The Wisdom of Yogananda

The Wisdom of Yogananda
The Wisdom of Yogananda

Explore the timeless teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and reclaim your oneness with God — ever new joy, love, and peace. Turn your day-to-day life into a journey of Self-realization. We invite you to journey with us on a life-transforming discovery of the peace, joy, and wisdom of the soul through the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. On this podcast, you will find beautifully crafted narrations of Paramahansa Yogananda's teachings, accompanied by moving audio effects that will help you fully immerse yourself in the experience.

  1. #15 - Paramahansa Yogananda: The 5 forms of intuition


    #15 - Paramahansa Yogananda: The 5 forms of intuition

    The cultivation of intuitive calmness requires unfoldment of the inner life. When developed sufficiently, intuition brings immediate comprehension of truth. You can have this marvelous realization. Meditation is the way. Paramahansa Yogananda    • Paramahansa Yogananda: The 5 forms of...   📚 BOOKS by Paramahansa Yogananda Autobiography of a Yogi Man’s Eternal Quest The Divine Romance Journey to Self-Realization The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita Where There Is Light: Insight and Inspiration for Meeting Life's Challenge Scientific Healing Affirmations Metaphysical Meditations: Universal Prayers, Affirmations, and Visualizations Law of Success: Using the Power of Spirit to Create Health, Prosperity, and Happiness Living Fearlessly: Bringing Out Your Inner Soul Strengt How You Can Talk with God The Yoga of Jesus: Understanding the Hidden Teachings of the Gospels The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita The Holy Science, Swami Sri Yukteswar Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda Inner Peace: How to Be Calmly Active and Actively Calm Wine of the Mystic: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: A Spiritual Interpretation In the Sanctuary of the Soul To Be Victorious in Life Intuition Finding the Joy Within You: Personal Counsel for God-Centered Living Only Love: Living the Spiritual Life in a Changing World THE SRF LESSONS The SRF Lessons teach you how to live a balanced and successful life by awakening your connection to the Divine. The SRF Lessons are a transmission of sacred knowledge that will uplift and transform all aspects of your life: a progressive, home-study program teaching meditation techniques and the essence of spirituality handed down through a renowned lineage of yoga masters — Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, and Paramahansa Yogananda — and available to you. The Lessons were originated by Paramahansa Yogananda. At the core of his teachings is a powerful system of meditation techniques: the Kriya Yoga science of meditation. This ancient science of the soul—to which millions have been introduced by Autobiography of a Yogi and other books by him—provides powerful methods for awakening higher spiritual consciousness and the inner bliss of divine realization. From the very first Lesson, you receive definite methods by which you can experience the benefits of meditation immediately. While building a solid foundation for deep meditation, you will learn three powerful techniques taught by Paramahansa Yogananda as necessary first steps in the comprehensive spiritual science of Kriya Yoga: Energization Technique and Exercises, Hong-Sau Technique of Concentration and Aum Technique of Meditation. Learn more: #paramahansayogananda #kriyayoga #meditation #god #spirituality #hinduism #advaitavedanta #prayer #yogananda #yoga #spirit #spirituality #selfrealizationfellowship #spiritual #om #aum #guru

    26 min
  2. #14 - Paramahansa Yogananda: The Beatitudes (Sermon on the Mount)


    #14 - Paramahansa Yogananda: The Beatitudes (Sermon on the Mount)

