On Purpose with Jay Shetty

I’m Jay Shetty host of On Purpose the worlds #1 Mental Health podcast and I’m so grateful you found us. I started this podcast 5 years ago to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you happier, healthier and more healed. I believe that when you (yes you) feel seen, heard and understood you’re able to deal with relationship struggles, work challenges and life’s ups and downs with more ease and grace. I interview experts, celebrities, thought leaders and athletes so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of them we’ve never seen before. New episodes every Monday and Friday. Your support means the world to me and I don’t take it for granted — click the follow button and leave a review to help us spread the love with On Purpose. I can’t wait for you to listen to your first or 500th episode!
Hosts & Guests
Top 3
24 Feb
I absolutely love Jay Shetty, definitely in my top 3. Has the most amazing voice and every episode is different, so much variety on all subjects I wanna know about
30 Jan
I love listening to this before bed
Claudia episode made me stop listening
13 Feb
I’m so shocked that Jay and team would have someone like Claudia who is literally glorifying life goals of being skinny and taking epic - I haven’t ever heard someone speak with lesser science and packing and purely self indulgence and narrow life horizons about body - and so inappropriately clickbaiting by naming the episode as about not letting your body image own you - when she does exactly that. Jokes Jay
Jay Shetty on purpose
We’re do I start Jay , you have become the guiding light of my life, your wisdom, knowledge and the way you look at life have made me realise that empathy and kindness are not a weakness. You made me look inwards to find strength to find my voice and purpose. I listen to your podcasts , meditate and follow you on Instagram . You have introduce me to amazing people and sources that have ignited my passion for change in the world. Thank you , thank you thank you I will be rushing tomorrow to buy your book I hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday x
- Channel
- CreatoriHeartPodcasts
- Years Active2019 - 2025
- Episodes635
- RatingExplicit
- Copyright2025 iHeartMedia, Inc. © Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from iHeartMedia
- Show Website
- ProvideriHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc
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