342 episodes

Are you ready to supercharge your Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Mandarin Chinese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Mandarin Chinese and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to China? Maybe you want to speak Mandarin Chinese with your friends from Beijing or Shanghai? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse yourself in China.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.


Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese Fluent Fiction Network

    • Education

Are you ready to supercharge your Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Mandarin Chinese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Mandarin Chinese and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to China? Maybe you want to speak Mandarin Chinese with your friends from Beijing or Shanghai? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse yourself in China.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.


    High Stakes and Inner Turmoil: A Night of Poker in Shanghai

    High Stakes and Inner Turmoil: A Night of Poker in Shanghai

    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: High Stakes and Inner Turmoil: A Night of Poker in Shanghai
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 在上海的夏夜,一间灯光昏暗的高级俱乐部里,空气中弥漫着烟雾和低语声。
    En: On a summer night in Shanghai, in a dimly lit upscale club, the air was filled with smoke and whispers.

    Zh: 玻璃杯的碰撞声和扑克牌的洗牌声让气氛更加紧张。
    En: The clinking of glasses and the shuffling of playing cards heightened the tense atmosphere.

    Zh: 李伟是个精明而雄心勃勃的商人。
    En: Li Wei was a shrewd and ambitious businessman.

    Zh: 他喜欢冒险,但内心深处却对自己的社会地位感到不安,害怕失去一切。
    En: He enjoyed taking risks but deep down felt uneasy about his social status, fearing the loss of everything.

    Zh: 这晚,他来到这里是为了参加一场高风险的扑克比赛。
    En: That night, he came to participate in a high-stakes poker game.

    Zh: 他希望通过赢得比赛,获得丰厚的奖金和同行的认可,从而提升自己的地位和信心。
    En: He hoped that by winning the game, he could earn a substantial prize and gain the recognition of his peers, thereby elevating his status and confidence.

    Zh: 张明是一位资深的扑克玩家,背后有着神秘的背景,给人一种冷静而超然的感觉。
    En: Zhang Ming was an experienced poker player with a mysterious background, exuding a calm and detached aura.

    Zh: 传言他几乎无法被击败,但他也有自己的隐秘脆弱。
    En: Rumor had it that he was almost unbeatable, but he too had his own hidden vulnerabilities.

    Zh: 比赛开始了。
    En: The game began.

    Zh: 李伟深吸一口气,决定用激进的策略和冒险的诈唬来扰乱张明。
    En: Li Wei took a deep breath, deciding to use an aggressive strategy and risky bluffs to unsettle Zhang Ming.

    Zh: 他知道,如果能让张明失去冷静,他可能会占上风。
    En: He knew that if he could make Zhang Ming lose his cool, he might gain the upper hand.

    Zh: 然而,他也必须在相信自己的直觉和保守游戏之间做出抉择。
    En: However, he also had to choose between trusting his own intuition and playing conservatively.

    Zh: 第一轮过后,李伟输了不少筹码。
    En: After the first round, Li Wei lost a significant amount of chips.

    Zh: 但他没有放弃,反而更加坚定。
    En: But he did not give up; instead, he became more determined.

    Zh: 他冷静地观察着张明的每一个动作,试图寻找他的弱点。
    En: He calmly observed Zhang Ming's every move, trying to find his weakness.

    Zh: 随着比赛的进行,李伟逐渐找到了节奏。
    En: As the game progressed, Li Wei gradually found his rhythm.

    Zh: 他用一些小的冒险赢回了一些筹码。
    En: He won back some chips with small risks.

    Zh: 当比赛进入最后一手时,所有人都屏住呼吸。
    En: When the game entered the final hand, everyone held their breath.

    Zh: 李伟和张明都选择了全押。
    En: Both Li Wei and Zhang Ming went all-in.

    Zh: 台上每个人的目光都集中在了两人手中的牌上,那是游戏的关键时刻。
    En: All eyes were on the cards in their hands; this was the critical moment of the game.

    Zh: 时间仿佛暂停,空气紧张得仿佛可以切割。
    En: Time seemed to stand still, and the tension in the air was palpable.

    Zh: 李伟的心跳加速,他最终决定相信自己的直觉。
    En: Li Wei's heart raced, but he ultimately decided to trust his intuition.

    Zh: 最后一张牌被翻开时,李伟赢了。
    En: When the final card was revealed, Li Wei won.

    Zh: 他赢得了这场比赛,赚取了巨额奖金,也赢得了围观者的敬佩。
    En: He won the game, earning a large prize and the admiration of the onlookers.

    Zh: 但当他离开俱乐部,走在上海的夜色

    • 15 min
    Li Wei's Bold Step: Turning Hard Work into Opportunity

    Li Wei's Bold Step: Turning Hard Work into Opportunity

    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Li Wei's Bold Step: Turning Hard Work into Opportunity
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 夏天的中午,烈日当头。
    En: At midday in the summer, the sun was blazing overhead.

    Zh: 李伟坐在办公室的窗边,热浪透过大玻璃窗扑面而来,令他感到一丝不安。
    En: Li Wei sat by the office window, heat waves coming through the large glass spread across his face, causing him some unease.

    Zh: 今天是季度业绩评估的日子。
    En: Today was the day for the quarterly performance review.

    Zh: 会议室里,空气中弥漫着紧张的气氛。
    En: In the meeting room, the air was thick with a tense atmosphere.

    Zh: 会议桌上摆满了报表和文件,数字在屏幕上不停地跳动。
    En: The table was filled with reports and documents, and numbers were constantly flashing on the screen.

    Zh: 李伟是个勤奋的员工。
    En: Li Wei was a diligent employee.

    Zh: 他总是第一个到公司,最后一个离开。
    En: He was always the first to arrive at the office and the last to leave.

    Zh: 他的桌上总是堆满了文件,显示他的忙碌和投入。
    En: His desk was always piled with papers, showing his busyness and dedication.

    Zh: 但尽管如此,他的努力却经常被忽视。
    En: Yet despite this, his efforts often went unnoticed.

    Zh: 今天,他抱着一丝希望,希望能得到张敏的认可,获得升职,为家人提供更好的生活。
    En: Today, he held onto a glimmer of hope, hoping to gain recognition from Zhang Min and earn a promotion, so he could provide a better life for his family.

    Zh: 张敏是李伟的经理。
    En: Zhang Min was Li Wei's manager.

    Zh: 她严肃而公正,重视结果。
    En: She was serious and fair, valuing results.

    Zh: 但她也关心团队的整体士气和凝聚力。
    En: But she also cared about the overall morale and cohesion of the team.

    Zh: 在她眼里,李伟是个勤奋的员工,但缺乏领导才能。
    En: In her eyes, Li Wei was a hardworking employee but lacked leadership skills.

    Zh: 李伟知道自己面临着激烈的竞争,其他同事也都在争取同样的机会。
    En: Li Wei knew he faced fierce competition, as other colleagues were also vying for the same opportunity.

    Zh: 会议一开始,张敏点了点头,示意李伟坐下。
    En: As the meeting began, Zhang Min nodded and motioned for Li Wei to sit down.

    Zh: 屏幕上开始展示李伟的业绩,数字一一罗列,显示他的辛勤付出。
    En: The screen began displaying Li Wei’s performance, with numbers listed one by one, showing his diligent efforts.

    Zh: 然而,张敏的语气依然严肃:“李伟,你的工作是踏实的。
    En: However, Zhang Min's tone remained serious: "Li Wei, your work is steady.

    Zh: 但最近一个项目并不理想。
    En: But the recent project didn't go well.

    Zh: 究竟发生了什么?
    En: What exactly happened?"

    Zh: ”李伟深吸一口气,这是关键时刻。
    En: Li Wei took a deep breath; this was a crucial moment.

    Zh: 他不能再保持沉默。
    En: He couldn't remain silent any longer.

    Zh: 他摆正姿势,直视张敏的眼睛:“张经理,这个项目确实遇到了一些困难。
    En: He straightened his posture and looked Zhang Min in the eye: "Manager Zhang, this project did encounter some difficulties.

    Zh: 但我们最终还是达到了主要目标。
    En: But we eventually achieved the main goals.

    Zh: 这都是团队的努力。
    En: This was all due to the team’s efforts.

