The MINDset Game® Podcast

Vered Kogan
Podcast The MINDset Game® Podcast

What would you do if you knew achieving success was as simple as changing your mindset? In The MINDset Game® podcast, Vered Kogan explores common obstacles that may be preventing you from achieving true transformation and explains how you can master the power of your mind to overcome these obstacles. As a professional coach and mindset expert, Vered has coached hundreds of entrepreneurs and business professionals to help them clarify what they truly desire, shift limiting beliefs, build their resilience capacity, and adapt more effectively to changes in their organizations and lives. Tune in to learn evidence-backed insights, practical tools, and inspiration from some of the world’s leading thinkers to help you master your MINDset and transform your life.

  1. -20 H

    207 Transform Your Leadership with Internal Family Systems (IFS): Interview with Dr. Richard Schwartz

    As complex beings, we all encompass many different inner parts, or aspects of ourselves. Often, these parts may conflict, or we may feel ashamed or angered by those parts that we consider “bad” and therefore, try to suppress them. However, each of our parts serves a particular function that is meant to help us in some way, and by understanding where they all might have come from, how they work together, and how to foster healing and harmony among our various parts when needed, we can create space for our true, core selves to shine through.  Dr. Richard Schwartz, our guest in Episode 207 of The Mindset Game® podcast, is the creator of Internal Family Systems (IFS), a widely used, evidence-based form of psychotherapy that is particularly effective for dealing with trauma. It provides a non-pathologizing, optimistic, and empowering perspective and a practical set of techniques for working with individuals, couples, families, corporations, and classrooms. After beginning his career as a family therapist, Dr. Schwartz now serves on the faculty of Harvard Medical School, and has published five books, including “No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with the Internal Family Systems Model.” In this week’s episode, Dr. Schwartz shares the following: The 8 Cs of “Self” or Self-leadership — calm, confident, curious, compassionate, courageous, creative, clear, and connected — which represent who we truly are at our core when we allow the other parts of ourselves to step aside and create space How understanding the different parts of ourselves can help us become more effective leaders, particularly for those who may have developed an over-attachment to the inner parts that have fueled their success A framework to better understand the different parts of yourself – including the critics, protectors, managers, and inner children – and why they may behave in certain ways Dr. Schwartz then guides us through an exercise designed to help us get in touch with those parts of ourselves that serve as protectors.  To learn more about Dr. Schwartz and Internal Family Systems (IFS), visit  To learn more about The Mindset Game podcast, visit To subscribe, visit  For more information about IFS-informed leadership coaching and training programs, visit

    47 min
  2. 13 SEPT.

    206 How to Cultivate a Fitness Mindset: Interview with Whitney Jones

    Ensuring proper nutrition and staying physically active are the keys to maintaining health and vitality – particularly as we age. However, many of us may encounter setbacks and find ourselves struggling to follow through with the steps required to live a healthier lifestyle. Overcoming this resistance often begins with shifting our mindset.  Whitney Jones, our guest in Episode 206 of The Mindset Game® podcast, is a three-time winner of Ms. Fitness Olympia, a prestigious professional bodybuilding competition. She is also the owner of Pro Physiques, the largest personal training gym in Arizona, and owns and runs five additional companies, such as the Unstoppable 365 mindset, fitness, and nutrition online program, the Fearless by Whitney Jones fitness apparel line, and Whitney Jones Productions, a fitness event at which everyone from first-time competitors to pro athletes have the opportunity to step on stage and compete. In this week’s episode, Whitney shares the following:  The importance of mindset in health and fitness, as well as specific steps to help shift your mindset — particularly when you’re not feeling mentally, emotionally, or physically optimal — and gain momentum towards a healthier life How to avoid common mistakes and overcome sources of resistance related to proper diet and exercise  The power of accountability, such as working with a coach or investing in a fitness class 3 top tips each for both nutrition and fitness that can help anyone reach a healthier state  To learn more about Whitney and her programs, visit or find her on Instagram at @whitneyjones_ifbbpro.  To subscribe to The Mindset Game, visit

    45 min
  3. 6 SEPT.

