Big Sky Astrology Podcast

April Elliott Kent
Big Sky Astrology Podcast

Real astrology for real people, from astrologer and author April Elliott Kent. There‘s something for everyone, from total beginners to the astro-savvy! New each Monday.

  1. 3 DAYS AGO

    271 | New Moon in Capricorn: Feeding the Albatross!

    This week, the calendar year winds down with a Capricorn New Moon and a message of care and kindness. Venus enters Pisces, a sign of unconditional love. Irresistible Mars makes the second of three oppositions to immovable Pluto. The Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn, and Mars trine the North Node of the Moon, offer a vision of a dream that is within your grasp. And a listener question about combining transits and secondary progressions when you're looking at your chart. Plus: An albatross, agape, and achievements! Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Make a donation! Timestamps (full show notes at the website) [1:29] Moon Report! The Capricorn New Moon (Dec. 30, 2:27 pm, 09°43’ Capricorn) is on Sabian symbol 10 Capricorn, Albatross feeding from the hand. How will the seeds we plant at this New Moon grow into food for the soul, as well as the body? [3:55] Lunar Phase Family Cycle. Messages from this New Moon are developed over the coming few years, with critical points at the First Quarter on Sep. 29, 2025; the Full Moon on June 29, 2026; the Last Quarter on March 29, 2027. [5:10] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On Dec. 31 (10:02 pm PST), the Moon in Capricorn sextiles Neptune. It's VOC for 4 hours and 48 minutes and enters Aquarius on Jan. 1 (2:50 am PST).  [6:11] On Jan. 2 (8:13 pm PST), the Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus. It's then VOC for 11 hours and 8 minutes (!!!), then enters Pisces on Jan. 3 (7:21 am PST).  [7:30] On Jan. 5 (6:30 am PST), the Moon in Pisces makes a conjunction with Neptune. It's VOC for about four and a half hours, then enters Aries (11:01 am PST).  [8:25] Venus enters Pisces on Jan. 2 (7:24 pm PST, through Feb. 3, 2025). Astrologers consider Venus exalted in Pisces - very strong, and capable of its noblest expression.  [10:50] On Jan. 2 (11:22 pm PST), Mars opposes Pluto at 01º08’ Leo-Aquarius. This is the second of three oppositions between Mars and Pluto. The first was on Nov. 3, 2024, and the next is on April 26, 2025.  [12:45] The Sun sextiles Saturn (Jan. 4, 2:36 pm PST) at 14°49’ Capricorn-Pisces. The Sun's Sabian symbol is 15 Capricorn, Many toys in a children's ward; Saturn's is 15 Pisces, An officer preparing to drill his men.  [14:23] Mars trines the Moon’s North Node at 00°26’ Leo-Aries (Jan. 4, 10:20 pm PST).  [16:45] Listener Paula asks about combining transits and secondary progressions when you're looking at your chart. [23:06] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend! [23:35] A tribute to this week’s donors! You may want to check out Episode 252 for Kirstin and April’s discussion of Pluto in Libra. If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only videos for the coming year, go to and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

    26 min
  2. 23/12/2024

    270 | Jupiter vs Saturn: Legs Spinning in Midair!

