Strong Voice Podcast

Kate Strong
Strong Voice Podcast

Strong Voice Podcast includes conversations between me, Kate Strong, and individuals who have unlocked their potential. Each week, I chat with fascinating people who stepped up and away from the ordinary to pioneer some pretty amazing feats. Expect the unexpected as you hear from experts, adventurers and leaders pushing through what is normal towards the common goal of bettering their lives and positively impacting others.

  1. E85: The Healing Power of Plants with Dr Gemma Newman


    E85: The Healing Power of Plants with Dr Gemma Newman

    Sometimes known as the ‘Plant Power Doctor’ because of her recent best selling book, ‘The Plant Power Doctor: a simple prescription for a healthier you,’ Gemma Newman is a British medical doctor that educates the public on the need for holistic health, plant-based nutrition, and lifestyle medicine. After obtaining her degree in medicine from the University of Wales College of Medicine, she went on to gain additional qualifications in gynaecology and family planning, but worked in many specialities throughout her career before deciding on family practice. Due to her background, Gemma has a vast amount of knowledge and experience at her disposal that she tries to share with whoever will listen.  Being a founding member and serving as an ambassador for ‘Plant Based Health Professionals UK’ (PBHPUK), alongside her involvement with the ‘British Society of Lifestyle Medicine’ (BSLM), Gemma has taken it upon herself to try and increase the awareness of the things that she preaches. Whether it’s the general public or even other doctors who do not possess the same insights, Gemma regularly attends conferences, helps with training programmes, and makes appearances on podcasts and other forms of social media to help spread the message about the benefits of plant-based medicine. This episode of the ‘Strong Voice’ podcast will begin with an introduction to Dr. Gemma Newman, the importance of her ideas, and what motivates her to do what she does. We then discuss the role that diet, in particular plant-based nutrition, plays in preventing and helping manage some of the common chronic diseases that we find in society today. Afterwards, we talk about the practicalities of a plant based diet, and cover questions like if it’s still possible to have the same comfort foods or what the major differences are between plant-based whole foods and processed foods. Drawing on personal experience, we discuss the role that spirituality plays for our health and wellbeing, and how we define what it means to be spiritual, instead of the conventional understanding that is shaped by religion. As always, we hope you enjoy listening, and please let us know your thoughts on social media. Enjoy!   Any links discussed: ‘The Plant Power Doctor: A simple prescription for a healthier you’ - Dr. Gemma Newman.   Timestamps   1:13 - Introduction; 1:22 - Gemma’s backstory, how she became the “Plant Power Doctor,” and what motivated her; 4:54 - The limitations of the NHS (in the UK) when preventing and treating chronic health problems; 5:45 - The cumulative impact of dietary choices, and the almost immediate benefits you can derive; 6:49 - Gemma discusses her family history of heart disease, and how a plant-based diet has helped; 8:45 - People are motivated for different reasons to change to a plant-based diet; 9:44 - How Gemma discusses diet with her patients as a medical general practitioner (GP); 13:17 - The increasing amount of testimonies about people who have taken the initiative to change; 13:43 - Personal responsibility, disease prevention, and enjoying ourselves whilst making the effort; 14:48 - How it’s possible to change to a healthier diet, and still indulge in similar comfort foods; 16:16 - What is the difference between plant-based whole foods, and plant-based processed foods?; 18:52 - The importance of doing whatever works for whomever has adopted a plant-based diet; 20:20 - Gemma’s upcoming book that focuses on holistic healing through lifestyle interventions; 21:43 - The role that awareness and spirituality play in terms of being a pillar of health;  23:39 - Science shows that we are wired to be spiritual, and have different states of consciousness; 24:46 - Spirituality is not exclusive to religion, it can also refer to meaning, purpose and connection; 26:52 - “What is the one skill

    40 min
  2. E84: Why We Need to Fail & Communicate Authentically with Kass Thomas


