Pushing The Envelope: Music Decidedly Left Center

Joel Krutt
Pushing The Envelope: Music Decidedly Left Center

Host: Joel Krutt 34+ years of bringing you the finest in the outer realms of contemporary music; from the worlds of classical, experimental, rock, jazz, ambient, electroacoustic, world music, spoken word, etc., etc., etc...…with a healthy dollop of new/classic progressive rock and jazz/rock fusion.

  1. 1 DAY AGO

    2-22-25 Pushing The Envelope: Music Decidedly Left of Center

    Greetings! What's New?  Most of today's program, that's what. In addition, we remember King Crimson percussionist Jamie Muir who recently passed and there's a bit of Sunn 0))) thrown in for good measure. Enjoy! Joel e-mail: pushingtheenvelopewhus@gmail.com Blue Sky: https://bsky.app/profile/envpusher1.bsky.social    2-22-25 PTE Playlist   Alien Fig Yogurt Incident /  origins #5 [pelso mix] - Geiger von Müller - Alien Fig Yogurt Incident (single, A & B sides) - digital release (2024) https://geigervon.bandcamp.com/album/alien-fig-yogurt-incident    Roxa (Purple) I / Terra da Garoa (Land of Drizzle) - Nick Storring - Mirante (Lookout) - We Are Busy Bodies - (March 2025) https://nickstorring.bandcamp.com/album/mirante    The Talking Drum / Larks Tongues in Aspic, Part II (Steven Wilson 2023 Stereo Mixes) - Larks Tongues in Aspic - Larks’ Tongues In Aspic - The Complete Recording Sessions - DGM (2023) https://www.dgmlive.com/news/a-tribute-to-jamie-from-bill-bruford    Impression du dehors - Torche! - 8 NOTIONS OF RELAXATION - Circum-Disc (2025) https://circum-disc.bandcamp.com/album/8-notions-de-d-tente    J'espère être absoute (I hope to be absolved) /  Affalée sur le sol (Slumped on the ground) - composer: Nour Symon /words: Roxane Desjardins - je suis calme et enragé•e (I am calm and enraged) - Ambiances Magnétiques (March 2025) https://ambiances-magnetiques.bandcamp.com/album/je-suis-calme-et-enrag-e    White Out - John Oliver - John Oliver Live at Red Gate - John Oliver Music (2025) https://johnolivermusic.bandcamp.com/album/john-oliver-live-at-red-gate    Date Night - Jeff Myers - Goodnight - Neuma Records (2025) https://jeffmyers.bandcamp.com/album/goodnight-2    Alice - Sunn 0))) - Monoliths & Dimensions - Southern Lord (2009) https://sunn.bandcamp.com/album/monoliths-dimensions    4AM - David Walraff - Insomnia - cassette/digital self-release (2025) https://davidwallraf.bandcamp.com/album/insomnia    VII - IS-CAT - DRONE//AMBIENT - digital release (2024) https://is-cat.bandcamp.com/album/drone-ambient

    1h 59m
  2. 6 MAR

    2-8-25 Pushing The Envelope: Music Decidedly Left of Center - - Mad Libs: acoustic instrument & non-instrument