    This week, the Sun in Capricorn squares the lunar nodes and marks the critical midpoint between eclipse seasons; the second of three squares from Jupiter to Saturn, with trickster Mercury finishing its own series of aspects to both of those planets; Venus in sparkly Aquarius shakes things up with Uranus. And there is no major lunation this week, but we look at the void-of-course Moon periods and a listener question about what it means for a planet to be strong in your birth chart. Plus: Revealing the shadow, the tyranny of ownership, and conventional wisdom! Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Make a donation! Timestamps [1:47] The Sun squares the Lunar Nodes (Dec. 23, 2:40 am PST). If you feel you’ll never reach the North Node’s brass ring, take heart: the Sun in Capricorn will not accept defeat.  [4:22] Jupiter square Saturn (Dec. 24, 1:59 pm PST) at 14º01’ Gemini-Pisces. It’s the second of three squares in the series (Aug. 19, 2024 and June 15, 2025 are the others). The urge to dare and to risk conflicts with the desire to hold back and protect ourselves. [7:14] Mercury opposes Jupiter (Dec. 26, 2:48 pm PST) at 13º46’ Sagittarius-Gemini, last in a series (Nov. 18, Dec. 4 were the first two). Don’t make assumptions based on common knowledge or how well you believe you know someone. [9:07] Mercury square Saturn (Dec. 26, 11:29 pm PST) at 14º11’ Sagittarius-Pisces on the Sabian symbol 15 Sagittarius, A groundhog looking for its shadow. Themes are caution in revealing too much, and overcoming blockages in communication. [11:20] Venus square Uranus (Dec. 27, 11:42 pm PST) at 23º43’ Aquarius-Taurus. This Venus wants freedom, but be careful what you wish for! But this is a strong aspect for artistic or financial breakthroughs. [13:27] The Moon Report! No major lunation this week – the Capricorn New Moon is next Monday. [13:40] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On Dec. 24 (2:44 am PST), the Moon in Libra trines Venus, is VOC for a whopping 21 hours and 22 minutes (!!!), then enters Scorpio on Dec. 25 (12:06 am PST).  [15:35] On Dec. 27 (6:24 am PST), the Moon in Scorpio trines Neptune. It's VOC for 5 hours 22 minutes before entering Sagittarius (11:46 am PST).  [16:20] On Dec. 29 (3:34 pm PST), the Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune. It's VOC for 5 hours 3 minutes, then enters Capricorn (8:37 pm PST).  [17:34] Listener Jamie asks the musical question, “How can you tell if a planet is ‘strongly placed’ in your chart?” [23:43] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend! [24:46] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only videos over the coming year, go to and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

    27 min
  3. 16/12/2024

    269 | Capricorn Season: Strong Knees and a Thick Skin!

    This week, the Sun makes a sensitive square to Neptune and enters Capricorn for the solstice. One of the loveliest aspects of the year, Venus trine Jupiter, celebrates the love we share with those who "speak our language." The Last Quarter Moon in Libra calls for prioritizing loved ones and collaborating on future goals. And April answers a listener question about using the Sabian symbols with your birth chart. Plus: A battery drain, strong knees and a thick skin, and just say no to excessive holiday socializing! Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Make a donation! Timestamps [1:17] The Sun squares Neptune (Dec. 18, 6:29 am PST) at 27°09’ Sagittarius-Pisces, on the Sabian symbols 28 Sagittarius, An old bridge over a beautiful stream and 28 Pisces, A fertile garden under the Full Moon.  [4:20] Venus trines Jupiter (Dec. 19, 6:11 pm PST) at 14°37’ Aquarius-Gemini, on the Sabian symbols 15 Aquarius, Two lovebirds sitting on a fence and 15 Gemini, Two Dutch children talking. Catch up with friends who "speak your language."  [6:19] On Dec. 21 (1:21 am PST), the Sun enters Capricorn, marking the Winter Solstice (shortest day) in the Northern Hemisphere and the Summer Solstice (longest day) in the Southern Hemisphere.  [7:08] Capricorn season is when we explore our own ambition to rise, to adopt a long-term plan and pursue it day by day.  [8:56] Moon Report! The Libra Last Quarter Moon (Dec. 22, 2:18 pm PST) is at 01°34’ Libra-Capricorn. This is the Last Quarter Moon in the Sagittarius New Moon cycle that began on Nov. 30/Dec. 1.  [11:29] It’s the Last Quarter Moon in the lunar phase family cycle (LPFC) that began with the New Moon on Sep. 25, 2022 (2º48’ Libra). The First Quarter action point in this cycle was on June 26, 2023 (4º29’ Libra), and the Full Moon was on March 25, 2024 (5º07’ Libra).  [13:11] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On Dec. 17 (10:33 am PST), the Moon in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces. It's VOC for 5 hours and 6 minutes, then enters Leeeeoooo (3:39 pm PST). Listen to your gut, literally. [14:32] On Dec. 19 (9:19 pm PST), the Moon in Leo trines the Sun in Sagittarius. It's VOC for 2 hours 18 minutes before entering Virgo (11:37 pm PST). Use this time to initiate a habit of setting time aside to just play.  [16:14] On Dec. 22 (5:27 am PST), the Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. It's VOC for 5 hours 41 minutes, then enters Libra (11:08 am PST). Seek inspiration about how to make you home more organized and your life run more smoothly. [17:50] Listener Elizabeth asks about Sabian symbols in the birth chart. Elsie Wheeler, Marc Edmund Jones, Lynda Hill and James Burgess were mentioned. Here is a link to an explanation of the Sabian symbol’s Karmic and Quest Degrees. Recommended reading: 360 Degrees of Wisdom,  An Astrological Mandala and The Sabian Symbols Brought to Life. [25:13] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend! [25:46] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only videos for the coming year, go to and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

