There's No Place Like Home

Ameya Marie
Podcast There's No Place Like Home

Actually is a student-produced podcast.

  1. 18/03/2019

    Important Texts for Christian Education, Part 3

    Welcome to There’s No Place Like Home. This is our third week looking at Scripture passages that I believe are foundational for Christian education and home schooling. The previous two weeks, I spoke from Deut. 6 and Psalm 78. Today I want to share from Ephesians 6:1-4. Listen to these verses. Eph. 6:1Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Eph. 6:2“Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: Eph. 6:3“that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.” Eph. 6:4¶ And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. Here we see clearly that there is a duty both for children and parents. And like Ephesians 5, I think the reason that fathers are addressed last is because they have the greater responsibility.  Children are called to obey their parents in the Lord. This means that the obedience of children to fathers is to be motivated by obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. And I think we can add this obedience to parents can only be given through the power of Christ. Fathers are then given a calling in verse 4 that is both negative and positive. The negative: do not provoke your children to wrath. I think this is an important reminder for parents who are engaged in homeschooling. Is our work always easy? Hardly.  We do it not because it is painless or an endless source of joy. We do it because we believe God has called us to provide our children a Christ-centered education. Because we are with our children from morning to night, we must be careful not to provoke our children, cause them to be angry. Fathers are especially warned about this, but I don’t see why this command would not also apply to mothers. The positive is that fathers and also mothers must bring to their children the training and admonition of the Lord. The word translated as bring up is used in Eph. 5:29 where it has the meaning of nourish. That might not be the best meaning here, but perhaps it is not a stretch to say that we are to nourish our children in the training and admonition of the Lord. What a challenge this is. And we cannot do this in our own strength. How we must desperately pray for the Lord Jesus Christ to strengthen and guide us. Christian education is a great blessing! But may we not bring shame to our great God by doing this in our own strength.

    3 min
  2. 26/02/2019

    The 14 C Sounds of History, Part 2

    Hello, friends, I am Pastor Calvin Lindstrom with Christian Liberty Academy School System. Welcome to There’s No Place Like Home. Last time, I discussed an overview of Scripture and God’s plan of redemption in terms of 14 C Sounds, an expansion of the 7 C’s of history developed by Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis. I want to review this overview and focus on a few of the points whose significance might not be as obvious.  So let’s review and expand on a few of the points. Creation – Genesis 1  Corruption, the fall of Adam and Eve – Genesis 3  Catastrophe, Noah’s flood – Genesis 6-9  Confusion, The Tower of Babel – Genesis 11.  Covenant, God’s calling and covenant with Abraham – Genesis 12. In the account of Genesis, Abraham’s calling is a new beginning point. The calling of Abraham is a very central part of the story of redemption. It would be through the line of Abraham that the Messiah would come. Circumcision – In Genesis 15 God gave to Abraham a sign of the covenant. The practice of circumcision would be important for almost 2000 years, which explains why there was difficulty for some Jews in the NT to understand that Gentiles did not have to be circumcised to be saved. Commandments – Exodus 20. Certainly an important theme is the relationship of law and grace. We could never be saved through our own obedience to the Law but this doesn’t mean that God gave His law in vain. Kingship – The central chapter in the OT is 2 Samuel 7 and the parallel passage in 1 Chronicles 17. Captivity – 2 Chronicles 36 and the last chapters of Kings shows that God’s promised judgment did come. But through all of this the promise of the Messiah was clarified. Christ – Gospels. We must never forget the cross, but we also must consider as best we can the entire ministry of our Lord, His birth, His circumcision, His baptism, His temptation and entire ministry. Cross – As we think of the cross we also rejoice in the empty tomb. The cross and the resurrection must be celebrated together. Coming of the Spirit, the great day of Pentecost – Acts 2  Cornelius, the Holy Spirit came upon Gentiles showing the unity of Christ’s body – Acts 10:44-48  Consummation, the return of Christ – Titus 2:13-14 and other passages Let us teach our children how all of Scripture so beautifully connects together in presenting God’s great plan of redemption. For Christian Liberty Academy School System, I am Pastor Calvin Lindstrom. To learn more about our ministry, visit

    4 min
  3. 26/02/2019

    The 14 C Sounds of History

    Hello, friends, I am Pastor Calvin Lindstrom with Christian Liberty Academy School System. Welcome to There’s No Place Like Home. A number of years ago, Ken Ham and his ministry Answers in Genesis developed an overview of Scripture and history in a clever way that they called the 7 C’s of history. They even had a nice song to help you memorize them. The Seven C’s were: Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, the Cross, Consummation. Overall this is a great overview, but as I reflected more on it, it moves from Genesis 11 to the Gospels. That is a big jump. And obviously, this outline was not meant say these are the only things you need to know. Anyway, as I reflected on this overview of the Bible, I came up with a way to double the number of categories which would provide a more robust summary of the Bible. So here are the 14 C sounds of history, one of them begins with a “K” but “C” can sound like K in certain words. Creation – Genesis 1  Corruption, the fall of Adam and Eve – Genesis 3  Catastrophe, Noah’s flood – Genesis 6-9  Confusion, The Tower of Babel – Genesis 11  Covenant, God’s calling and covenant with Abraham – Genesis 12  Circumcision, The sign of God’s covenant with Abraham – Genesis 15  Commandments, God gave to Israel a law not for her salvation but to direct her in serving Him – Exodus 20  Kingship, Though the LORD was to be king, Israel wanted an earthly king. God would use the line of kings to prepare the way for the coming of Christ. – 2 Samuel 7  Captivity, This seemed to be the end of God’s promises, but it would not be. There would be restoration and the Messiah would still come – 2 Chronicles 36 Christ - Gospels Cross - Gospels  Coming of the Spirit, the great day of Pentecost – Acts 2  Cornelius, the Holy Spirit came upon Gentiles showing the unity of Christ’s body – Acts 10:44-48  Consummation, the return of Christ – Titus 2:13-14 and other passages Next week I will talk more about this summary. I trust this expansion of the work of Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis will be helpful for you as you teach your children the flow of Scripture and God’s work of redemption. For Christian Liberty Academy School System, I am Pastor Calvin Lindstrom. To learn more about our ministry, visit

    4 min

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