    E84: Why We Need to Fail & Communicate Authentically with Kass Thomas

    The depth and range of Kass Thomas’ career experiences inspires people to explore more choices and find the changes they are looking for. A best-selling author and successful entrepreneur, Kass guides others to transform the negative into positive, even in limiting situations. She is a catalyst for unity and believes there is so much more that unites us than separates us.    She wrote her book, “7 Steps to Flawless Communication”, which has been translated into 20 languages, to help people uncover a true connection with themselves as well as other people and things around them.     In the podcast we use sport as a simple analogy for growing businesses, such as how the affects of missing a training session can be compared to neglecting an important area of your business.  Simplifying things and taking a step back is key.   Among the many colourful twists and turns of her career, she opened a film production company in Italy.  Kass felt the constant pressure to keep going, even though she didn’t find it enjoyable, relaxing or fun after the initial opening.  It was only once she disconnected and realised this that she had the clarity and confidence to make the decision to close the business.  The moment she did that her career expanded. Several opportunities came into her life, which including becoming an international sales manager!  Should she have carried on running a business she didn’t love, these opportunities wouldn’t have presented themselves.   “A ‘flag’ doesn’t mean there’s a risk that is going to cause failure. It might be an alarm… saying, “do you want to approach your career in a different way?”   We discuss that everyone else is taken, so rather than competing, instead discover and embrace the true you.  We often create our own barriers and hurdles which aren’t really there. These barriers mean when things find us they can’t reach us.  Will resistance create more in your life? Instead, step up, be true and be the best version of you today, and tomorrow an even better version of you.   We contemplate the value of being still and giving your mind a moment of silence.  Kass says “People feel if they’re not continually doing, doing, doing that they might get bored.” It might instead be that you’re not actually taking another step because you’re fine right where you are.  You should disconnect from who you are not.   Language is a funny thing.  When we have barriers up sometimes we receive words in a negative way.  We discuss language and Kass points out that after the Second World War, dictionaries were rewritten to be more positive.  All words have an energy to them and being open to receiving words in a positive way rather than a negative one is imperative in moving forwards.  Nuances are so important.     One of the biggest things I took from this podcast is that it is ok, and positive even, to fail.  Your failures can make you wise!  We should “know what when something shows up as a failure, it’s probably an invitation for you to begin engaging with the riches of your life.”

    57 min
  3. E83: Love, intersectionality, our humane responsibility and everything in between with Robbie Lockie


    E83: Love, intersectionality, our humane responsibility and everything in between with Robbie Lockie

    This week, I caught up with the inspiring activist, Robbie Lockie (pronouns: they/them). It is widely accepted that mainstream media provides insufficient coverage when it comes to topics that don’t suit a certain agenda or ‘normalised behaviour’. These topics include gender inequality, a bias towards hetrosexual and cisgender lifestyles being depicted as normal and the negative impact animal consumption has on our health and the environment. Robbie is a natural born activist and has decided to do something about it. Together with Klaus Mitchell, they co-founded and co-directed Plant-Based News, which is the world’s latest online media outlet empowering its readers with information covering all things to do with veganism and plant-based living. Robbie has also produced viral videos for other media outlets, including the charity, Viva! [] Such as ‘The Dairy Industry’s … Trash,’ and ‘Swine.’ But it doesn’t stop there. Robbie is the founder of the annual initiative that challenges people to go dairy-free for seven days, and see how they feel afterwards.   Originally from Zimbabwe, Africa, Robbie relocated to London, England in 1999. As an attempt to overcome their health problems back in 2013, Robbie decided to try a plant-based diet to see if it would make any difference. This led to a permanent change, allowing Robbie to live a more vibrant life. At the time, Robbie was a digital designer, but after having become more increasingly aware of the animal rights issues, they felt compelled to do something about it, thus leading to the creation of, and what Robbie passionately does for a career to this day.    2:14 - Kate shares her angst about the current state of affairs in the world; 3:24 - Kate asks Robbie about veganism in terms of business ethics, morality and spirituality; 4:13 - Understanding the motivations of businesses, and what to look for; 6:14 - The financial credibility and transparency of Robbie’s platform,; 7:50 - The hypocrisy of businesses who use Pride Month as a marketing opportunity; 10:25 - Kate asks Robbie about his philosophy on gender; 17:34 - The discriminatory practices towards homosexuality across the world; 19:44 - The need for privileged people to educate themselves to become allies and help; 20:20 - Standing together to overcome prejudice and hate; 21:10 - The language that we use, and the associations that we make, can have a harmful impact on vulnerable groups; 23:35 - Why we should hear the truth, even if it is dark, and at times, distressing; 24:42 - Kate asks Robbie “what drives you internally, and how do you keep going?”; Where to find Robbie:   Links:

    36 min
  4. E82: Communicating with Dolphins with Dove Joans


    E82: Communicating with Dolphins with Dove Joans

    Dove Joans, aka "Dolphingirl," is an activist, author, creative conservationist, explorer of The Explorers Club with the cognitive sciences of dolphin communications, host, and storyteller; sharing the arts through "artivism" in promoting planetary care and peace!   The only way to be * achieve is be in the present moment   Why We are Here and Why Care?, aka "The Meaning of Life" through "The Dolphin Wave." Just a small topic, lol! Yet a key universal topic that can possibly be viewed (SEAING) "Through the Dolphins' Eyes" EX:   Topics We Can Cover with "The Dolphin Wave" Importance of Why We are Here? ~ science (our nature with Nature) Importance of Our Communications ~ storytelling in action (sharing cell memories, "picture talking" is the oldest form = compassion in that we are more alike than not) Importance of Why Care?  ~ soul (connectivity and our breath - indigenous sacredness) Dr roger paines stories of the humpback whale Dr John Lilly = captavitity Protecting them protects us   Layers of protection to get to the truth 3:15 - Dove talks about how she originally started her journey with inter specie relationships 8:59 - Dove talks about the universal language of music and vibrations 10:25 - Dove shows how we are all connected 15:06 - Dove talked about the ‘dolphin way’ 16:21 - Dove talked about indigineous cultures 17:32 - Dove talks about nature and our perspectives 20:24 - Dove talks about removing fear with positive actions 22:10 - Dove talks about her origins with animals 26:39 - Dove talks about her fascinating experiences with talking to animals 39:19 - Dove talks about her frequency and opening up more 40:22 - Dove talks about a moving story with a dying dog 50:09 - Dove talks about fear of the potential of ourselves 56:04 - Dove bravely shares her tumour diagnosis

    1h 22m
  5. E81: Gorillas, Coffee & Conservation with Dr Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka


    E81: Gorillas, Coffee & Conservation with Dr Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka

    On 22nd April, it’s World Earth Day. Millions of people across the globe get together and take action in protecting our planet. This week’s guest appears to celebrate Earth Day every day through the numerous activities and communities that she engages with.   Dr. Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka is Founder and CEO of an award winning NGO called Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH) that set up one of the first One Health field programs in the world to protect endangered gorillas and other wildlife.  she established Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA)’s first veterinary department In 2015, she founded Gorilla Conservation Coffee to support farmers living around habitats where gorillas are found. She is on the leadership council of Women for the Environment in Africa  and Vice President of the African Primatological Society   After graduating from the Royal Veterinary College, University of London, in 1996, she established Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA)’s first veterinary department. In 2000, she did a Zoological Medicine Residency and Master in Specialized Veterinary Medicine at North Carolina Zoological Park and North Carolina State University, where masters research on disease issues at the human/wildlife/livestock interface led her to found CTPH in 2003. In 2015, she founded Gorilla Conservation Coffee to support farmers living around habitats where gorillas are found. The most recent award for CTPH is the 2020 Saint Andrews Prize for the Environment.   She is on the leadership council of Women for the Environment in Africa and Vice President of the African Primatological Society and has sat on a number of Boards including Uganda Wildlife Authority, Uganda Wildlife Education Centre, Wildlife Clubs of Uganda, Bwindi and Mgahinga Conservation Trust, Buganda Heritage and Tourism Board  and The Gorilla Organization.

    47 min
  6. E80: From Addiction to World Record Breaking Triathlons and Beyond with Andy Stone


    E80: From Addiction to World Record Breaking Triathlons and Beyond with Andy Stone

    Life hasn’t been easy for Andy Stone. As someone who struggled with addictions, he knew that a big part of his future success of living without drugs or alcohol, he needed to distract himself with something that would challenge him and also keep him on a path to good health. And so the ‘crazy’ idea of completing 70 Ironman 70.3 in 70 days was born. To put it in context, an Ironman comprises 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile cycle ending with a 13.1 mile run. Over 70 days and starting on Monday 4th April, Andy will: 84 miles of swimming (equivalent to 4x the English Channel) 3,920 miles of cycling (equivalent to cycling from Land’s End to John O’Graots 4.4 times!)  917 miles of running (equivalent to running from London to Edinburgh 2.3 times!) This huge physical and mental endurance challenge that will see him swim, ride and run 5000miles in 70 days, the distance from London to China! Is Andy insane? Yes… but in a healthy way. He’s using this epic world record attempt to build a supportive team around him and also build back his own inner support systems. Having previously batted with mental health as well as his alcohol addictions, this challenge means more to him than the potential of a world record. As a PADI scuba diving instructor, Andy has a huge love of the ocean but has seen first-hand the impact that humans and over fishing is having on our marine life. That’s why through this challenge he’s raising money for ocean conservation charities the Blue Marine Foundation and the Shark Trust. This isn’t the first challenge Andy’s taken on. Earlier this year Andy completed 17 consecutive sprint triathlons in 17 days, raising £1,300 for the Stroke Association in the process.

    42 min
out of 5
12 Ratings


Strong Voice Podcast includes conversations between me, Kate Strong, and individuals who have unlocked their potential. Each week, I chat with fascinating people who stepped up and away from the ordinary to pioneer some pretty amazing feats. Expect the unexpected as you hear from experts, adventurers and leaders pushing through what is normal towards the common goal of bettering their lives and positively impacting others.

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