    Zh: 而我是项目的负责人,负责协调每一个环节。
    En: And as the project leader, I was responsible for coordinating every part."

    Zh: ”张敏静静地听着,眼神中透出一丝思考的神色。
    En: Zhang Min listened quietly, a pensive look in her eyes.

    Zh: 她点了点头,示意李伟继续说下去。
    En: She nodded, signali

    • 17 min
    From Plans to Joy: How a Neighborhood BBQ United Us All

    From Plans to Joy: How a Neighborhood BBQ United Us All

    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: From Plans to Joy: How a Neighborhood BBQ United Us All
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 夏天的一个早晨,阳光明媚,鸟儿在歌唱,
    En: One summer morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the birds were singing.

    Zh: 北京的一个高档社区里,细致的夏雨正在计划一场完美的烧烤活动。
    En: In an upscale neighborhood in Beijing, meticulous Xia Yu was planning a perfect barbecue event.

    Zh: 她希望通过这场烧烤让邻居们更加团结和睦。
    En: She hoped this barbecue would bring the neighbors closer together.

    Zh: 夏雨喜欢把事情安排得井井有条。
    En: Xia Yu liked to organize things meticulously.

    Zh: 她早早列出了购物清单,列出了肉类、海鲜、蔬菜和调味品的细节。
    En: She had made a shopping list early, detailing the meats, seafood, vegetables, and condiments she needed.

    Zh: 夏雨的朋友美琳是个随和的人,她认为不需要太多计划,只要能和朋友们在一起就好。
    En: Xia Yu's friend Meilin was an easygoing person who believed that as long as everyone was together, detailed plans weren't necessary.

    Zh: 还有浩然,他是个务实的人,总是在朋友之间调解矛盾。
    En: Then there was Haoran, a pragmatic individual who always mediated conflicts among friends.

    Zh: 这天早上,三人准备去附近的市场采买。
    En: That morning, the three of them planned to go shopping at the nearby market.

    Zh: 进入市场后,美琳建议说:“我们可以多买一些水果和饮料。”
    En: Upon entering the market, Meilin suggested, "We could buy more fruits and drinks."

    Zh: 夏雨摇了摇头,“我们得严格按照计划来,预算有限。”
    En: Xia Yu shook her head, "We need to stick to the plan; our budget is limited."

    Zh: 浩然看了一眼长长的购物清单,微微点头表示同意。
    En: Haoran glanced at the lengthy shopping list and nodded in agreement.

    Zh: 可是到了市场后,他们发现许多必需的食材都缺货了。
    En: However, when they arrived at the market, they discovered that many essential ingredients were out of stock.

    Zh: 夏雨的计划遇到了巨大的挑战。
    En: Xia Yu's plan faced a significant challenge.

    Zh: 她皱起眉头,说:“如果这些东西买不到,我们的烧烤就无法开展了。”
    En: She frowned and said, "If we can't buy these things, our barbecue can't go on as planned."

    Zh: 美琳笑着说:“别担心,我们可以尝试一些新的食谱,照样可以办好烧烤。”
    En: Meilin smiled and said, "Don't worry, we can try some new recipes and still have a great barbecue."

    Zh: 夏雨犹豫了一下,不太情愿地说:“可是这样会偏离计划。”
    En: Xia Yu hesitated and unwillingly said, "But that would deviate from the plan."

    Zh: 浩然拍了拍她的肩膀,说:“有时候,变化也是好的,我们可以找到新的乐趣。”
    En: Haoran patted her on the shoulder and said, "Sometimes, change can be good. We might find new enjoyment."

    Zh: 三人开始挑选替代的食材。
    En: The three of them started selecting alternative ingredients.

    Zh: 美琳找到了新鲜的水果和蔬菜,浩然挑选了一些新的酱料和调味品。
    En: Meilin found fresh fruits and vegetables, and Haoran picked out some new sauces and condiments.

    Zh: 尽管这些不是夏雨原计划的一部分,但大家的共同努力让她感到了一丝兴奋。
    En: Although these were not part of Xia Yu's original plan, the collective effort of everyone stirred a bit of excitement in her.