    Greetings! I treated this episode of PTE as if I were filling in required words needed to complete a Mad Libs, a word game that might be categorized as a phrasal template game. In order to create today's playlist, the compositions required the inclusion of an acoustic instrument & a non-instrument such as electronics, tape, digital delay, computer, etc.  Enjoy! Joel e-mail: pushingtheenvelopewhus@gmail.com Blue Sky: https://bsky.app/profile/envpusher1.bsky.social      2-8-25 PTE Playlist: - Mad Libs: acoustic instrument & non-instrument    Kagemusha: for pipa and electronics - Ningxin Zhang - Musicworks #148 - Musicworks (2024) https://www.musicworks.ca/winners-2023-musicworks-electronic-music-composition    Dialogue I for voice and live electronics (2021) - improvisation by Kate Soper & Sam Pluta - The Understanding of All Things - New Focus Recordings (2022) https://newfocusrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/the-understanding-of-all-things   Toccata for percussion and tape - percussion: Beverley Johnston / composer: Gary Kulesha - Alternate Currents - Centredisques (1992) https://beverleyjohnston.com/    Talkback IV for piano and computer - piano: Kathleen Suppove / composer-electronics: Guy Barash - Eye To Ivory - Starkland (2019) https://starkland.org/catalog/st233/    Coeur d'Orr for clarinet and two-channel tape, sculptor Eric Orr - clarinet: Daniel Goode / tape - composer: Harold Budd - Frog Peak Music (2002) https://frogpeak.org/fpartists/fpgoode.html    Lonesome Dove - a true story, micro-opera for tenor saxophonist, watcher & portable darkness - tenor saxophone: Geoff Landman / watcher: Umber Qureshi / composer: Richard Cameron-Wolfe - Passionate Geometries - New Focus Recordings (2024) https://newfocusrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/passionate-geometries    Another Shore for celesta and digital delay - celesta and digital delay: Philip Schroeder - Cold Blue Two (an original anthology) - Cold Blue Music (2012) https://coldbluemusic.bandcamp.com/album/cold-blue-two-an-original-anthology    Heroin arranged by David Lang for cello, voice & electronics - cello: Maya Beiser / composer: Lou Reed - tranceclassical - Innova (2016) https://www.innova.mu/albums/maya-beiser/tranceclassical    Violin Phase (1967) for violin and pre-recorded tape - violin: Shem Guibbory / composer: Steve Reich - From The Kitchen Archives No. 2: Steve Reich & Musicians, Live 1977 - Orange Mountain Music (2005) https://stevereich.com/composition/violin-phase/    Music for Player Piano (and computer) - James Tenney - Selected Works 1961-1969 - New World Records (2003) https://www.newworldrecords.org/collections/james-tenney/products/james-tenney-selected-works-1961-1969    Lowland Side (excerpt) - M.C. Schmidt - Batu Malablab Suite for Prepared Piano, Flute and Electronics - digital release (2014) https://matmos.bandcamp.com/album/batu-malablab-suite-for-prepared-piano-flute-and-electronics

    1h 59m
  3. 3 MAR

    2-1-25 Pushing The Envelope: Music Decidedly Left of Center

    Greetings! This week is a real hodgepodge of new releases, new acquisitions for me and some older things i dragged out of mothballs both on the shelf and from the hard drive. Enjoy! Joel e-mail: pushingtheenvelopewhus@gmail.com Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/envpusher1.bsky.social    2-1-25 PTE Playlist   Insomnio - Jon Nelson & Metalofonico / composer: Jon Nelson - Metalofonico: New Music For Brass & Percussion - New Focus Recordings (2024) https://newfocusrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/metalofonico    There Is No Division - Simon Heartfield - The State of Social Movement - Machine Records (2025 April pre-release) https://machinerecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-state-of-social-movement-2    Naturall Occuring Brushstrokes - missing scenes - dream or memory? - digital release (2025) https://missingscenes.bandcamp.com/album/dream-or-memory    Lullaby for Piano and Electronics - David Handler - Life Like Violence - Cantaloupe Music (2025 May pre-release) https://davidhandler.bandcamp.com/album/life-like-violence    Track 6 (Your Eyes Are Like A Cup Of Tea (Reprise With Flute)) - The Pipes of Pan at Jajouka - Brian Jones presents The Pipes of Pan at Jajouka - Point Music / Phillips (1971/1995) https://www.joujouka.org/brian-jones-in-morocco-ugly-things-feature-on-the-rolling-stones-guitarists-recordings-in-joujouka/    Alchemy II: Dreamland - Loop 2.4.3 (Thomas Kozumplik / Lorne Watson) - American Dreamland - Music Starts From Silence (2012) https://musicstartsfromsilence.bandcamp.com/album/american-dreamland    Trance - Bill Frisell / Victor Bruce Godsey / Brian Ales - American Blood - Safety In Numbers - Intuition (1995)    Soliloquy & Rondo - flute: Lyndsey Goodman / piano: Clare Longendyke / composer: Richard E. Brown - In The Company of Music - Navona Records (2024) https://www.navonarecords.com/catalog/nv6656    Variations For Flute And Electronic Sound - Wendy Carlos - Electronic Sound (compilation) - Turnabout (1965) https://www.wendycarlos.com/    Variations sur une Flûte mexicaine [Variations on a Mexican flute] (1949) - Pierre Schaeffer - Œuvres 1948-1952 - NA grm (2023) https://pierreschaeffer.bandcamp.com/album/uvres-1948-1952    Boiled Cadillac - Emily Hay, flute / Wayne Peet, piano / Brad Dutz, percussion - Like Minds - PfMentum (2005) https://emilyhay.com/    Amores Montuños (Mountain Loves) - Duo Zuber: Patricia Zuber, flute / Greg Zuber, marimba / William Susman, composer - Blackbird Redux - belarca records (2018) https://belarca.com/releases/blackbird-redux.php    Lila for flute, bass flute and contrabass flute - flute: Claire Chase / composer: Dai Fujikura - Density 2036: part iii (2015) - Corbett vs. Dempsey (2020) https://clairechase.bandcamp.com/album/density-2036-part-iii-2015    Flute Drone (excerpt) - Mean Flow - Flute Drone - digital release (2016)  https://meanflow.bandcamp.com/album/flute-drone-2

