Starting Up
Ivan Gasparetto
"Starting Up" is a dynamic and thought-provoking podcast that delves into the realms of startups, young leaders, business innovation, entrepreneurial actions, and sustainability. In a world constantly evolving, the future belongs to those who dare to dream and act. Join us on this inspirational journey as we showcase the stories of passionate young leaders who are shaping the world of business and sustainability.
- 5 Episodes
"Starting Up" is a dynamic and thought-provoking podcast that delves into the realms of startups, young leaders, business innovation, entrepreneurial actions, and sustainability. In a world constantly evolving, the future belongs to those who dare to dream and act. Join us on this inspirational journey as we showcase the stories of passionate young leaders who are shaping the world of business and sustainability.
- CreatorIvan Gasparetto
- Years Active2K
- Episodes5
- RatingClean
- Copyright© Ivan Gasparetto
- Show Website