Daniel Power of PowerHouse Books and Yolanda Cuomo of Yolanda Cuomo Design join me for my 200th episode to talk about their famed collaborations including their latest, Larry Fink: Hands On / A Passionate Life of Looking (PowerHouse). This was a really fun and enlightening episode. It is filled with great history and great humor from two incredibly influential figures in photography who also happen to be two great friends. Daniel and Yo talk about their own histories and achievements as well as the love and dedication that went into this last book they worked on with Larry Fink before he passed. https://powerhousebooks.com ||| https://yocuomo.com This podcast is sponsored by the Charcoal Book Club Begin Building your dream photobook library today at https://charcoalbookclub.com Founder and Publisher Daniel Power started powerHouse Books in 1995, and was joined by Craig Cohen in 1996. The early years had Power and Cohen tag-teaming on a few books at a time, raising the bar each season when, in 1998, powerHouse Books had its first best-seller, Women Before 10 A.M. by Véronique Vial. Power and Cohen followed up that success in 1999 with the critically-acclaimed cult monographs X-Ray, by François Nars, and Life is Paradise, by Francesco Clemente and Vincent Katz. In Fall 2006, powerHouse Books launched The POWERHOUSE Arena, a laboratory for creative thought: exhibitions, installations, presentations, displays, viewings, performances, readings, and retail therapy—all drawing upon photography and popular culture as sources of inspiration. Located at 28 Adams Street in the DUMBO section of Brooklyn, the 10,200–square foot marquis showroom and retail space is unlike any other in New York City, featuring a soaring 24-foot ceiling on the 5,000–square foot ground floor, and an equally impressive 5,000–square foot mezzanine, with over 175 feet of glass frontage, designed by esteemed architect David Howell Design. Attached by a central staircase is the Arena Skylounge, a 560 square-foot, mezzanine-level, multifunctional gallery, VIP lounge, and green room. These stunning spaces have hosted a series of landmark exhibitions and events, and are now available for private hire. Yolanda Cuomo is an experienced art director and avid educator. As Principal of Yolanda Cuomo Design, she provides the creative vision, direction, and passion behind all of the Studio’s work. Cuomo and her team work collaboratively with their clients, which include leading publishers, museums, authors, editors, artists, and photographers, to develop memorable and meaningful cultural and commercial projects. Cuomo’s recent projects include the design of two books with photographer Pete Souza OBAMA, An Intimate Portrait and SHADE, A Tale of Two Presidents, a seven hundred page book entitled An Anthology about Paolo Pellegrin curated by Germano Celant that accompanied an exhibition at the Maxxi Museum in Rome, Italy, a book about Bob Dylan called DYLAN BY SCHATZBERG and the book A Life In Pictures: Steve McCurry. Throughout 2013, Cuomo edited and designed a two-volume nine-hundred-page limited-edition box set, The Library of Julio Santo Domingo, which also included a special-edition iPad and private app celebrating this collection. In fall 2012, Cuomo co-authored with Norma Stevens the book New York at Night, a collection of photographs published by PowerHouse Books. In 2011, Cuomo’s studio designed the enormously successful Diane Arbus retrospective which was organized by the Jeu de Paume in Paris, and traveled internationally.