    The lyric verses of Jesus that begin “Blessed are...” have become known as The Beatitudes. To beatify is to make supremely happy; beatitude signifies the blessedness, the bliss, of heaven. Jesus here sets forth with power and simplicity a doctrine of moral and spiritual principles that has echoed undiminished down the ages—tenets by which man’s life becomes blessed, filled with heavenly bliss. Paramahansa Yogananda, The Second Coming of Christ    • Paramahansa Yogananda: The Beatitudes...   📚 BOOKS by Paramahansa Yogananda Autobiography of a Yogi Man’s Eternal Quest The Divine Romance Journey to Self-Realization The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita Where There Is Light: Insight and Inspiration for Meeting Life's Challenge Scientific Healing Affirmations Metaphysical Meditations: Universal Prayers, Affirmations, and Visualizations Law of Success: Using the Power of Spirit to Create Health, Prosperity, and Happiness Living Fearlessly: Bringing Out Your Inner Soul Strengt How You Can Talk with God The Yoga of Jesus The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita The Holy Science, Swami Sri Yukteswar Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda Inner Peace: How to Be Calmly Active and Actively Calm Wine of the Mystic: In the Sanctuary of the Soul Intuition: Soul-Guidance for Life's Decisions Finding the Joy Within You: Personal Counsel for God-Centered Living Only Love THE SRF LESSONS The SRF Lessons teach you how to live a balanced and successful life by awakening your connection to the Divine. The SRF Lessons are a transmission of sacred knowledge that will uplift and transform all aspects of your life: a progressive, home-study program teaching meditation techniques and the essence of spirituality handed down through a renowned lineage of yoga masters — Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, and Paramahansa Yogananda — and available to you. The Lessons were originated by Paramahansa Yogananda. At the core of his teachings is a powerful system of meditation techniques: the Kriya Yoga science of meditation. This ancient science of the soul—to which millions have been introduced by Autobiography of a Yogi and other books by him—provides powerful methods for awakening higher spiritual consciousness and the inner bliss of divine realization. From the very first Lesson, you receive definite methods by which you can experience the benefits of meditation immediately. While building a solid foundation for deep meditation, you will learn three powerful techniques taught by Paramahansa Yogananda as necessary first steps in the comprehensive spiritual science of Kriya Yoga. Learn more: #paramahansayogananda #kriyayoga #meditation #god #spirituality #hinduism #advaitavedanta #prayer #yogananda #yoga #spirit #spirituality #selfrealizationfellowship #spiritual #om #aum #guru #ascension #lawofattraction #godprayer #hinduism #advaitaveda

    51 min
  3. #13 - Paramahansa Yogananda: The aurora of bliss


    #13 - Paramahansa Yogananda: The aurora of bliss

    When you are struggling in the water, you are not so much conscious of the water as you are of your struggle. But when you let go and relax, you float; then you feel the whole lake lapping soothingly around your body. That is the way God is. When you are calm, you feel the whole universe of happiness rocking gently beneath your consciousness. That happiness is God. Paramahansa Yogananda, Inner Peace    • Vídeo   📚 BOOKS by Paramahansa Yogananda Autobiography of a Yogi Man’s Eternal Quest The Divine Romance Journey to Self-Realization The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita Where There Is Light: Insight and Inspiration for Meeting Life's Challenge Scientific Healing Affirmations Metaphysical Meditations: Universal Prayers, Affirmations, and Visualizations Law of Success: Using the Power of Spirit to Create Health, Prosperity, and Happiness Living Fearlessly: Bringing Out Your Inner Soul Strengt How You Can Talk with God The Yoga of Jesus: Understanding the Hidden Teachings of the Gospels The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita: An Introduction to India's Universal Science of God-Realization The Holy Science, Swami Sri Yukteswar Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda Inner Peace: How to Be Calmly Active and Actively Calm In the Sanctuary of the Soul: A Guide to Effective Prayer To Be Victorious in Life Intuition: Soul-Guidance for Life's Decisions Finding the Joy Within You: Personal Counsel for God-Centered Living Only Love: Living the Spiritual Life in a Changing World THE SRF LESSONS The SRF Lessons teach you how to live a balanced and successful life by awakening your connection to the Divine. The SRF Lessons are a transmission of sacred knowledge that will uplift and transform all aspects of your life: a progressive, home-study program teaching meditation techniques and the essence of spirituality handed down through a renowned lineage of yoga masters — Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, and Paramahansa Yogananda — and available to you. The Lessons were originated by Paramahansa Yogananda. At the core of his teachings is a powerful system of meditation techniques: the Kriya Yoga science of meditation. This ancient science of the soul—to which millions have been introduced by Autobiography of a Yogi and other books by him—provides powerful methods for awakening higher spiritual consciousness and the inner bliss of divine realization. From the very first Lesson, you receive definite methods by which you can experience the benefits of meditation immediately. While building a solid foundation for deep meditation, you will learn three powerful techniques taught by Paramahansa Yogananda as necessary first steps in the comprehensive spiritual science of Kriya Yoga: Energization Technique and Exercises, Hong-Sau Technique of Concentration and Aum Technique of Meditation. Learn more: #paramahansayogananda #kriyayoga #meditation #god #spirituality #hinduism #advaitavedanta #prayer #yogananda #yoga #spirit #spirituality #selfrealizationfellowship #spiritual #om #aum #guru #yogaforbeginners #ascension #hinduism #srf #nonduality #quotesaboutlife #selfimprovement #faith #guidedmeditation #meditate #consciousness #yss #peaceful #meditate #mindfulness #buddhism #bhagavadgita #krishna #inspiration #zen #documentary #knowledge #documentary #inspirational #bliss #awakeni

    10 min
  4. #12 - Paramahansa Yogananda: Did we meet before?