    1h 59m
  4. 7 FEB

    1-25-25 Pushing The Envelope: Music Decidedly Left of Center

    Greetings! This week's program has no particular theme, rhyme or reason outside of including some brand new things which reminded me tonally of not so new things which allowed me to fill up Phases One & Two. Enjoy! Joel e-mail: pushingtheenvelopewhus@gmail.com Blue Sky: https://bsky.app/profile/envpusher1.bsky.social Twitter-like x-thing: https://twitter.com/envpusher1     1-25-25 PTE Playlist   Perihelion - Forrest Fang - Perihelion - Projekt Records (2025) https://projektrecords.bandcamp.com/album/perihelion    Reborn 02 - Marikhi (Sandro Mishelashvili) - Reborn - digital release (2024) https://marikhi.bandcamp.com/album/reborn    Crawl Inside a Bell - Joseph White - (The Game is) Hypnosis - Gold Bolus Recordings (2025) https://joewhitenoise.bandcamp.com/album/the-game-is-hypnosis     ⦁ limbo - Heavy Cloud ⦁ Collins Avenue - Joel Krutt ⦁ Der heilige Kotstein [The holy poop stone] (feat. der vegane Profistuhler / the vegan professional chair maker) -  R​ö​tK​ö​t ⦁ Geese flapping in the kitchen - CIRM⦁ Die geheimen Tennispl​ä​tze der Reichen (the secret tennis courts of the rich) - Monad Node 42 Seconds Vol. 7 - Owlripper Records (2024) https://owlripperrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/42-seconds-7    Tank - Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Rhino (1970) https://www.emersonlakepalmer.com/    Through A Lens - Imaginary Kings - Dreams from an Empty House - digital release (2024) https://imaginarykings.bandcamp.com/album/dreams-from-an-empty-house    Medenas Suite: I Felt The Shosh / Wind Games / Im falschen Orus (In the wrong Orus) / Verloren (Lost) / Sis Siddis - Avant Orchid Zone - Medena Dysrembara - digital release (2024)  https://avantorchidzone.bandcamp.com/album/medena-dysrembara    Chichen Itza - Dennis Egberth - The Dennis Egberth Dynasty - 577 Records (2025) https://577records.bandcamp.com/album/the-dennis-egberth-dynasty    Lessons of the Sky - soprano sax: Kyle Jones / piano: Timothy Jones / composer: Rodney Rogers - Dualities - Neuma Records (2024) https://kylejonessax.bandcamp.com/album/dualities    Oumagatoki (Oumaga Time)  - Yoshiko Sai - Mangkeyou - WeWantSounds (1975/2024) https://wewantsounds.bandcamp.com/merch/yoshiko-sai-mangekyou-cd-edition    Just Imaginings - Wendy Carlos - Beauty In The Beast - Audion (1986) https://www.wendycarlos.com/+bitb.html     touch the sky - David Beardsley - klang and the silver cord - digital release (2023) https://davidbeardsley.bandcamp.com/album/klang-and-the-silver-cord    Exploring Psychic Powers Live - Bicycle Deck - Telepathic Table Games - digital release (2025) https://bicycledeck.bandcamp.com/album/telepathic-table-games    The Zen of Space - Zakir Hussain - The Elements: Space - Music Today (1995) https://zakirhussain.com/

    1h 59m
  5. 19 JAN

    1-4-25 Pushing The Envelope: Music Decidedly Left of Center - The Most Interesting Releases of 2024, Part 2