    Zh: 回到社区后,邻居们已经聚集在公共区域。
    En: Upon returning to the community, the neighbors were already gathered in the public area.

    Zh: 大家开始忙碌起来,布置桌子、点燃烤炉。
    En: Everyone got busy setting up tables and lighting

    • 16 min
    Airport Encounter: A Heartwarming Tale of Gifts and Gratitude

    Airport Encounter: A Heartwarming Tale of Gifts and Gratitude

    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Airport Encounter: A Heartwarming Tale of Gifts and Gratitude
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 在北京首都国际机场的免税店,夏天的阳光透过大窗户照进来,照亮了店里的每一个角落。
    En: At the duty-free shop of Beijing Capital International Airport, the summer sunlight streamed through the large windows, illuminating every corner of the store.

    Zh: 拥挤的人群中,明和佳都在为各自的重要任务而忙碌。
    En: Amid the bustling crowd, Ming and Jia were busy with their respective important tasks.

    Zh: 明是一个35岁的商人,他经常出差,这次他要回家。
    En: Ming, a 35-year-old businessman, traveled frequently and was on his way home this time.

    Zh: 明的女儿喜欢各种漂亮的小东西,所以他决定在免税店给她买一件特别的礼物。
    En: His daughter loved all kinds of beautiful little things, so he decided to buy her a special gift from the duty-free shop.

    Zh: 他走过香水柜台、饼干区,最后来到丝绸围巾的展示区。
    En: He walked past the perfume counter and the cookie area, finally arriving at the silk scarf display section.

    Zh: 佳是一位30岁的自由摄影师,刚刚完成一次拍摄任务,准备回家。
    En: Jia, a 30-year-old freelance photographer, had just finished a photography assignment and was also preparing to return home.

    Zh: 她妈妈喜欢收集特殊的小饰品,于是佳也决定在免税店里找到一个合适的纪念品。
    En: Her mother loved collecting unique little accessories, so Jia decided to find an appropriate souvenir in the duty-free shop.

    Zh: 她看中了丝绸围巾,因为这是充满北京特色的传统手工艺品。
    En: She was drawn to the silk scarves, as they were traditional handicrafts filled with Beijing's distinctive charm.

    Zh: 当明和佳同时看到一条美丽的丝绸围巾时,他们的眼中都闪烁着光芒。
    En: When Ming and Jia simultaneously spotted a beautiful silk scarf, their eyes lit up.

    Zh: 这是一条罕见的围巾,图案独特,颜色鲜艳。
    En: It was a rare scarf with a unique pattern and vibrant colors.

    Zh: 可是,店里只剩下这一条。
    En: However, there was only one scarf left in the shop.

    Zh: 明心想:“这真是我女儿的完美礼物,就这条了。
    En: Ming thought, "This is the perfect gift for my daughter; it's got to be this one."

    Zh: ”他伸手想拿。
    En: He reached out his hand to take it.

    Zh: 佳也想:“妈妈一定会喜欢这条围巾,太符合她的品味了!
    En: Jia also thought, "My mother would definitely love this scarf; it perfectly suits her taste!"

    Zh: ”她也伸出手去。
    En: She also reached out her hand.

    Zh: 他们的手指几乎同时触碰到围巾。
    En: Their fingers almost touched the scarf at the same time.

    Zh: 明和佳对望了一眼,气氛有些尴尬,但他们都很礼貌。
    En: Ming and Jia glanced at each other, the atmosphere slightly awkward yet polite.

    Zh: 明冲佳笑笑,说:“对不起,我想给我女儿买这条围巾。
    En: Ming smiled at Jia and said, "I'm sorry, I want to buy this scarf for my daughter."

    Zh: ”佳温柔地回笑道:“没关系。
    En: Jia softly smiled back and replied, "It's okay.

    Zh: 我也很想给我妈妈带回去,但看起来你更需要它。
    En: I also want to bring it back for my mother, but it seems you need it more."

    Zh: ”明想了想,真诚地说:“不如这样,我买这条围巾,你可以拍张照片留作纪念。
    En: Ming thought for a moment and sincerely said, "How about this: I'll buy the scarf, and you can take a photo of it as a keepsake."

