Soul Fuel Wellness Co

Soul Fuel Wellness Co

Refuelling you mind, body and soul through sound therapy, astrology and mindset. Meet your host Stevie astrologer, sound healer and life coach her aim is to refuel you mind, body and soul. Tune in to Soul Fuel Wellness for a unique blend of sound therapy, astrology insights, and mindset support—designed to help you reduce stress, improve sleep, and carve out meaningful moments to disconnect and recharge. Each episode is here to guide you on your journey of self-care, relaxation, and inner alignment. Get ready to refuel your mind, body, and spirit.

  1. 31 MIN AGO

    Your Life is But a Dream Virgo Full Moon Eclipse

    Happy Full Moon Eclipse in Virgo Anyone can celebrate the big moments in life reaching the key milestones and don’t get me wrong they are big moments. But for me you are creating dreams wrongly if you are just living for those wishes fulfilled mooment that’s not what creating dreams and wishes is all about. It’s about the consistency in the day to day because it’s sexy, presence and gratitude in the little details of your life for those are what surmount to bigger moments and dreams for this moment you are loving right now If you manage to find your dreams and the magic in the mundane the ordinary of everyday. That is but a dream . Making the everyday beautiful is the goal. Because with or without the outcome you are complete you deserve celebrating and enjoying your damn life everyday even doing the boring stuff like filling the fridge. This New Moon is your ultimate manifestation portal. Soulful, limitless, and woven with miracles. Be delulu in your dreams and be delulu in taking action in your plan, allow the magic to unfold, and trust that what’s meant for you is already on its way. Dream big. You are as limitless as the skies above and the seas before you. 🌊🧜‍♀️ This full moon eclipse is about how you can weave through the magic of everyday life and get comfortable through the process of life because there is always a solution remain present and open to the universe to deliver you those unexpected surprises. In this episode, we dive deep into: 🌕 the full moon in virgo ritual ✅ checking in on how this eclipse will impact you 🖊️space to think about how you can organise and reprioritise your life to make the every day beautiful. This full moon eclipse is opening up the gateway for the next 2 years of your life to change the landscape of how you live and how you can see that you are but a dream. This life is but a dream - enjoy every second of it. Join my free WhatsApp community to be in a space with like minded souls of astro talk and inso. Let me know your key takeaways from this episode. Stevie xxx

    24 min
  2. 26 FEB

    The New Moon to Dream as Big As The Sea - New Moon Pisces

    Ready to believe as deep as the ocean?  A little faith, a little trust, and a whole lot of moon dust…..  Pisces Season. Pisces New Moon. North Node in Pisces energy. 🧜‍♀️ The universe is whispering: Let go and let the magic in.💫 This full moon in Leo was showing you where you are seeking external validation. It’s time to break down barriers and have the courage to step into you. It’s time to lead your life for you. No more playing small.  This New Moon is your ultimate manifestation portal. Soulful, limitless, and woven with miracles. Be delulu in your dreams and be delulu in taking action in your plan, allow the magic to unfold, and trust that what’s meant for you is already on its way. Because magic is found in the mundane. Dream big. You are as limitless as the skies above and the seas before you. 🌊🧜‍♀️ In this episode, we dive deep into: 🌕 the new moon in pisces water ritual  ✅ checking in on how new moon in pisces will impact you  🖊️space to to practice this pisces ritual: - Each morning, pass it over to the universe and ask: 🐚 Where would you have me go?🐚 What would you have me do?🐚 What would you have me say?🐚 Who would you have me meet? This new moon in pisces wants you to listen to you inner voice and intuition to dream big.  To join my mailing list and get your free guide to reading your birth chart you can sign up here:  Want me to read your stars for you? Book your astrology chart reading here:- For the book Stevie uses in the episode you can purchase your copy here:  Let me know your key takeaways from this episode.  Stevie xxx

    17 min
  3. 4 FEB

    Ready to face your truth and courageously follow your heart? - Full Moon in Leo Episode 🎙️

