61 episodes

The Unfiltered Extra podcast with host Joe Warner is where inquisitive minds go to meet the most respected, decorated and controversial experts in health, fitness, nutrition and performance to get the life-changing advice they need to #LiveSmarter. Visit unfilteredonline.com for more.

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    • Health & Fitness
    • 5.0 • 15 Ratings

The Unfiltered Extra podcast with host Joe Warner is where inquisitive minds go to meet the most respected, decorated and controversial experts in health, fitness, nutrition and performance to get the life-changing advice they need to #LiveSmarter. Visit unfilteredonline.com for more.

    Dr Abbie Smith-Ryan: The exercise physiology scientist on why all women should lift weights and eat more protein

    Dr Abbie Smith-Ryan: The exercise physiology scientist on why all women should lift weights and eat more protein

    For far too long the main health and fitness message directly at women of all ages was along the lines of “move more, eat less”, thanks in no small part to the toxic diet culture and body image pressure heaped upon women for generations.
    Yet a far better mantra, and one infinitely more useful to improving the health, fitness and wellbeing of all women, is “lift weights and eat more protein”.
    Because for decades women have been told to do hours of endless and monotonous cardio on tiny amounts of food, while all the while a far healthier approach is to exercise to build muscle and bone strength, increase lean muscle mass and improve metabolic health through lifting heavy weights, eating more nutrient-dense protein, and taking science-backed supplements, such as creatine, to improve training performance.
    This is the view of Dr Abbie Smith-Ryan, PhD, a renowned researcher in exercise physiology and sports nutrition, and leading expert in women’s health, fitness and nutrition.
    In a conversation packed with invaluable insights on multiple aspects of optimising health and performance, aimed at women of all ages, Dr Smith-Ryan is keen to stress just how crucial a role all forms of strength training can play in helping women combat the natural decline of lean muscle mass as they age to stay looking and feeling younger, fitter and healthier for longer.
    And with resistance training proven to promote stronger bones, improve joint health, and enhance overall strength, it’s particularly important for women approaching or experiencing menopause to combat osteoporosis and muscle loss associated with hormonal changes.
    With many women underestimating their protein needs, Dr Smith-Ryan also highlights the importance of adequate protein intake, particularly for ageing women, for muscle repair and growth, and as we age, our bodies require more to maintain muscle mass and function.
    She discusses the benefits of creatine supplementation, traditionally associated with male bodybuilders and other strength athletes but now recognised for its wide-ranging benefits for women, including enhancing muscle strength, improving exercise performance, supporting cognitive health and function, making it an invaluable sports nutrition supplement for women wanting to maintain both physical and mental sharpness.
    Whether you're a long-term fitness enthusiast, looking to start living a healthier lifestyle or in desperate need of menopausal lifestyle advice, Dr Smith-Ryan provides clear, actionable and effective steps for incorporating resistance training, optimising protein intake, and considering creatine supplementation to enhance overall health, fitness and wellbeing.
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    • 51 min
    Victoria Felkar: The PED expert on why so many women are taking anabolic steroids

    Victoria Felkar: The PED expert on why so many women are taking anabolic steroids

    For Victoria Felkar, a front-line researcher in the fields of women’s health and training, and performance-enhancing drugs, the rise of anabolic steroid use in young women is a hugely troubling trend.
    Driven by social media personalities, photo and video editing software, unrealistic body images and the easy of accessing these substances through online chemists, Felkar reveals how fitness influencers and celebrities, often showcasing idealised physiques, are contributing to the pressure young women feel to conform to these unattainable standards, leading many of them to performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) in pursuit of rapid physical transformation.
    Ina fascinating and wide-ranging conversation around women’s health, training, drugs, celebrity and body image, Felkar explains the mental and physical health dangers these women face, including severe hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular issues, and psychological effects, such as anxiety and depression. The health risks are not limited to immediate side effects but extend to long-term consequences that can profoundly impact overall well-being.
    Education emerges as a critical solution to combat this dangerous trend, and Felkar emphasises the need for comprehensive awareness programmes that inform young women about the risks associated with PED use and promote healthier, sustainable fitness practices.
    The interview also touches on drug use in elite sports, exploring how the rise of substances like SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) and peptides blurs the line between legal and illegal performance-enhancing compounds. These emerging supplements, often marketed as safe alternatives to traditional steroids, pose their own set of risks and challenges, further complicating the landscape of PED use.
    Felkar’s insights offer a detailed understanding of the socio-cultural and economic factors that contribute to the increasing prevalence of PED use among young women. The discussion is a call to action for better regulation, education, and support systems to protect this vulnerable demographic from the allure and dangers of performance-enhancing drugs.
    Access all of Unfiltered’s exclusive videos, interviews and documentaries at UnfilteredOnline.com
    Get in touch in the comments below or talk to us on:
    Email: editorial@unfilteredonline.com
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGSV7XVaBYUYq5YidLI12ow
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    • 1 hr 19 min
    Judd Lienhard: The US Army Ranger turned athlete coach on optimising performance, resilience and longevity