    #12 - Paramahansa Yogananda: Did we meet before?

    It is a most wonderful experience to meet and recognize someone you knew before—someone with whom you have traveled the same pathway of life in former incarnations. All those in my family I knew from past lives. And every now and then I meet others who were known to me in previous incarnations, such as friends of my childhood. Though they have nothing in common with my present life, they are souls I had known before.It is a most wonderful experience to meet and recognize someone you knew before—someone with whom you have traveled the same pathway of life in former incarnations. All those in my family I knew from past lives. And every now and then I meet others who were known to me in previous incarnations, such as friends of my childhood. Though they have nothing in common with my present life, they are souls I had known before. Paramahansa Yogananda, Journey to Self-Realization    • Paramahansa Yogananda: Did we meet be...   📚 BOOKS by Paramahansa Yogananda Autobiography of a Yogi Man’s Eternal Quest The Divine Romance Journey to Self-Realization The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita Where There Is Light: Insight and Inspiration for Meeting Life's Challenge Scientific Healing Affirmations Metaphysical Meditations: Universal Prayers, Affirmations, and Visualizations Only Love: Living the Spiritual Life in a Changing World THE SRF LESSONS The SRF Lessons teach you how to live a balanced and successful life by awakening your connection to the Divine. The SRF Lessons are a transmission of sacred knowledge that will uplift and transform all aspects of your life: a progressive, home-study program teaching meditation techniques and the essence of spirituality handed down through a renowned lineage of yoga masters — Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, and Paramahansa Yogananda — and available to you. The Lessons were originated by Paramahansa Yogananda. At the core of his teachings is a powerful system of meditation techniques: the Kriya Yoga science of meditation. This ancient science of the soul—to which millions have been introduced by Autobiography of a Yogi and other books by him—provides powerful methods for awakening higher spiritual consciousness and the inner bliss of divine realization. From the very first Lesson, you receive definite methods by which you can experience the benefits of meditation immediately. While building a solid foundation for deep meditation, you will learn three powerful techniques taught by Paramahansa Yogananda as necessary first steps in the comprehensive spiritual science of Kriya Yoga: Energization Technique and Exercises, Hong-Sau Technique of Concentration and Aum Technique of Meditation. Learn more: #kriyayoga #meditation #god #spirituality #hinduism #advaitavedanta #prayer #yogananda #yoga #spirit #spirituality #selfrealizationfellowship #spiritual #om #aum #guru ##ascension #lawofattraction #godprayer #hinduism #advaitavedanta #srf #nonduality #inspirationalquotes #quotesaboutlife #selfimprovement #motivationalvideo #motivationalspeech #meditationforbeginners #faith #guidedmeditation #meditate #consciousness #yoga #peaceful #meditate #mindfulness #buddhism #prayers #morningprayer #bhagavadgita #krishna #inspiration #zen #documentary #faith #knowledge #pastlives #inspirational #pastlife