    The New Moon in Aquarius awakened our truth and values to detach ourselves from our external world in the sense of it’s able to see amongst the chaos and confusion in creation because its the part of you who knows what you are capable of beyond confirmation and seeking external validation.  This full moon is showing you where you are seeking external validation. It’s time to break down barriers and have the courage to step into you. It’s time to lead your life for you. No more playing small.  Because if you are seeking external validation and basing your decisions on factors outside of you, you won’t be able to satisfy that need you’ll always crave more from your external world. The only way to feel complete is by learning to validate and fulfil yourself from within.  So, when did we stop prioritising our joy over external validation? Leo Full Moon energy is in full swing, bringing bold and courageous energy as it opposes mercury in Aquarius.  Leo taps into the heart chakra and right-brain creativity, inspiring us to follow what sparks our joy without fear of judgment. Mercury in Aquarius is getting us to the core of our values.  We all crave validation—it’s natural as social beings. However, when we rely solely on external approval, we lose our way. I’ve been there, seeking validation in work, relationships, and friendships, often basing my actions on feedback from my external enviroment to make decisions. Because I didn’t know how to validate myself, and it left me feeling unsteady and unsatisfied, regretting the times I didn’t have the courage to follow my own path to pave my own way.  In this episode, we dive deep into: 🌕 the full moon illumination of the ego  ✅ checking in on how Full Moon in Leo is going to impact you  🖊️space to think about how you can come from me + we - whilst validating yourself first.  When you look outside yourself for trust, love, and recognition, you hand over your power to something changeable. The only constant is YOU. In true Leo style, I reclaimed my power by asking myself: ✨What am I seeking outside of myself right now? ✨Why do I crave this external validation? ✨ How can I reclaim my power over it? The full moon in Leo is going to show you where your outer world is reflecting your inner turmoil. External validation won’t satisfy you.  It’s time to begin to validate yourself to hold space for your emotions without questioning them. Gradually, you’ll build self-trust, valued yourself, and grew in confidence and self-belief. It’s time to unleash your potential, take back your power, and dance to the beat of your own drum. xx  To join my mailing list and get your free guide to reading your birth chart you can sign up here:  Want me to read your stars for you? Book your astrology chart reading here:- For the book Stevie uses in the episode you can purchase your copy here:  Let me know your key takeaways from this episode.  Stevie xxx

    20 min
  4. 24 JAN

    Grow through what you go through - New Moon in Aquarius Podcast Episode 🎙️

    With the big alignment in the skies of the 7 planets meeting throughout January and February this new moon in Aquarius is one to set goals for yourself and to step into your vision for the future.  Aquarius energy is detached from the world around it, in the sense of it’s able to see amongst the chaos and confusion in creation because its the part of you who knows what you are capable of beyond confirmation and seeking external validation.  This new moon with Uranus stationing direct and Jupiter moving forward at the beginning of January is asking you to lift of to break your own boundaries and that you get to learn on the go you get to grow on the go.  That there is divine protection in the redirection. Remember when taking action with or without you energy - the fact is the more you take accountability for what you want and hold the power of YOU because there is no one else like you this new moon in Aquarius gets you to get out of your own way  The full moon in cancer was illuminating your inner emotional world this new moon is bringing logic and accountability to your big vision.  It was place in your heart for a reason.  In this episode, we dive deep into: 🌕 the alignment of the big 7 planets in the sky  ✅ checking in on how Aquarius New Moon lights up  🖊️space to think about how you can step into your vision for yourself.  This new moon brings us more courage to break past the barriers and limiting beliefs we place against ourselves to break the boxes we are closed within.  To join my mailing list and get your free guide to reading your birth chart you can sign up here:  Want me to read your stars for you? Book your astrology chart reading here:- For the book Stevie uses in the episode you can purchase your copy here:  Let me know your key takeaways from this episode.  Stevie xxx

    15 min
  5. 10 JAN

    Imagine if we didn’t live in a world where we were so incessant on fixing things - Full Moon in Cancer Podcast Episode 🎙️

    We live in a world that is incessantly focused on fixing every challenge we face. From self-help solutions to quick-fix remedies, there’s an endless drive to mend our deepest wounds and smooth over our vulnerabilities. Yet, what if those vulnerabilities are not flaws to be fixed, but the very places where light enters us? This full moon in cancer is illuminating your inner emotional world with the planet mars of action and determination cosied right up alongside her in the night skies.  The New Moon in Capricorn was reminding us that the summit may be what drives us yet the true beauty is in they journey the alchemy of Capricorn meets cancer is showing you where you can truly feel into creating your reality.  In this episode, we dive deep into: 🌕 Making time to connect to yourself and your cycles ✅ checking in with your energy field and how Cancer Energy  🖊️space to think about how you want to feel and can create deeper self love in your life  ✨the Full Moon in Cancerand it’s transit in your chart time stamps below:-  Aries Rising : 16:36 Taurus Rising: 16:51 Gemini Rising: 17:04 Cancer Rising: 17:25 Leo Rising: 17:40 Virgo Rising: 17:53 Libra Rising: 18:09 Scorpio Rising: 18:35 Sagittarius Rising: 18:54 Capricorn Rising: 19:19 Aquarius Rising: 19:31 Pisces Rising: 19:46 This Full Moon in Cancer encourages us to see our vulnerabilities as invitations to deeper self-care. You are your greatest home, and how you love yourself shapes your world. Cancer’s nurturing energy reminds us to care for ourselves tenderly, to embrace our emotional truths rather than resist them. To join my mailing list and get your free guide to reading your birth chart you can sign up here:  Want me to read your stars for you? Book your astrology chart reading here:- For the book Stevie uses in the episode you can purchase your copy here:  Let me know your key takeaways from this episode.  Stevie xxx

    21 min
  6. 10 JAN

    Some people speak the language of the stars for that is their love language. 

