ACCT 101: Principles of Accounting I

Officially, this course is described as: “Introduces commonly accepted accounting principles as they pertain to external financial reports. This course addresses the accounting cycle, accounting systems, theories and policies relative to asset valuation, liability measurement, and income determination. Emphasis is placed on accounting for sole proprietorships and partnerships. Unofficially, I like to think of it similar to many foreign language course descriptions: “Introduces students to the language of business. Covers the fundamentals of accounting grammar and the development of vocabulary.” I’d like to offer my services as a native-speaking guide to help you learn the language of business. When this course is taught face-to-face, we cover the material in two 1 hour and 45 minute sessions per week. The materials are similar to those used in all of my classes, including the on-line sections. Most people think of an accounting course and associate it with math. Yes, we do use math in this course. But the level of math needed is equivalent to beginning algebra. The math in accounting is easy – it’s all the other stuff that’s hard;-) You’ll find frequent opportunities to practice with and assess your knowledge of the concepts covered in this course. Each chapter contains a quick quiz and there are tests roughly every other chapter. Answer keys for each practice and assessment are provided. The order of the materials may not display in the right sequence on your device even though I tried to put them in the right sequence when I uploaded them. If that causes confusion, I apologize for it. But there is no known way to make all the material items appear in the desired order in all the mobile devices and on the computers.
- CreatorJennifer Reb
- Years Active2011 - 2020
- Episodes287
- Show Website