20 épisodes

This podcast is for anyone who is curious about birds and nature and wants to find out more in a casual and accessible way. In these short features, I chat about the fun and interesting things I’ve learnt about birds and the birdy world since I got hooked 5 years ago. Chatting with friends, enthusiasts and experts from the nature conservation sector, this podcast will explore easy ways to identify birds by sight and sound, and take deep dives into specific species, behaviours and funny/interesting facts. I’m hoping these episodes will help you notice and discover more about our feathered friends – especially if you’re curious about the nature around you but are not sure where to take that curiosity. Check out @winginitwithholly on Instagram and @winginitwithholly2198 on YouTube. Artwork is by @cosmiccreativedesigns and the intro/outro music is Outdoors In Summer by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com.

Wingin' It with Holly Holly

    • Sciences

This podcast is for anyone who is curious about birds and nature and wants to find out more in a casual and accessible way. In these short features, I chat about the fun and interesting things I’ve learnt about birds and the birdy world since I got hooked 5 years ago. Chatting with friends, enthusiasts and experts from the nature conservation sector, this podcast will explore easy ways to identify birds by sight and sound, and take deep dives into specific species, behaviours and funny/interesting facts. I’m hoping these episodes will help you notice and discover more about our feathered friends – especially if you’re curious about the nature around you but are not sure where to take that curiosity. Check out @winginitwithholly on Instagram and @winginitwithholly2198 on YouTube. Artwork is by @cosmiccreativedesigns and the intro/outro music is Outdoors In Summer by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com.

    Ep20 - Birdy facts are stranger than fiction

    Ep20 - Birdy facts are stranger than fiction

    My friend Sean joins me on the podcast this week where we swap some fascinating (and very random) birdy facts – including: which species lay eggs the size of coffee beans, what type of bird uses poop as a weapon, and which birds hold the record for being the largest, smallest or fastest in the world!

    • 25 min
    Ep19 - Parrots in London?!

    Ep19 - Parrots in London?!

    There are quite a few theories as to how the bright green parakeets that fly across London and other areas in the south of England got here – did they escape a movie set? Were they released by Jimi Hendrix? And how has this non-native, sub-tropical bird survived so well in the UK? In this episode, my cousin Katie and I discuss the Ring-necked parakeet.RSPB website - Ring-necked parakeet

    • 18 min
    Ep18 - Where have all the birds gone?

    Ep18 - Where have all the birds gone?

    You may have noticed that, here in the UK, a lot of our birds seem to disappear after the summer. But where do they go and why? In spring this year I spoke to my uncle Ivan – who has been birdwatching for 50+ years – about bird migration.Bird Migration on Merchant Ships

    • 32 min
    Ep17 - Should I place the egg in my bra?

    Ep17 - Should I place the egg in my bra?

    As a Wildlife Advisor to the public, my cousin Katie deals with all kinds of birdie queries – whether it’s someone needing help identifying a bird in their garden, someone asking advice on how to help an injured bird, or someone asking what to do with a nest they have found in their shed. Some queries, however, are so funny and bizarre that we wanted to share them with you…

    • 30 min
    Ep16 - Holly in the Highlands

    Ep16 - Holly in the Highlands

    Back in June I spent four weeks living on a remote nature reserve in the Highlands of Scotland for my work sabbatical – where I monitored one of our rarest birds of prey, the Hen Harrier. People kept asking what exactly I was doing and what it entailed, so I recorded this episode to explain…RSPB website - Hen HarrierBecome a Bird of Prey Defender

    • 20 min
    Ep15 - The plight of the Red Kite

    Ep15 - The plight of the Red Kite

    Red Kites are one of our most striking and widespread birds of prey – but did you know they almost went extinct in the UK a few decades ago and we wouldn’t be seeing them now if it wasn’t for a re-introduction programme that took place in the 80s. So in this episode I chat to my aunt Karen who was involved in this work to bring them back from the brink.P.S apologies for the rumbly microphone sounds throughout.RSPB website - Red KiteRSPB website - Red Kite conservation

    • 24 min

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