    Greetings! For your listening pleasure, the 1/4 edition of Pushing The Envelope, bringing you the second of two programs presenting tracks from the releases I found most interesting in 2024!Listen & Enjoy! https://envelope.podbean.com/e/1-4-25-pushing-the-envelope-music-decidedly-left-of-center-the-most-interesting-releases-of-2024-part-2/?token=f5ee23292984e78feea5b98cf29c2cef Joele-mail: pushingtheenvelopewhus@gmail.com Blue Sky: https://bsky.app/profile/envpusher1.bsky.social Twitter-like x-thing: https://twitter.com/envpusher1 Podbean: https://envelope.podbean.com/    1-4-25 PTE Playlist - The Most Interesting Releases of 2024, Part 2   You Made Me Miss - Benjamin Croft - We Are Here To Help - Galactic Receiver (2024) https://www.benjamincroftmusic.com/    DVXNS: Mvmts. 1-3 (Directo & Reverso) - Dan Roman and Cuarteto Latinoamericano - DVXNS - Neuma Records (2024) https://danroman.bandcamp.com/album/dvxns    13_16 / 11_16 - Valley Lines - 13_16 - Machine Records (2024) https://machinerecords.bandcamp.com/album/13-16    All I Know - Steve Roach - One Day of Forever - Projekt (2024) https://steveroach.bandcamp.com/album/one-day-of-forever    The Pat & Jerry Show - Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Jonathan Sheffer composer & conductor / Daniel Barrett, baritone; Adam Maxey, bass baritone / Text adapted from a broadcast of The 700 Club - Four Ten-Minute Operas - Navona (2024) https://www.navonarecords.com/catalog/nv6610/    Strange Ukelele / Conscience / Objets - Martin Tétreault - Vraiment plus de Snipettes !!! - AMBIANCES MAGNÉTIQUES (2024) https://actuellecd.com/en/album/6706-vraiment-plus-de-snipettes   Miramere / Love Is The Light - Big, Big Train - The Likes of Us - InsideOut Music (2024) https://bigbigtrain.bandcamp.com/album/the-likes-of-us-24-bit-hd-audio    Dance of the Fungi - Sam Wilson - Wintertides - self-release (2024) https://samwilsonmusiq.bandcamp.com/album/wintertides    No. 7 (Nilan) - Dun-Dun Band - Pita Parka Pt. 1 : Xam Egdub - Ansible Editions (2024) https://kunudusuvuntu.bandcamp.com/album/pita-parka-pt-i-xam-egdub    Markus Reuter & Stefano Castagna - Sea of Hopeless Angels - Flatiron Records (2024) https://markusreuterflatiron.bandcamp.com/album/sea-of-hopeless-angels    Echad Mi Yodea - Teiku - Teiku - 577 Records (2024) https://577records.bandcamp.com/album/teiku

    1h 59m
  6. 16 JAN

    12-28-24 Pushing The Envelope: Music Decidedly Left of Center - Solstice

    Greetings! The winter solstice, or hibernal solstice, occurs when either of Earth's poles reaches its maximum tilt away from the sun. This happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere. For that hemisphere, the winter solstice is the day with the shortest period of daylight and longest night of the year, and when the Sun is at its lowest daily maximum elevation in the sky. With the winter solstice having occurred on December 21st and the advent of winter, it seemed appropriate to play music addressing these topics. Enjoy! Joel e-mail: pushingtheenvelopewhus@gmail.com Blue Sky: https://bsky.app/profile/envpusher1.bsky.social  Twitter-like x-thing: https://twitter.com/envpusher1  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joelkru/    12-28-24 PTE Playlist: Winter Solstice   Solstice - Tom Bickley - Jepson Prairie - Other Minds Records (2023) https://othermindsrecords.bandcamp.com/album/jepson-prairie    Solstice, Mvt. 1-4 -   Garth Newel Piano Quartet  / composer:  David Bidenbender - all we are given we cannot hold - Blue Griffin Recording (2023) https://www.bluegriffin.com/cd-catalog/p/biedenbender-all-we-are-given-we-cannot-hold    The Sun Stands Still - Pulselovers - Solstice 24 - Subexotic Records (2024) https://subexoticrecords.bandcamp.com/album/solstice-24    The Coming of Winter - David Borden - Cayuga Night Music - Cuneiform Records (1993/2021) https://cuneiformrecords.bandcamp.com/album/cayuga-night-music    A Sure Winter - Soundician - Wise Trees - digital release (2015) https://soundician.bandcamp.com/album/wise-trees    Symphony No. 1: Winter - Douglas Schmidt, bandoneon / John Oliver, sampling and granulation synthesizers - Symphony No. 1: Winter - John Oliver Music (2022) https://johnolivermusic.bandcamp.com/album/symphony-no-1-winter    Wintertides - Sam Wilson - Wintertides - self-release (2024) https://samwilsonmusiq.bandcamp.com/album/wintertides    Winter Metal + Sounds Occurring (excerpt) - Martin Back - Cthonic Hymal - momodisti netlabel (2015) https://modistilabel.bandcamp.com/album/cthonic-hymal    Winter - Petrozavodsk - Winter War - School of the Arts (2020) https://petrozavodsk.bandcamp.com/album/winter-war

    1h 59m


Host: Joel Krutt 34+ years of bringing you the finest in the outer realms of contemporary music; from the worlds of classical, experimental, rock, jazz, ambient, electroacoustic, world music, spoken word, etc., etc., etc...…with a healthy dollop of new/classic progressive rock and jazz/rock fusion.

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