    205 The Science of Change: Interview with Dr. Richard Boyatzis

    When seeking to create change in our own lives or within our teams and organizations, one of the biggest challenges is finding a way to ensure that the changes can be sustained over time and desired by all who are affected by them. For leaders in particular, developing an awareness of some of the psychological and neuroscience-related factors behind change – and what often triggers resistance to it – can aid in the process of building positive, lasting change.  With his well-established intentional change theory and complexity theory, Dr. Richard Boyatzis continues to research how people and organizations engage in sustainable, desired change. The theory predicts how changes occur in different groups of human organizations, including teams, communities, countries, and globally. Dr. Boyatzis has a PhD in Social Psychology from Harvard University, a bachelor's degree in aeronautics and astronautics from MIT, and is the author of more than 200 articles and nine books, including “Helping People Change: Coaching with Compassion for Lifelong Learning and Growth” and “Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead with Emotional Intelligence.” He is a frequent speaker on the international circuit, has consulted to many Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and organizations, and his massive open online course (MOOC), titled “Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence,” has over 1.5 million unique visitors from over 215 countries. As our guest in Episode 205 of The Mindset Game® podcast, Dr. Boyatzis discusses the following: Why adaptability and openness to new ideas – rather than strict adherence to defined goals – are crucial for bringing about change The importance of entering a “positive emotional attractor” state, which is linked to feelings of openness and renewal, as well as some tips that can help you attain this state  Why diversity in organizations – both diversity of people and diversity of thought – is crucial for driving innovation and other key goals  Specific tips to help leaders create a sense of purpose among their teams, imagine more possibilities for the future, and build more caring relationships within their organizations To learn more about Dr. Richard Boyatzis or to access his MOOC courses, visit  To check out The Mindset Game podcast, visit To subscribe, visit

    1 h 1 min
  4. 30 AOÛT

    204 The Beauty of Letting Go: Interview with Mike Pierce

    For all of us, loss is a painful, yet inevitable, part of life – whether we’re facing the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job or a dream that didn’t come to fruition, or navigating a major change that represents the loss of a previous way of life. As difficult as it may be, the key to successfully persevering through these circumstances may be to face them head on, focusing on the factors we can control and letting go of those we cannot.  Mike Pierce, better known as “Antarctic Mike,” is an avid fan of polar exhibition history and an endurance athlete who became one of nine people to run the first-ever Antarctic ice marathon in 2006. Since then, he has completed many other winter marathons in the coldest and harshest climates on Earth, and his stories have been featured in several leading national and international media outlets. Mike's flagship program, called “Keep Conquering,” connects the drivers and principles of Antarctic exhibition history stories to the real world of finding, engaging, and keeping great people in today's business world. As our guest in Episode 204 of The Mindset Game® podcast, Mike shares the following:  Stories that illustrate the power of letting go of things you can no longer control, in both the personal and professional realms Mindset shifts that can help ease the process of not only surviving loss, change, and other difficulties, but also embracing and even thriving amongst them Insights on navigating and finding new opportunities amidst organizational change To learn more or connect with Mike, visit or search for him on YouTube. To subscribe to The Mindset Game podcast, visit

    39 min
  5. 23 AOÛT

    203 Scale Up Your Business: Interview with Verne Harnish

    As companies of all sizes seek to drive valuation, they often encounter challenges that can lead to a disconnect between the steps they are taking to grow and succeed in the market and the results they are delivering for their customers, employees, shareholders, and communities. For business leaders, adopting a growth mindset and a “learn-it-all” culture (rather than a “know-it-all” culture) may be the key to overcoming these challenges and enjoying continued success. As founder of the world-renowned Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), which has over 18,000 members globally, Verne Harnish has chaired EO’s premier CEO program held at MIT for 15 years, and has spent the past four decades helping companies to scale up. Verne is also the founder and CEO of Scaling Up, a global executive education and coaching company with over 293 partners on six continents. He’s the author of several best-selling books, including “Mastering the Rockefeller Habits,” “The Greatest Business Decisions of All Time,” and “Scaling Up.” As our guest in Episode 203 of The Mindset Game® podcast, Verne discusses the following: Why it’s crucial for business leaders to adopt a learning-oriented growth mindset and get truly inquisitive about how their companies are running, such as by connecting energetically with employees and customers  Tips for navigating the growth paradox, which often presents more complexity, challenges, and bureaucracy as companies grow larger  Insights from nature that can help companies scale up – not only in terms of financial success, but also in contributing to a healthier, happier, more sustainable world  To learn more about Verne, his books, and other resources, visit  To subscribe to The Mindset Game podcast, visit