    29 min
  4. 09/12/2024

    268 | Gemini Full Moon: Be Curious and Stay Busy!

    Much quieter skies this week compared to last, other than the chatty Gemini Full Moon. Mercury bids adieu to its latest retrograde period and celebrates with a sweet aspect to Venus. Relationship-oriented Venus and Mars face off in a contentious, but awareness-building opposition. And April answers a listener question about ideas that come our way when Mercury is retrograde – are they all bad? Plus: Cupid, old cases, and the Nike Moon! Timestamps - full show notes here [1:21] Venus opposes Mars (Dec. 12, 2:46 am PST) at 5°58’ Aquarius-Leo.  [4:26] Mercury sextiles Venus (Dec. 12, 11:45 pm PST) at 06°58’ Sagittarius-Aquarius. Mercury is on the Sabian symbol 7 Sagittarius, Cupid knocking at the door. Venus is on 7 Aquarius, A child born of an eggshell.  [6:15] Moon Report! The Gemini Full Moon is on Dec. 15 (1:02 am PST) at 23°52’ Gemini.  [12:26] Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC). This is the Full Moon in the LPFC that began at the New Moon at 26º43’ Gemini (June 17, 2023). The First Quarter Moon of this LPFC was on March 16, 2024; the Last Quarter comes on September 14, 2025, at 21º52’ Gemini. [14:41] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods. On Dec. 9 (12:45 am PST), the Moon conjoins Neptune in Pisces. It's VOC for 4 hours and 53 minutes before it enters Aries (5:38 am PST).  [16:15] On Dec. 10 (2:13 pm PST), the Moon in Aries trines the Sagittarian Sun. It’s VOC for 17 hours, 42 minutes (!!!) before it enters Taurus on Dec. 11 (7:55 am PST).  [17:36] On Dec. 13 (4:39 AM PST), the Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune. It's VOC for 4 hours 42 minutes, then enters Gemini (9:22 am PST).  [18:20] On Dec. 15 (6:32 am PST), the Moon in Gemini squares Neptune. It's VOC for 4 hours and 49 minutes, then enters Cancer (11:21 am PST).  [19:50] Mercury stations direct (Dec. 15, 12:56 pm PST) at 6°23’ Sagittarius on the Sabian symbol, 7 Sagittarius, Cupid knocking at the door.  [23:16] Listener Elliott asks about ideas that come our way when Mercury is retrograde – are they all bad? [27:11] Got a question? Leave a message of one minute or less at or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend! [27:44] A tribute to this week’s donors! Support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only videos for the coming year - go to and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

    30 min
  5. 02/12/2024

    267 | Mars Retrograde: The Warrior Within!

    This week's full planetary agenda includes Venus entering friendly Aquarius, the Sun and Mercury in aspect to Jupiter-Saturn, Mars turning retrograde, and the Pisces First Quarter Moon. With so much to cover, there’s no time for a listener question or a mini-lesson this week, but do be sure to send in your questions for future episodes! Plus: A robust youth, the dream of society, and the acme of cheerful innocence! Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Make a donation! Timestamps [1:49] Venus trines Uranus (Dec. 2, 6:43 am PST) at 24°36’ Capricorn and Taurus.  [4:00] Venus sextiles Neptune (Dec. 4, 10:52 am PST) at 27°08’ Capricorn and Pisces.  [5:28] Venus enters Aquarius (Dec. 6, 10:13 pm PST, until January 2, 2025). [7:19] Venus conjuncts Pluto (Dec. 7, 6:08 am PST) at 00°22’ Aquarius.  [9:11] Mercury conjuncts the Sun (Dec. 5, 6:18 pm PST, 14°27’ Sagittarius). Cazimi was covered in a listener question from Episode 259. Mercury is cazimi between 3:27 pm-9:07 pm PST. [11:04] Mercury opposes Jupiter (Dec. 4, 2:16 am PST, 16°43’ Sag and Gemini. This is the second of three Mercury/Jupiter oppositions (the first was on Nov. 18, the third is on Dec. 26). [12:48] Sun opposes Jupiter (Dec. 7, 12:58 pm PST, 16°15’ Sag. and Gemini).  [14:14]  The Sun squares Saturn on Dec. 4 (8:18 am PST), and Mercury squares it on Dec. 6 (5:53 pm PST).  [15:50] Mars, the warrior planet, stations retrograde (Dec. 6, 3:33 pm PST, 06º10’ Leo, until Feb. 23, 2025) on the Sabian symbol 7 Leo, The constellations in the sky.  [19:34] Neptune stations direct (Dec. 7, 3:43 pm PST, 27°07’ Pisces). It’s been retrograde since July 2, 2024.  [21:31] Moon Report! The Pisces First Quarter Moon is on Dec. 8 (7:27 am PST) at 17º02’ Pisces. The First Quarter Moon is the time to act on intentions that you set forth at the prior New Moon (Nov. 30 Sagittarius New Moon). The First Quarter is when we have to roll up our sleeves and get to work.  [23:48] Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC). This is the First Quarter in the LPFC that began at the March 10, 2024 New Moon, at 20º16’ Pisces. The Full Moon in this cycle comes on Sep. 7, 2025, and the Last Quarter is on June 8, 2026. [24:59] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods for this week. On Dec. 2 (7:47 am PST), the Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune. It’s VOC for 5 hours and 22 minutes and then enters Capricorn (1:09 pm PST).  [26:04] On Dec. 4 (3:34 pm PST), the Moon conjoins Venus in Capricorn. It's VOC for 4 hours 47 minutes and then enters Aquarius (8:21 pm PST).  [27:27] On Dec. 6 (4:01 pm PST), the Moon makes a square to Uranus. It's VOC for 9 hours 47 minutes (!!!) and enters Pisces on Dec. 7 (1:49 am PST).  [28:45] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend! [29:20] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only videos for the coming year, go to and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

    32 min
  6. 25/11/2024

    266 | Sagittarius New Moon: The Goddess of Opportunity!

    This week, Mercury enters its latest retrograde period; the Sun trines feisty Mars and the Moon's North Node; the second New Moon of the calendar month is in Sagittarius, the sign of big dreams and adventures, but its square to Saturn says they won’t come true without some work. And a mini-lesson from March 2023 about Pluto transiting the houses of the birth chart. Plus: Up in a tree, family football, and are you as doomed as you feel? Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Make a donation! Timestamps - Show Notes Here [1:14] Mercury stations retrograde (Nov. 25, 6:42 pm PST) [3:39] The Sun trines the North Node (Nov. 26, 10:32 am PST)  [7:30] The Sun trines Mars (Nov. 27, 12:06 am PST) [8:58] Moon Report! The Sagittarius New Moon (Nov. 30, 10:21 pm PST, 9°32’ Sagittarius). April will be offer a donors-only webinar on the day of this lunation. If you have donated $10 or more to BSA, be on the lookout for an email about the webinar. If you care to join, you can donate just $10 or more here! [11:10] Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC). This New Moon begins a three-year LPFC. The First Quarter comes on Aug. 30, 2025, the Full Moon on May 31, 2026, the Last Quarter on Feb. 27, 2027. [12:45] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On Nov. 24 (9:34 am PST), the Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune. It's VOC for 5 hours 45 minutes and enters Libra on Nov. 25 (3:19 am PST).  [13:36] On Nov. 27 (1:14 am PST), the Moon in Libra sextiles Mercury in Sagittarius. It's VOC for 15 hours 7 minutes (!!!), then enters Scorpio (4:21 pm PST).  [14:29] On Nov. 29 (10:19 pm PST), the Moon in Scorpio trines Neptune. It is VOC for 5 hours 34 minutes, then enters Sagittarius on Nov. 30 (3:53 am PST).  [16:02] Mini-lesson: Pluto transiting the houses of the birth chart from Episode 170. For more, check out April’s book, Astrological Transits. [29:31] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. [30:07] Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend! [30:38] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only YouTube videos for the coming year, go to and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor. READ THE FULL SHOW NOTES HERE!

