throughout the promotional journey, from pre-event engagement to post-event follow-up, to foster positive impressions and lasting relationships.


    [00:19:19] Swire discusses the potential of integrating social media strategies with promotional efforts to enhance engagement and reach.

    [00:20:48] Steve and Swire explore the idea of turning recipients of promotional items into social media influencers to amplify brand exposure and reach a wider audience.

    [00:27:13] Swire emphasizes the importance of aligning promotional products with brand values and missions to create meaningful connections with recipients.

    [00:32:21] The discussion shifts to the significance of understanding ideal client profiles and personas to tailor promotional efforts effectively.

    [00:35:08] Steve and Swire discuss the value of sending strategic promotional items to customers prior to their go-live or onboarding, fostering engagement and advocacy within organizations. 

    [00:41:38] Steve wraps up the episode, summarizing key insights and encouraging listeners to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast.


    1. "Forget the word swag; focus on what people want to receive that reflects your brand." 

    2. "Promotional products serve as silent ambassadors for your brand, speaking volumes about your mission." 

    3. "Incorporating your technology seamlessly into users' workflows prompts them to spread positive word-of-mouth about your product." 

    4. "Understanding your target audience's demographics and preferences helps tailor promotional products to create a personalized brand experience." 

    Connect with Swire

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/swire-ho-thepromoguy-6b90631/ 

    Website - https://www.garudapromo.com/ 

    X - https://twitter.com/garuda_swire?lang=en

    • 43 min
    Solo Success: Mastering Content Creation with Tina Lopez

    Solo Success: Mastering Content Creation with Tina Lopez

    Tina Lopez is a seasoned solopreneur and digital content creator known for her innovative approach to building successful online businesses. 

    With a background in coaching and a passion for helping others achieve their entrepreneurial dreams, Tina has become a trusted voice in the digital marketing space.

    Throughout her career, Tina has honed her expertise in collaboration strategies and email marketing, developing a simple yet highly effective sales system that has enabled her to scale her businesses rapidly. 

    She emphasizes the importance of aligning business goals with personal values and lifestyle preferences, advocating for a holistic approach to entrepreneurship that prioritizes balance and sustainability.

    As the creator of the Daily Content Generator, Tina has revolutionized content creation processes, empowering entrepreneurs to automate their content workflows and maximize their online presence across multiple platforms.

    In addition to her entrepreneurial endeavors, Tina is a passionate advocate for community building and knowledge sharing. She actively engages with online communities, including Letter Growth, Facebook groups, and Reddit groups, to foster collaboration opportunities and exchange valuable insights with like-minded professionals.

    Through her podcast appearances, speaking engagements, and educational resources, Tina continues to inspire and empower aspiring solopreneurs to pursue their passions, achieve their goals, and create thriving online businesses that align with their values and lifestyle aspirations.

    Key Takeaways

    1. Simplified Sales System: Tina Lopez emphasizes the effectiveness of a simplified sales system focused on collaborations and email marketing, highlighting the importance of storytelling and engaging content in driving sales.

    2. Community Engagement: Leveraging online communities such as Letter Growth, Facebook groups, and Reddit groups can be highly beneficial for finding collaboration opportunities and building a network of like-minded professionals.

    3. Automation and Systems: Implementing automation tools and systems can significantly streamline content creation processes. 

    4. Alignment with Lifestyle Goals: Prioritizing lifestyle preferences and personal values when setting business goals is essential for achieving sustainable success as a solopreneur. 


    [00:13:49] Tina Lopez discusses the importance of collaborations and email marketing in creating a simplified sales system, emphasizing the value of storytelling and engaging content.

    [00:20:15] Planning goals in advance, leveraging discounts during holiday seasons, and front-loading goals in the first quarter are strategies Tina recommends for effective goal setting and achievement.

    [00:22:24] Tina introduces the Daily Content Generator, an automation tool for repurposing content across various platforms, emphasizing the importance of leveraging systems to save time and prevent burnout.

    [00:25:36] While discussing content creation, Tina emphasizes the importance of building an email list as the primary revenue-generating tool and shares strategies for converting content consumers into email subscribers.

    [00:29:19] Tina provides insights into validating business ideas, including identifying pain points, polling potential customers for pricing preferences, and pre-selling products to gauge interest and generate revenue.


    1. "Leverage systems to streamline tasks and free up time for what truly matters." - Tina Lopez

    2. "Build a business that aligns with your lifestyle non-negotiables." - Tina Lopez

    3. "Set ambitious goals to drive your success." - Tina Lopez

    4. "Focus on growing your email list to drive revenue." - Tina Lopez

    Connect with Tina

    Blog - https://lifewithtina.medium.com/ 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/lessonswithtina 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/tinalopezcoaching 

    • 32 min

Classement des podcasts dans Affaires

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