    39 min
  6. 16 AOÛT

    202 The Hidden Key To Self-Healing: Interview with Dr. Aaron Hartman

    When facing chronic health issues or other conditions that may impair your quality of life and longevity, it can be beneficial to address a range of different factors that may be affecting your health. However, conventional Western medicine often disregards some of these factors, so keeping an open mind and being willing to explore various approaches – rather than blindly following medical advice – is crucial. As a clinical researcher, assistant clinical professor of family medicine, and founder of the Virginia Research Center and Richmond Integrative and Functional Medicine, Dr. Aaron Hartman began his journey into functional medicine when he and his wife adopted their first daughter from foster care. They went from specialist to specialist seeking treatment for her dietary issues and cerebral palsy – but even as a physician, the process caused Dr. Hartman to confront an uncomfortable realization: our current healthcare system does not have all the answers. Today, he helps patients identify leverage points in key areas of their lifestyle and health that harness their body's remarkable power to heal and begin living the vibrant life they deserve. In Episode 202 of The Mindset Game® podcast, Dr. Hartman discusses:  The triangle of health, which consists of gut health, stress, and sleep, as well as specific tips for improving each area  Significant internal and external factors that may contribute to chronic disease – many of which are surprising, such as carpeting in your home or common cleaning products  How your mindset and beliefs can affect your health and healing, specifically when it comes to being an active participant in your healthcare and keeping an open mind about a variety of approaches and recommendations  To learn more about Dr. Hartman and access his blog, videos, and other resources, visit  To subscribe to The MINDset Game podcast, visit

    31 min
  7. 9 AOÛT

    201 Discover your WHY: Interview with Dr. Gary Sanchez

    Have you ever found yourself pursuing a career or other endeavor and asking, “Is this all there is?” Many of us live our lives by default – following paths because we have found success with them, or because we’re trying to live up to the expectations that others may have for us. However, this approach often leads to feelings of burnout, dissatisfaction, or a lack of passion. A more fulfilling alternative is to start with finding your “why,” or the underlying motivation that drives everything you do.  After building a successful dentistry practice, Dr. Gary Sanchez realized that there was something bigger he was meant to be doing with his life. He is now an international speaker, author, inventor, and founder and CEO of the WHY Institute. He is best known as Dr. WHY for discovering the nine WHYs and creating the world's first why discovery tool, an online assessment that helps people accurately discover their why in under five minutes. Dr. Sanchez is the author of the book, “The Power of the 9 WHYs: How People and Teams Get Clear, Stand Out and Play Bigger,” and he is now on a mission to help one billion people unleash their true selves by discovering their WHY operating system, or what he calls WHY.os. In Episode 201 of The Mindset Game® podcast, Dr. Sanchez discusses the following: How discovering your why can help you access greater energy, passion, and success in what you do, as well as techniques to help you find your why The 9 WHYs, all of which live inside each of us – yet we each have one why that surfaces more strongly than the others The relationship between your why (motivation), your how (process), and your what (deliverable)  To learn more about Dr. Gary Sanchez and the WHY Institute, visit Dr. Sanchez is generously offering a special discount for listeners of the The Mindset Game podcast: use this link and enter code VERED for 10% off at checkout. To learn more, visit To subscribe to The Mindset Game podcast, visit

    43 min
  8. 2 AOÛT

    200 The Power of Beliefs: Interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton

    Beginning in early childhood, we acquire beliefs and programming from our families and communities that shape how we interact with the world, as well as various factors throughout our lives, including our physical health. However, it’s estimated that we may not even be aware of up to 95% of this programming, which takes place in our subconscious minds and is often disempowering. To create happier, healthier lives for ourselves and those around us, it may be necessary to rewrite some of this programming – particularly as we navigate a world in which our current ways of doing things are no longer sustainable.  As a lecturer and cell biologist who has performed groundbreaking stem cell research at Stanford University, Dr. Bruce Lipton is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. He is the best-selling author of “The Biology of Belief,” “The Honeymoon Effect,” and co-author with Steve Bhaerman of “Spontaneous Evolution.” In 2009, he received the prestigious Goi Peace Award from Japan in honor of his scientific contribution to world harmony. In celebration of our 200th episode of The Mindset Game® podcast, Dr. Lipton joins us to discuss the following: Why the current state of our world – which has been heavily influenced by Darwinian theory and values competition over cooperation – is unsustainable, and why finding ways to return to the “garden,” which represents a state of harmony with each other and with nature, will be the only way to survive and thrive into the future  The power of our programming, and why it’s crucial to become more conscious of it and strive to change those beliefs and habits that are no longer serving us  A scientific explanation behind the idea that we can create our own “heaven” with better health, joy, love, and harmony – but the process must begin with becoming aware of and then changing our programming To learn more about Dr. Lipton and access a variety of free resources, visit  To subscribe to The Mindset Game podcast, visit

    1 h 17 min

À propos

What would you do if you knew achieving success was as simple as changing your mindset? In The MINDset Game® podcast, Vered Kogan explores common obstacles that may be preventing you from achieving true transformation and explains how you can master the power of your mind to overcome these obstacles. As a professional coach and mindset expert, Vered has coached hundreds of entrepreneurs and business professionals to help them clarify what they truly desire, shift limiting beliefs, build their resilience capacity, and adapt more effectively to changes in their organizations and lives. Tune in to learn evidence-backed insights, practical tools, and inspiration from some of the world’s leading thinkers to help you master your MINDset and transform your life.

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