    33 min
  7. 18/11/2024

    265 | Pluto Enters Aquarius: Tearing Out Drywall!

    This week, a major shift as Pluto leaves Capricorn for the final time and enters Aquarius for 19 years. The Sun enters its hopeful Sagittarius season; its aspects to Neptune and Pluto highlight harmony, healing, and letting go. Mercury opposes Jupiter, so double-check holiday travel plans. As Venus sextiles Saturn, appreciate your mentors and validate those whom you mentor. The Virgo Last Quarter Moon emphasizes purity of purpose and standing up to stormy waves. And a mini-lesson from last year about what Pluto's ingress into Aquarius might mean for us in the coming decades. Plus: Gnarly commutes, tearing out drywall, and harmony is not Pluto’s job. Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Make a donation! Timestamps [1:24] Mercury opposes Jupiter (Nov 18, 12:55 am PST) at 18º47’ Sagittarius-Gemini. The planets are in mutual reception, which could be positive for travel and communication. Be aware that Mercury turns retrograde on Nov. 25; if you’re traveling for the holidays, triple-check your plans and put contingencies in place. [4:06] The Sun trines Neptune (Nov. 18, 6:08 pm PST) at 27º13’ Scorpio-Pisces. Create beauty and harmony, take some time off work, spend time by the water, reach out to loved ones. The Sun is on Sabian symbol 28 Scorpio, The king of the fairies approaching his domain, and Neptune is on 28 Pisces, A fertile garden under the Full Moon. [6:11] Pluto enters Aquarius this week (Nov. 19, 12:40 pm PST, through March 8, 2043). Anna Hull from Episode 254 was mentioned. Pluto has about a 250-year cycle and the Pluto’s last transit through Aquarius included the American Revolutionary War and the French Revolution. [9:00] The Sun enters Sagittarius (Nov. 21, 11:56 am PST). Sagittarius is grateful, hopeful, bright, and optimistic. Its season is a time to give thanks. April will offer a donors-only Sagittarius New Moon discussion on Nov. 30, 2024. If you care to join this and future YouTube videos for donors, just donate $10 or more at! [10:44] Sun sextiles Pluto (Nov. 21, 12:49 pm PST) at 00°02’ Sagittarius-Aquarius. This is an opportunity to rid ourselves of what we no longer need. [12:15] Venus sextiles Saturn (Nov. 22, 3:55 am PST) at 12º44’ Capricorn-Pisces. Show some love to your employees, students, and assistants! [13:50] Moon Report! The Virgo Last Quarter Moon (Nov. 22, 5:27 pm PST) is at 01º14’ Virgo. The Sabian symbol for the Moon is A large white cross upraised and for the Sun, 2 Sagittarius, The ocean covered with white caps. This combination speaks of purity of purpose, the devotional aspect of Virgo, and of standing up to the waves when they come your way. [15:37] Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC). This is the Last Quarter phase in an LPFC that began with the New Moon on Aug. 27, 2022. The First Quarter phase in the cycle was on May 27, 2023, the Full Moon on Feb. 24, 2024. [17:08] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On Nov. 17 (8:08 pm PST), the Moon in Gemini squares Neptune. It's VOC for 4 hours and 41 minutes before it enters Cancer (Nov. 18, 12:49 am Pacific Time). This VOC Moon highlights the need for clearer, sounder, and kinder communication. [18:08] On Nov. 20 (3:20 am PST), the Moon in Cancer trines the Sun in Scorpio. It's VOC for about two and a half hours, then enters Leo (5:51 am PST). Enjoy the gift of restful sleep and perhaps a sweet, dreamy message from someone you love. [19:10] The Moon in Leo squares Uranus on Nov. 22 (5:15 am PST) and is VOC for 9 hours 45 minutes before entering Virgo (3:00 pm PST). Beware of unstable emotions in the workspace or on the highways. [20:56] Mini-lesson from Episode 169 on Pluto in Aquarius. [26:46] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at or email a

    30 min
  8. 11/11/2024

    264 | Taurus Full Moon: Nama'stay In Bed!

    This week, a Taurus Full Moon connecting with Uranus brings startling revelations. Venus enters pragmatic Capricorn and lends motivation to North Node goals. Mercury in Sagittarius gets perspective and discipline from Saturn. The Sun makes a sizzling aspect with Uranus, and April answers a listener question about the ongoing influence of transiting Pluto through the birth chart. Plus: Four men, Moon water, and nama'stay in bed! Read a full transcript of this episode. Full show notes here. Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Make a donation! Timestamps [1:16] Venus enters Capricorn (Nov. 11, 10:26 am PST, through Dec. 6). Put your money to work. Relationships can become more serious when Venus is in Capricorn. [3:35] Mercury squares Saturn (Nov. 12, 5:22 am PST) at 12°42’ Sagittarius-Pisces. Life isn't always fun, there's always work to be done, and there are difficult topics that sometimes have to be handled. [5:16] Saturn stations direct (Nov. 15, 6:21 am PST) at 12°41’ Pisces. It's been retrograde since June 29, 2024. Reality-based fears, depression and maturity are all part of the Saturn archetype.  [8:03] Moon Report! The Taurus Full Moon (Nov. 15, 1:28 pm PST) is at exactly 24°00’ Taurus, in a conjunction with Uranus. The Sabian symbol of the Moon is 24 Taurus, A mounted Indian with scalp locks. The symbol for the Sun at 24 Scorpio is, Crowds coming down the mountain to listen to one man. Sabian symbol expert, Lynda Hill said, when you have a Sabian symbol, look at the symbols that square it and oppose it (24 Leo, An untidy, unkempt man, and 24 Aquarius, A man turning his back on passion, teaching from experience.) Enjoy a view of the beautiful Full Moon. Consider making a batch of Moon Water. [11:14] This is the Full Moon in a lunar phase family cycle that began with a New Moon on May 19, 2023, at 28°25’ Taurus. The First Quarter Moon in this cycle was on Feb. 16, 2024; the Last Quarter is on Aug. 15, 2025. [12:24] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods. On Nov. 11 (10:13 pm PST), the Moon sextiles Pluto. It's VOC for 13 minutes, then enters Aries (10:26 pm PST). Let go of sadness and regret, move toward constructive activities. [13:54] On Nov. 13 (10:50 pm PST), the Moon in Aries squares Pluto. It's VOC for only 9 minutes, and then enters Taurus (10:59 pm PST). Work out that angst, roll out your yoga mat, or better yet, Nama'stay In Bed! [15:09] On Nov. 15 (11:03 pm PST), the Moon in Taurus trines Pluto. It's VOC for 6 minutes, then enters Gemini (11:09 pm PST). So much in life is out of our control, but we can learn to control our own thoughts and feelings.  [16:08] Venus squares the North Node (Nov. 16, 3:03 am PST) at 5°35’ Capricorn-Aries. When a planet is square the nodal axis, it’s said to be at the “bendings” of the nodes.  [18:46] The Sun opposes Uranus (Nov. 16, 6:45 pm PST) at 25°14’ Scorpio-Taurus. Look to others for inspiration on how you can change and improve.  [20:44] An anonymous listener asks about the ongoing influence of transiting Pluto throughout the birth chart. Check out Ep. 113 for a mini-lesson on ordering the planets in your chart by degree. [26:30] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. [27:10] Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend! [27:42] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only YouTube videos for the coming year, go to and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

    31 min
out of 5
7 Ratings


Real astrology for real people, from astrologer and author April Elliott Kent. There‘s something for everyone, from total beginners to the astro-savvy! New each Monday.

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