    Zh: ”佳犹豫了一下,觉得这是个不错的主意。
    En: Jia hesitated for a moment and thought it was a good idea.

    Zh: 她点头道:“好啊,那就这么办。
    En: S

    • 14 min
    Forbidden City Shenanigans: Summer's Ultimate TikTok Adventure

    Forbidden City Shenanigans: Summer's Ultimate TikTok Adventure

    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Forbidden City Shenanigans: Summer's Ultimate TikTok Adventure
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 紫禁城的夏天, 天空湛蓝,阳光灿烂。
    En: The summer at the Forbidden City featured a clear blue sky and brilliant sunshine.

    Zh: 美、欣和晨,三个表兄妹并肩走在宫殿间,假扮成普通游客。
    En: Mei, Xin, and Chen, three cousins, walked side by side among the palaces, pretending to be ordinary tourists.

    Zh: 美是个冒险的女孩,总是寻求刺激。
    En: Mei was an adventurous girl, always seeking thrills.

    Zh: 这次,她的目标是一个私人区域,完成抖音挑战。
    En: This time, her target was a restricted area to complete a TikTok challenge.

    Zh: 欣是个谨慎的人,总想保护大家,但也想证明自己可以很有趣。
    En: Xin was a cautious person who always wanted to protect everyone but also wanted to prove she could be fun.

    Zh: 晨是个技术达人,喜欢社交媒体,这次挑战正是他的主意。
    En: Chen was a tech whiz who loved social media; this challenge was his idea.

    Zh: 美兴奋地说道:“我们一定要拍个爆红的视频!”
    En: Mei excitedly said, "We have to film a viral video!"

    Zh: 欣犹豫地看着她,“但那是私人区域,被抓可麻烦了。”
    En: Xin looked at her hesitantly, "But that's a restricted area, getting caught could cause trouble."

    Zh: 晨笑着说:“别担心,我已经查到警卫的巡逻时间了。我们只要小心点就行。”
    En: Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, I've already checked the guards' patrol times. We just need to be careful."

    Zh: 他们三人穿越人群,向禁区走去。
    En: The three of them wove through the crowd towards the forbidden zone.

    Zh: 紫禁城的建筑雄伟壮丽,雕刻精美的宫墙和静谧的庭院,散发着古老的魅力。
    En: The buildings of the Forbidden City were grand and magnificent, with exquisitely carved palace walls and serene courtyards, exuding an ancient charm.

    Zh: 他们找到一个无人看守的小门。
    En: They found a small, unattended gate.

    Zh: 晨拿出手机,点开抖音直播。
    En: Chen took out his phone and opened a TikTok live stream.

    Zh: “大家好,我们现在在紫禁城,准备挑战私人区域!”他说道。
    En: "Hi everyone, we're at the Forbidden City, about to challenge a restricted area!" he said.

    Zh: 美深吸一口气,拉着欣进了门。
    En: Mei took a deep breath and pulled Xin through the door.

    Zh: 欣小声嘀咕:“这太冒险了。”
    En: Xin murmured softly, "This is too risky."

    Zh: 他们顺着小路,进入一个安静的庭院。
    En: They followed a small path into a quiet courtyard.

    Zh: 美举起手机,激动地开始录视频。
    En: Mei lifted her phone, excitedly starting to record the video.

    Zh: 就在这时,突然有一个警卫出现在他们面前。
    En: Just then, a guard suddenly appeared in front of them.

    Zh: 三人惊慌失措,停住了脚步。
    En: The three of them panicked and froze in place.

    Zh: 警卫慢吞吞地走近,露出一个笑容:“你们这么大胆啊,不怕被抓吗?”
    En: The guard slowly approached with a smile, "You kids are quite bold, aren't you afraid of getting caught?"

    Zh: 美吞了吞口水,“我们只是想拍个视频。”
    En: Mei swallowed hard, "We just wanted to film a video."

    Zh: 警卫哈哈大笑,“我也是抖音的粉丝,别怕。我可以帮你们完成挑战,但是要小心。”
    En: The guard laughed heartily, "I'm a fan of TikTok too. Don't worry. I can help you complete the challenge, but be careful."

    Zh: 三人又惊又喜,连忙感谢警卫的好意。
    En: The three were both surprised and delighted, quickly thanking the guard for his kindness.

