The Hebrew word Dabar (͏͏דָּבָר) means “word”, it also has a deeper significance as it often refers to “the Word of God.” In this context, Dabar is not just a spoken word but the manifestation or incarnation of God’s word. On the other hand, the Hebrew word Āmar (אמר) means “to say” or “to speak.” While Āmar describes the act of speaking, It does not carry the full weight of what is said. it is simply the utterance or the expression of words. It is only when one internalises, reflects upon, and practices these words that they become Dabar—the living message, the embodiment of the Word. In this sense, every Āmar must eventually lead to a Dabar. Āmar initiates communication, but Dabar is the transformation of that communication into something deeper, something that resonates and becomes part of who we are. For example, what qualifies prophecy is not the finesses, articulation, or sound of the Āmar. What qualifies prophecy is the incarnation of the Āmar into the Dabar—when the spoken word becomes the living message. You’re not a prophet because of your style of genre; you’re a prophet because of the manifestation of the Word. The question is: Do you have the ability to incarnate the message, to make it come alive? Genesis 1:2-26 says, “The earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light.” When God said, “Let there be light,” in Genesis 1:3, this is the Āmar—the spoken word. But when it says, “And there was light,” this is the Dabar—the word that became a reality, the living manifestation of the message. In the same way, when believers hear the word of the Lord, they receive the Āmar. But those who practice it and embody it receive the Dabar. The “word Said” is used 4,874 times in the Old Testament, while the word Dabar appears only 807 times. God spoke his word over and over, yet the practice and manifestation of it only appeared a fraction of the time. This tells us that Believers often hear the word of God but few only do it. Hearing it is not enough; it is the doing that the word comes alive. If this Apostolic message has blessed you, we invite you to give and support the ministry. You can give using this link: