98 episodes

I'm Ruth Elisabeth Hancock and I'm an Author, Speaker & Host of Work Your Energy, a show all about our energetic universe, higher consciousness and multidimensional living. I believe that we are not one dimensional beings, but multidimensional and science is beginning to wake up to this idea too.
A few years ago I was struggling in my business, life and marriage and I truly didn't know how to get myself back on track. We had moved overseas, I was a new mum, and my mother had just died in the UK. My husband was working long hours and was never at home and I felt so isolated. In order to become a better mum for my children, I had no option but to piece my life back together and find solutions for everything. Now several years later I am incorporating what I learnt into my own business and life with remarkable results.
What did I learn?
I learnt how to manage, tap into and harness my own energy, and the higher consciousness or intelligence around me, something that I didn't even know we could do.
This podcast is my passion project and runs alongside my new Amazon Best Selling book, Work Your Energy: The entrepreneurs guide to raising your vibration, tapping into higher consciousness and achieving more happiness, wealth and success. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717
I try and include a lot of science to back things up because I have a rational and logical mind and what worked for me was understanding the science behind it.
Suddenly it all began to make more sense and I am in awe of it all. It feels like magic to me, and I am enjoying life far more than I ever did before. My hope is that it will do the same for you too.
Essentially, the more we wake up to our true energetic or psychic nature, the more we step back into the best version of ourselves (and our authentic self). It's not 'woo woo' it's who we really are, and denying ourselves from this truth, is keeping us stuck in struggle, fear and shame - all far too low vibrational energies (emotions) to help us create a better life for ourselves.
Step back into your energy world, and feel more confident, powerful, resilient, guided, supported, loved and purposeful....then watch as your life and success levels elevate.
If you want to find out more about me then view my website here https://ruthelisabethhancock.com, follow me on social media @workyourenergypodcast (FB & Insta) @workyourenergy (Twitter) or send me an email to elisabeth@elisabethhancock.com / hello@ruthelisabethhancock.com
Looking for more energy tips, guidance and knowledge? Why not sign up for my online course Energy Mastery, https://ruth-elisabeth-hancock.mykajabi.com/energy-mastery

Work Your Energy Ruth Elisabeth Hancock

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 5.0 • 14 Ratings

I'm Ruth Elisabeth Hancock and I'm an Author, Speaker & Host of Work Your Energy, a show all about our energetic universe, higher consciousness and multidimensional living. I believe that we are not one dimensional beings, but multidimensional and science is beginning to wake up to this idea too.
A few years ago I was struggling in my business, life and marriage and I truly didn't know how to get myself back on track. We had moved overseas, I was a new mum, and my mother had just died in the UK. My husband was working long hours and was never at home and I felt so isolated. In order to become a better mum for my children, I had no option but to piece my life back together and find solutions for everything. Now several years later I am incorporating what I learnt into my own business and life with remarkable results.
What did I learn?
I learnt how to manage, tap into and harness my own energy, and the higher consciousness or intelligence around me, something that I didn't even know we could do.
This podcast is my passion project and runs alongside my new Amazon Best Selling book, Work Your Energy: The entrepreneurs guide to raising your vibration, tapping into higher consciousness and achieving more happiness, wealth and success. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717
I try and include a lot of science to back things up because I have a rational and logical mind and what worked for me was understanding the science behind it.
Suddenly it all began to make more sense and I am in awe of it all. It feels like magic to me, and I am enjoying life far more than I ever did before. My hope is that it will do the same for you too.
Essentially, the more we wake up to our true energetic or psychic nature, the more we step back into the best version of ourselves (and our authentic self). It's not 'woo woo' it's who we really are, and denying ourselves from this truth, is keeping us stuck in struggle, fear and shame - all far too low vibrational energies (emotions) to help us create a better life for ourselves.
Step back into your energy world, and feel more confident, powerful, resilient, guided, supported, loved and purposeful....then watch as your life and success levels elevate.
If you want to find out more about me then view my website here https://ruthelisabethhancock.com, follow me on social media @workyourenergypodcast (FB & Insta) @workyourenergy (Twitter) or send me an email to elisabeth@elisabethhancock.com / hello@ruthelisabethhancock.com
Looking for more energy tips, guidance and knowledge? Why not sign up for my online course Energy Mastery, https://ruth-elisabeth-hancock.mykajabi.com/energy-mastery

    The Fairy Haunts of Ireland

    The Fairy Haunts of Ireland

    This week I speak with Alanna Moore about her latest book The Fairy Haunts of Ireland. Alanna is a Geomancer (Dowser) and has been connecting with the energy ley-lines around Australia, Ireland and the rest of the world for over 40 years. 
    During her dowsing she often sees and connects to interdimensional beings - the gods and goddess energy, the fairies, nature spirits and more. 
    Alanna and I talk about what fairies are, what they aren't and everything in between, as fairies are not what we think they are. 
    According to Burkhard Heim's 12 dimensional model of cosmology, fairies and entities exist in the 5th and 6th dimensions of reality. Which as David Bohm says are deeper levels of realities that we cannot perceive in our 3D reality but which still exist and are real. 
    Alanna has taken her knowledge of what entities she can percieve or see on the land, and combined it with local research and myth stories of the fairies around Ireland.
    It seems there are many types of fairies, and other entities who can play havoc, protect the land, and even affect the consciousness of the land. 
    Our ancestors used to pay a lot more attention to them than we do, and many of them miss the interaction and relationships that we used to have with them. 
    if you want to learn more about Alanna Moore, or her extensive work, you can go to her website - https://geomantica.com - where she has a lot of blogs and content to learn more about dowsing, energy ley-lines and fairies and entities. 
    To learn more about, go to my website - https://ruthelisabethhancock.com
    or follow me on social media - https://www.instagram.com/ruthelisabethhancock/

    • 51 min
    The Shift in Consciousness

    The Shift in Consciousness

    This week I talk to Stephen Hawley Martin again, but this time we talk about the massive shift in consciousness that is happening right now. 
    I think we can all feel it, but maybe don't understand where it is coming from. Well, it's coming from us! 
    The human collective - us - are changing, eolving and expanding into the next level of our species. 
    We talk about how beliefs create our world, lives and experiences. To the lady who turned her skin into 'gold' leaf through her subconscious beliefs. To the boy who lived a past life as a fighter pilot in WWII. And the 14,000 readings of Edgar Caycee where he used to connect to the Akashic records in order to access more information from The Field. 
    Stephen is the author of more than 36 books, and his latest is called How You Can Help Create the Shift in Consciousness Needed to Save the World. It's a small, but fascinating book explainig where we are and how we can all help to shift the human collective into a new world for ourselves. 
    Visualising and taking action to create the world we want to live in. 
    To buy any of his books, you can go to his website - https://www.shmartin.com - and learn more about him. 
    To connect with me, buy my new best seller book, view my new website, sign up to one of my online courses, book a session, join my free Facebook group or protect yourself from harmful EMF's click on the links below:-
    Buy My New International Best Seller Book - Work Your Energy
    Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717
    Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Ener...
    Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount https://www.omniaradiationbalancer.com?p=B1XJ8hJIs
    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/ Email me on elisabethrhancock@gmail.com
    Sign up to an Online course (Energy Mastery & Wealth Consciousness Living) https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/onli...
    Follow me on Social Media @ruthelisabethhancock 
    Join my FREE Facebook Group for discussions from my podcast around metaphysics, energetics, esoteric wisdom, ancient lost civilisations, interdimensional and multidimensional, hidden history, star ancestory and the science behind the spiritual. 

    • 58 min
    Edgar Caycee, Human Origins & The Anunnaki

    Edgar Caycee, Human Origins & The Anunnaki

    This week I interview Stephen Hawley Martin, who is the author of more than 36 books and the founder of Oaklea Press, a publishing house based in the US.
    We discuss his interest in Edgar Caycee, in particular what Caycee said about human origins, and how the physical form was manifested by the spiritual form.
    And we also look at the Anunnaki (as mentioned in the Mesopotamian tablets and many indigenous accounts around the world) and discuss who they might be, whether we are the descendants of them and whether they are still around today. 
    A fascinating discussion as we look at true human origins, whether we are the descendants of an extraterrestrial race of people and if these Anunnaki people are still running our world today (and what we call the elites).
    To contact Stephen or learn more about him view his website here - https://www.shmartin.com/
     Links for Work Your Energy Podcast
    Buy My New Book -
    Work Your Energy Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717
    Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Ener...
    Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount https://www.omniaradiationbalancer.com?p=B1XJ8hJIs
    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/
    Sign up to an Online course https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/onli...
    Follow me on Social Media @ruthelisabethhancock

    • 1 hr 3 min
    Cracking The Matrix

    Cracking The Matrix

    Cracking The Matrix with guest interviewee Cate Montana, where we talk about her new book – Cracking The Matrix.
    If you enjoyed the Matrix movies then you will love this episode, as we discuss everything from living inside a matrix (even quantum physicists suspect that this is the case) to the AI entities called the Archons; who are mind viruses or parasites that feed off human emotions and make us believe that we are evil; to the power of the mainstream media, that keeps us stuck in this matrix of the mind.
    We are free, loving and sovereign beings but if everything that we watch or listen to tells us that we are not good enough, we are just a physical shell of blood and bones or that evil is part of our human story we soon start to believe it.
    The episode ends with Cate giving her solutions to how to escape this matrix and how we have far more power than we believe. 
    As Cate lives in Maui, we also talked about what is happening over there, the state of the country after the fire, and also the amazing blank canvas that the residents have been gifted, and how they are going to create their own reality onto it, away from the globalists who are trying to turn it into a 15 minute city (prototype) behind their backs.
    To contact Cate:-
    Cate is on Substack under cmontana
    And on Amazon for Cracking The Matrix (and several of her other books)