    Judd Lienhard: The US Army Ranger turned athlete coach on optimising performance, resilience and longevity

    In what’s generally regarded as one of the ultimate expressions of athleticism, Muhammad Ali in his prime could “float like a butterfly and sting like a bee”.
    It’s rare to see a 260lb (118kg) man who looks like a bodybuilder but moves like a ballerina. It’s rarer still - and perhaps even unique - when that man is a father and combat veteran in his mid-forties with a demanding full-time job.
    Enter Judd Lienhard, the former collegiate athlete and US Army Ranger officer turned speed and performance coach.
    In an Unfiltered exclusive, we speak to Lienhard to discover his remarkable story from growing up in rural Missouri, through his collegiate American football career, his time as an elite solider, right up to today, and his work with athletes - Lienhard believes everyone is an athlete regardless of competitive status - of all ages.
    We learn the secrets of his remarkable rise in social media popularity, swelling his follower count on Instagram from fewer than 10,000 to almost 600,000 people in just a few months, and his transformative exercise and coaching techniques that have captured the attention of fitness enthusiasts around the world.
    We also delve deep into Leinhard’s philosophy of “Always Be An Athlete”, exploring how his years of varied experience - and over 34,000 training hours as a coach across various demographics - shape his innovative training methods. We also discover the secrets behind his MASS Method, a holistic program emphasising movement, athleticism, strength, and speed, designed to enhance athletic performance, increase muscle mass and promote longevity.
    Leinhard shares personal stories from his military service where he earned a Bronze Star for his bravery, and discuss how these experiences have influenced his approach to training and life. His candid reflections on the impact of military life, combined with his professional insights, provide a unique perspective on resilience and personal growth.
    Wherever you are in your fitness journey, this interview has something for you. Packed full of Leinhard’s practical advice on staying motivated, overcoming challenges, and achieving peak performance, don’t miss the chance to learn from one of the most dynamic coaches in the industry as he shares tips that are as applicable to life’s battles as they are to sport and fitness.
    Access all of Unfiltered’s exclusive videos, interviews and documentaries at UnfilteredOnline.com
    Get in touch in the comments below or talk to us on:
    Email: editorial@unfilteredonline.com
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGSV7XVaBYUYq5YidLI12ow
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unfiltered.extra
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    • 1 hr 22 min
    Ali Gilbert: The Queen of Men's Health on taking ownership of your health and why all men need TRT

    Ali Gilbert: The Queen of Men's Health on taking ownership of your health and why all men need TRT

    With notable exceptions - such as abortion and euthanasia - few medical interventions elicit such a polarisation of opinion as TRT.
    But why does the mere mention of testosterone replacement therapy provoke such strong views?
    In recent years the TRT market has exploded into public view. Once the hush-hush secret of Hollywood elites and high-flying CEOs, TRT has become much more mainstream, shedding its exclusive reputation to become an everyday option, much like female-focused hormone replacement therapy (HRT), a completely uncontroversial and a widely-used medical intervention for decades.
    Despite its rising popularity, TRT is often regarded with suspicion, and the increased attention has served to increase - not decrease - the many myths and misconceptions surrounding its use
    What is TRT? Is it healthy? Is it cheating? Who really needs it? Can it really revolutionise quality of life and performance inside and outside the gym? And, most importantly, is it safe?
    To shine a light on TRT, its uses and its impact, Unfiltered spoke to Ali Gilbert, a globally-recognised expert in men’s health and TRT.
    Popular on social media where she’s celebrated for both her expertise and insights as well as her unique educational style, able to break down complex information into straightforward and actionable advice, all delivered with honesty and a big helping of humour - Gilbert has forged a career debunking the most persistent and enduring myths around testosterone, and men’s health in general.
    If you have even the slightest interest in muscle, masculinity and maximising how good you look, feel and perform, this conversation is one you won’t want to miss.
    Access all of Unfiltered’s exclusive videos, interviews and documentaries at UnfilteredOnline.com
    Get in touch in the comments below or talk to us on:
    Email: editorial@unfilteredonline.com
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGSV7XVaBYUYq5YidLI12ow
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    • 1 hr 18 min
    Ian Marber: The nutritionist and author on what everyone gets wrong about food and supplements

    Ian Marber: The nutritionist and author on what everyone gets wrong about food and supplements

    It’s said that the fastest way to start an argument online is to post about politics. But talking about nutrition can’t be too far behind in what’s most likely to annoy, rankle and infuriate anyone who comes into contact with your comment, however innocent or innocuous you think it is.
    Much like politics, and many other matters in the modern world, nutrition and, by extension supplementation, have become tribal topics, with specific approaches to eating now subject to a fierce and impassioned championing or evisceration by highly vocal minorities, who believe one dietary approach as not only nutritionally, but also morally, superior to all others.
    One man who has seen countless nutritional trends, fads and crazes come and go over the years - remember raspberry ketones, anyone? - is Ian Marber, one of the most respected and established voices of cool, calm and collected insight into all aspects of food, eating and nutrition.
    In an entertaining and common sense-resetting conversation with Unfiltered editor-in-chief Joe Warner, Ian details his rigorously analytical approach to dietary advice, acquired through decades of experience with thousands of clients, that cuts through the prevalent myths and misconceptions that often muddy the water of the surprisingly straight-forward nutritional sciences.
    And in an important reminder of the many nuanced roles eating plays in our life aside from providing energy and nutrition, specifically in providing the social glue that strengthens and deepens our most important connections, Ian explains how you can forge a healthier and happier relationship with food.
    Whether want to improve your diet, elevate your nutritional knowledge, or make better and more informed decisions about the food you eat, Ian Marber is the voice of reason in an increasingly noisy and unhinged diet-focused world.
    Access all of Unfiltered’s exclusive videos, interviews and documentaries at UnfilteredOnline.com
    Get in touch in the comments below or talk to us on:
    Email: editorial@unfilteredonline.com
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGSV7XVaBYUYq5YidLI12ow
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    • 1 hr 7 min
    Dr Fiona McCulloch: The PCOS expert and author on how you can take back control of the condition

    Dr Fiona McCulloch: The PCOS expert and author on how you can take back control of the condition

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a condition most women will have heard of, but you’ll only truly appreciate just how debilitating a disorder it can be if you’re unlucky enough to be one in the 10 women globally who suffer from it. 

    In simple terms PCOS is an endocrine disorder characterised by a variety of symptoms that can severely impact life quality: irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, weight gain, acne, and excessive hair growth are just the tip of the iceberg.
    But in reality it’s a hugely complex condition. Beneath these symptoms lie heightened risks of developing life-changing problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and mental health challenges, making PCOS much more than a reproductive or hormonal disorder.
    Enter Dr Fiona McCulloch, whose own journey with PCOS has not only shaped her professional focus but also fuelled her passion for helping others navigate this challenging landscape.
    Her book - 8 Steps to Reverse PCOS - offers a beacon of hope for sufferers of all ages, providing actionable advice grounded in scientific research and clinical practice.
    Dr McCulloch's approach dismantles the often one-dimensional treatment strategies typically offered to PCOS sufferers. She’s particularly critical of the widespread use of the oral contraceptive pill, which, while regulating menstrual cycles, does little to address the hormonal imbalances at the core of PCOS.
    In an advice-packed conversation with Unfiltered editor-in-chief Joe Warner, Dr McCulloch explains her reasons for advocating a holistic approach to managing the condition, emphasising the power of diet and exercise in restoring hormonal balance - especially insulin resistance, a frequent companion of PCOS - and enhancing overall well-being.
    Ultimately, Dr McCulloch’s key message is empowerment to provide women with the advice, insight and confidence they need to seize control of their PCOS, rather than let the condition continue to control every aspect of their lives.
    Access all of Unfiltered’s exclusive videos, interviews and documentaries at UnfilteredOnline.com
    Get in touch in the comments below or talk to us on:
    Email: editorial@unfilteredonline.com
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGSV7XVaBYUYq5YidLI12ow
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unfiltered.extra
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/UnfilteredExtra

    • 45 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
15 Ratings

15 Ratings

Loopyk85 ,

Incredible interviews

Real range of interesting guests covering a lot of topics. Great new podcast.

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