In December of the year 2000, an unknown male broke into a suburban Tokyo home and killed an entire family. Despite leaving thousands of pieces of evidence in the house, including his clothes, the murder weapon, his DNA, his blood, even his excrement—we are no closer to knowing this man’s identity. There’s no clear motive. And no sign of the case being closed. The Miyazawa family murders are a paradox. They’re a case which has haunted Tokyo police for 22 years now. A case which should be solved. But one which has far more questions than answers.
Unsolved and intriguing
An appalling crime, with many theories to explain it make for an engaging series.
Great journalism
Carefully constructed podcast, sensitively yet honestly broadcast. Harrowing story and hard to believe that the killer could be still walking among us. It’s a gripping account of what happened and stellar investigative journalism. Making my way through episode 6. Beautiful podcast voiceover. Keep doing what you are doing.
Brilliant narrative, carried out with such sensitivity and suspense
Loved it
Listened to the first episode. Safe to say - I’m hooked