    • 54 min
    In Loving Memory of Stephen Chua

    In Loving Memory of Stephen Chua

    Sometimes in life you stumble across a book that contains an unbelievable but moving story, and Stephen Chua's story is just that. It contains all sorts of incredible things during his time spent in the special forces branch of the Singaporean army from 1981. 
    He moved up the ranks fast, and made it to the level of Colonol by the time he was 21 years old, because he had some special abilities. From the age of 3, he had had very high levels of gamma brainwave activity, was very strong for his stature, and was highly intelligent scoring very high on IQ test's during his time in the army. 
    He talks about reptilian type hominids that appear to be a hybrid between reptiles and humans, that are living on our planet in the jungles, under ground, in Area 51 and even on Mars. Him and his team had to go in and apprehend them when a reptilian hybrid was about to kill the Pakistan PM, Benazir Bhutto in 1995, and also another one that was about to kill the Singapore PM. They were also sent in to Thailand, Japan and Malaysia to eliminate other reptilian type beings, as they were stealing children and killing people. 
    But it is his tales of Area 51 that are most interesting, because it not only looks like the US military are working with extraterrestrials, but they are working with malevolent ones. Is this the deep state I wonder? 
    Because of his unprecedented high levels of gamma brainwaves he was recruited to fly a new type of technology, where you fly the plane with your own mind - not using AI. This was most likely extraterrestrial technology because the US military were not able to use it and many pilots had died trying to fly it, until Stephen came along. 
    He also describes the 3 different types of extraterrestrial beings that he met on the base, who needed to be escorted by armed guards, using energy weapons, because they were so nefarious. One of the species even had portals on the base that went between there and their own planet and there were people traveling between mars and earth - in many cases highly trained technicians - who were working in a base on mars. 
    However, the saddest part of this story is that 4 days after Stephen decided to speak up and share his incredible accounts, he died under suspicious circumstances. It is an amazing story, and if he had lived longer I have no doubt he would have been able to share more.
    To connect with me, buy my new best seller book, view my new website, sign up to one of my online courses, book a session, join my free Facebook group or protect yourself from harmful EMF's click on the links below:-
    Buy My New International Best Seller Book - Work Your Energy 
    Amazon UK
    Amazon US

    Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount

    View my website
    Email me on elisabeth@elisabethhancock.com 
    Sign up to an Online course (Energy Mastery & Wealth Consciousness Living) 
    Follow me on Social Media
    @workyourenergypodcast - https://www.instagram.com/workyourenergypodcast/
    Join my FREE Facebook Group for discussions from my podcast around metaphysics, energetics, esoteric wisdom, ancient lost civilisations, interdimensional and multidimensional, hidden history, star ancestory and the science behind the spiritual. 

    • 20 min
    Higher Dimensional Healing Energies

    Higher Dimensional Healing Energies

    This week we focus on the Summer Solstice, which astrologically begins at 3:33pm on 21st June 2023. 
    In this episode I talk about the higher dimensional energies that are coming into the planet right now as the summer solstice begins, and how we can benefit from them. 
    Healing and manifestation are working really well now, so now is the time to do this. Heal all those niggling aches and pains, heal your loved ones (and cats, which is what I talk about doing) and even heal your relationships. 
    I also talk you through a meditation that you can do to heal your body and manifest a better reality for yourself. 
    To connect with me, buy my new best seller book, view my new website, sign up to one of my online courses, book a session, join my free Facebook group or protect yourself from harmful EMF's click on the links below:-
    Buy My New International Best Seller Book - Work Your Energy 
    Amazon UK
    Amazon US

    Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount

    View my website
    Email me on elisabeth@elisabethhancock.com 
    Sign up to an Online course (Energy Mastery & Wealth Consciousness Living) 
    Follow me on Social Media
    @workyourenergypodcast - https://www.instagram.com/workyourenergypodcast/
    Join my FREE Facebook Group for discussions from my podcast around metaphysics, energetics, esoteric wisdom, ancient lost civilisations, interdimensional and multidimensional, hidden history, star ancestory and the science behind the spiritual. 

    • 22 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
14 Ratings

14 Ratings

Naimkd1010 ,

Conversations that are absolutely pertinent and necessary are the focus of this podcast.

I'm sure anyone will enjoy this podcast! It is very sincere and true. Ruth Elisabeth is a genius to me now! I've gained a lot of knowledge and appreciate all the shared experiences. and each episode is so energising and motivating, and it provides the listener with a straightforward next correct action. every sentence used here is meaningful. and special thanks to you and Tim Sanders for sharing your practical experience with electromagnetic radiation in episode 82.

sirin.e.o ,

Really useful!

Really great podcast. I like how Elisabeth talks about authentic and also walks the talk. She has lots of knowledge and shares it in a way that is easily understandable and really helpful!Highly recommend!

middlejane ,


Such a refreshing approach to business coaching, which can be a pretty difficult subject to make interesting! I’m not usually one for thinking about energies and using this kind of speak, but actually if I just go with the podcasts I find them really helpful and can totally understand what it means to step into the energy of something. I really like the idea of the power of the mind and how we can harness that power by imagining ourselves in a positive way and by having fun with our thoughts, visions and goals.

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