Solving the Post Traumatic Stress Brain Injury Puzzle with Linda Green

Podcast Daily Authors

On this wonderful episode, I'm speaking with the lovely and talented Linda Green, author of ...

Solving the Post-Traumatic Stress brain Injury Puzzle: A First Responder's GPS

Linda Green served 32 years with the California Department of Forestry & Fire Prevention (CAL FIRE). She held the ranks of Firefighter I, Fire Apparatus Engineer, Fire Captain, Battalion Chief, and Assistant Chief. When she wasn’t fighting fire, she provided ongoing training at the local, region, and state level. As a member of an Incident Management Team, she traveled the state in response to large, complex incidents from Siskiyou County to San Diego County.

As the Incident Commander the first night of the 2015 Valley Fire (Lake County), she helped coordinate the evacuation of thousands of people as the wind-driven conflagration made a 12-mile run in the first few hours, destroying most everything in its path. During the first hour of the fire four firefighters were burned, including a former partner, planting the seed of her eventual Post-Traumatic Stress Injury.

She now volunteers with the First Responder Support Network ( as both a volunteer peer and as a member of the Board of Trustees. Their mission is to provide educational treatment programs to promote recovery from stress and critical incidents experienced by first responders and their families.

Linda received a Department Commendation for participating in research project to develop improved safety apparel. She holds a BS in Business Management from the University of Phoenix and an AS in Fire Science from Fresno City College.

As a retired career First Responder, her broadened spectrum of service as a writer, author and Certified High Performance Coach provides a unique perspective on recovering from Post-Traumatic Stress Injuries. Linda shares her perspective in her book, “Solving the Post-Traumatic Stress Brain Injury Puzzle: A First Responder’s GPS”, released in the fall of 2019.
Linda and her husband Curtis recently celebrated their 32nd wedding anniversary and live in a quiet town in northern California with their two rescued dogs.

Find out more about Linda below ...


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