    Zh: 在警卫的帮助下,他们顺利完成了挑战,并拍到了那段

    • 14 min
    Finding Balance: A Tale of Friendship and Exam Stress Relief

    Finding Balance: A Tale of Friendship and Exam Stress Relief

    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Finding Balance: A Tale of Friendship and Exam Stress Relief
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 盛夏的一个午后,阳光透过咖啡馆的大窗洒进来,温暖了房间的每一个角落。
    En: One midsummer afternoon, sunlight streamed through the large windows of the café, warming every corner of the room.

    Zh: 自由人咖啡馆是名和美最喜欢的地方,这里不仅安静,还有免费的Wi-Fi。
    En: The Free Spirit Café was the favorite spot for Ming and Mei, not only because it was quiet, but also because it had free Wi-Fi.

    Zh: 名是一个勤奋的学生,为了保持他的奖学金,他一直在拼命地学习。
    En: Ming was a diligent student who was working hard to maintain his scholarship.

    Zh: 今天,他在一个角落里坐着,桌上堆满了教材、笔记和考卷。
    En: Today, he sat in a corner, with textbooks, notes, and exam papers piled high on the table.

    Zh: 可尽管如此,他内心充满了焦虑和压力。
    En: Despite this, he was filled with anxiety and stress.

    Zh: 他知道期末考试就要到了,而他必须取得优异的成绩。
    En: He knew that final exams were approaching, and he needed to achieve excellent grades.

    Zh: 但是,最近他的压力越来越大,
    En: However, recently his stress had been increasing.

    Zh: 往往是熬夜学习到深夜,内心却越发不安。
    En: He often stayed up late studying, but the more he did, the more uneasy he felt.

    Zh: 美坐在另一张桌子旁,悠闲地翻着一本小说。
    En: Mei sat at another table, leisurely flipping through a novel.

    Zh: 美是名的同学,也是他的朋友。
    En: Mei was Ming's classmate and also his friend.

    Zh: 她天资聪颖,学习起来轻松自如,从来不用像名那样辛苦。
    En: She was naturally gifted, and studying seemed easy for her; she never had to work as hard as Ming.

    Zh: 她看名的样子,不禁有些担心。
    En: Seeing Ming in such a state, Mei couldn't help but feel concerned.

    Zh: “名,你还好吗?”美放下小说,关切地问道。
    En: "Ming, are you okay?" Mei put down her novel and asked with concern.

    Zh: 名抬起头,勉强笑了笑,“没事,只是有点累罢了。”
    En: Ming looked up and forced a smile. "I'm fine, just a bit tired."

    Zh: 美轻轻皱了皱眉,说:“你不能一直这样下去。你知道太过劳累对身体不好。”
    En: Mei frowned slightly and said, "You can't keep going like this. You know overworking is bad for your health."

    Zh: 名摇摇头,继续低头看书。“我没有办法停下来。如果我不努力,我可能会失去奖学金。”他的声音里夹杂着一丝紧张。
    En: Ming shook his head and continued burying his head in his books. "I can't stop. If I don't work hard, I might lose my scholarship." His voice carried a trace of tension.

    Zh: 美走到名的桌子旁,坐了下来。“但你也要照顾好自己。学习固然重要,但健康更重要。”
    En: Mei walked over to Ming's table and sat down. "But you also need to take care of yourself. Studying is important, but health is more important."

    Zh: 名停下了笔,颓然地靠在椅背上。“我知道,可是我也不知道怎么办才好。我真的很怕考不好。”
    En: Ming put down his pen and leaned back in his chair dejectedly. "I know, but I don't know what else to do. I'm really scared of not doing well in the exams."

    Zh: 美温柔地拍拍他的肩膀。“我们都有过这种感觉。其实,我有个方法,也许可以帮到你。”
    En: Mei gently patted his shoulder. "We've all felt that way. Actually, I have an idea that might help you."

    Zh: 名疑惑地看着她。“什么方法?”
    En: Ming looked at her in confusion. "What idea?"

    Zh: 美笑了笑,说:“你要找平衡。太过用力只会让你疲惫不堪。

    • 19 min

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