    In this one off guest episode I am joined by fellow astrologer Hannah. Back in Summer 2022 I met in person real life @hannah.marieastrology at the summer wellness festival facilitated @thenewforest on the roots of a grand tree after my talk we connected deeply as we shared each other’s birth charts.  Reading and interpretation energy her perspective and my perspective. It was fascinating, enlightening and motivating conversation to see our differences, alikeness and all the energies in between in our charts.  Astrology is an amazing tool to connect, deepen your relationship with yourself, others and ultimately the world around you.  In a world where conflict and pain can arise in failing to understand each other our birth charts help highlight our differences. Sharing them beautifully with each other allows us to open up parts of ourselves over closing them up and hardening to parts of us we have shared that have been failed to be understood.  In truly seeing oneself allows for a deeper love to be born.  The stars are a roadmap back to ourselves, and each other.  In this heart felt conversation me and Hannah share our passion of astrology through sharing practical clarity, direction and guidance through our charts. Some of which neither of us were expecting.  Even after all these years collectively reading there is still so much to learn of self for astrology is a lifetime gifts that allow us to feel and truly see ourselves.

    59 min
  7. 28/12/2024

    The Summit may be what drives us, but it’s the climb itself that truly matters. —New Moon Capricorn Podcast Episode 🎙️

    As we close 2024, we are graced with a New Moon in Capricorn—the ultimate sea goat. This tenacious climber is laser-focused on its goals and the vision from the peak. Yet, with its water-based essence, the sea goat is equally captivated by the wonder of the vast, limitless ocean beneath the rocky heights it scales. The Full Moon in Gemini bring us logic to our thoughts and plans an opportunity to close the chapter on the year and let go of all that is no longer serving you with the winter solstice bringing closure to areas of our lives which feel like they are no longer serving us.  In this episode, we dive deep into: 🌕 Making time to connect to yourself and your cycles ✅ checking in with your energy field and how Capricorn energy 🖊️space to think about what you are leaving behind in 2024  ✨the New Moon in Capricorn and it’s transit in your chart time stamps below:-  Aries Rising : 13:50 Taurus Rising: 14:18  Gemini Rising: 14:43 Cancer Rising: 15:34 Leo Rising: 16:09  Virgo Rising: 16:58 Libra Rising: 17:30  Scorpio Rising: 18:00 Sagittarius Rising: 18:50 Capricorn Rising: 19:51 Aquarius Rising: 20:40 Pisces Rising: 21:18  This New Moon is really asking you to look at how far you have come and to take accountability for your goals.  To join my mailing list and get your free guide to reading your birth chart you can sign up here:  For the book Stevie uses in the episode you can purchase your copy here:  Let me know your key takeaways from this episode.  Stevie xxx

    24 min
  8. 13/12/2024

    Close the Chapter Let Go —Full Moon Gemini Podcast Episode 🎙️

    Close the Chapter Let Go —Full Moon Gemini Podcast Episode 🎙️ Comment “Full Moon” and I’ll DM you the episode! 🌕 The Full Moon in Gemini is brining logic to our thoughts and plans an opportunity to close the chapter on the year and let go of all that is no longer serving you as we approach the Winter Solstice.  The New Moon in Sagittarius arrived brining us fiery, expansive energy for fresh beginnings. The New Moon invited us to ignite inspiration, explore uncharted territories, and embrace ideas led purely by joy and curiosity. In this episode, we dive deep into: 🌕 Making time to connect to yourself and your cycles ✅ checking in with your energy field and how Gemini energy, and Uranus Gemini incoming energy for 2025  🖊️space to think about what is no longer serving you  ✨the Full Moon in Gemini and it’s transit in your chart time stamps below:-  Aries Rising : 14:53  Taurus Rising: 16:02  Gemini Rising: 17:17  Cancer Rising: 18:03  Leo Rising: 19:05  Virgo Rising: 19:54 Libra Rising: 20:38 Scorpio Rising: 21:19  Sagittarius Rising: 22:25  Capricorn Rising: 23:18  Aquarius Rising: 24:00 Pisces Rising: 24:43  This Full Moon encourages you to break ties and get into your logical world around what you can leave behind in 2024 and what you are ready to create in 2025.  You can get your free birth chart here to get your rising sign here:  For the book Stevie uses in the episode you can purchase your copy here:  Let me know your key takeaways from this episode.  Stevie xxx

    27 min


Refuelling you mind, body and soul through sound therapy, astrology and mindset. Meet your host Stevie astrologer, sound healer and life coach her aim is to refuel you mind, body and soul. Tune in to Soul Fuel Wellness for a unique blend of sound therapy, astrology insights, and mindset support—designed to help you reduce stress, improve sleep, and carve out meaningful moments to disconnect and recharge. Each episode is here to guide you on your journey of self-care, relaxation, and inner alignment. Get ready to refuel your mind, body, and spirit.

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