    23 min
  5. #11 - Paramahansa Yogananda: Seek God First


    #11 - Paramahansa Yogananda: Seek God First

    How easy it is to pack the day with foolishness, how difficult to fill it with worthwhile activities and thoughts! Yet God is not so much interested in what we are doing as in where the mind is. Everyone has a different difficulty, but God doesn’t listen to any excuses. He wants the devotee’s mind to be engrossed in Him in spite of any troublesome circumstances. Paramahansa Yogananda, Man's Eternal Quest 📚 BOOKS by Paramahansa Yogananda Autobiography of a Yogi Man’s Eternal Quest The Divine Romance Journey to Self-Realization The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita Where There Is Light: Insight and Inspiration for Meeting Life's Challenge Scientific Healing Affirmations Metaphysical Meditations: Universal Prayers, Affirmations, and Visualizations Law of Success: Using the Power of Spirit to Create Health, Prosperity, and Happiness Living Fearlessly: Bringing Out Your Inner Soul Strengt How You Can Talk with God The Yoga of Jesus: Understanding the Hidden Teachings of the Gospels The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita: An Introduction to India's Universal Science of God-Realization The Holy Science, Swami Sri Yukteswar Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda Inner Peace: How to Be Calmly Active and Actively Calm Wine of the Mystic: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: A Spiritual Interpretation In the Sanctuary of the Soul: A Guide to Effective Prayer To Be Victorious in Life Intuition: Soul-Guidance for Life's Decisions Finding the Joy Within You: Personal Counsel for God-Centered Living Only Love: Living the Spiritual Life in a Changing World THE SRF LESSONS The SRF Lessons teach you how to live a balanced and successful life by awakening your connection to the Divine. The SRF Lessons are a transmission of sacred knowledge that will uplift and transform all aspects of your life: a progressive, home-study program teaching meditation techniques and the essence of spirituality handed down through a renowned lineage of yoga masters — Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, and Paramahansa Yogananda — and available to you. The Lessons were originated by Paramahansa Yogananda. At the core of his teachings is a powerful system of meditation techniques: the Kriya Yoga science of meditation. This ancient science of the soul—to which millions have been introduced by Autobiography of a Yogi and other books by him—provides powerful methods for awakening higher spiritual consciousness and the inner bliss of divine realization. From the very first Lesson, you receive definite methods by which you can experience the benefits of meditation immediately. While building a solid foundation for deep meditation, you will learn three powerful techniques taught by Paramahansa Yogananda as necessary first steps in the comprehensive spiritual science of Kriya Yoga: Energization Technique and Exercises, Hong-Sau Technique of Concentration and Aum Technique of Meditation. Learn more: #kriyayoga #meditation #god #spirituality #hinduism #advaitavedanta #prayer #yogananda #yoga #spirit #krishna #inspiration #zen #documentary #faith #knowledge #putgodfirst #seekgod #samadhi #enlightenment #spirituality #spiritual #prayer #om #aum #srf #yss #babaji #chakras

    19 min
  6. #10 - Paramahansa Yogananda: Raise the level of consciousness


    #10 - Paramahansa Yogananda: Raise the level of consciousness

    Sri Krishna’s message in the Bhagavad Gita is the perfect answer for the modern age, and any age: Yoga of dutiful action, of nonattachment, and of meditation for God-realization. To work without the inner peace of God is Hades; and to work with His joy ever bubbling through the soul is to carry a portable paradise within, wherever one goes. The path advocated by Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita is the moderate, medium, golden path, both for the busy man of the world and for the highest spiritual aspirant. To follow the path advocated by the Bhagavad Gita would be their salvation, for it is a book of universal Self-realization, introducing man to his true Self, the soul—showing him how he has evolved from Spirit, how he may fulfill on earth his righteous duties, and how he may return to God. The Gita’s wisdom is not for dry intellectualists to perform mental gymnastics with its sayings for the entertainment of dogmatists; but rather to show a man or woman living in the world, householder or renunciant, how to live a balanced life that includes the actual contact of God, by following the step-by-step methods of yoga. Paramahansa Yogananda, God Talks With Arjuna Paramahansa Yogananda: Raise the leve...   This video was made with excerpts from the book God Talks With Arjuna by Paramahansa Yogananda. 📚 BOOKS by Paramahansa Yogananda Autobiography of a Yogi The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita THE SRF LESSONS The SRF Lessons teach you how to live a balanced and successful life by awakening your connection to the Divine. The SRF Lessons are a transmission of sacred knowledge that will uplift and transform all aspects of your life: a progressive, home-study program teaching meditation techniques and the essence of spirituality handed down through a renowned lineage of yoga masters — Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, and Paramahansa Yogananda — and available to you. The Lessons were originated by Paramahansa Yogananda. At the core of his teachings is a powerful system of meditation techniques: the Kriya Yoga science of meditation. This ancient science of the soul—to which millions have been introduced by Autobiography of a Yogi and other books by him—provides powerful methods for awakening higher spiritual consciousness and the inner bliss of divine realization. From the very first Lesson, you receive definite methods by which you can experience the benefits of meditation immediately. Learn more: #paramahansayogananda #krishna #bhagavadgita #kriyayoga #meditation #god #spirituality #hinduism #advaitavedanta #prayer #yogananda #yoga #spirit #spirituality #selfrealizationfellowship #spiritual #om #aum #guru #yogaforbeginners #ascension #lawofattraction #godprayer #hinduism #advaitavedanta #srf #yss #nonduality #inspirationalquotes #prayers #krishna #inspiration #zen #documentary #faith #knowledge #documentary #inspirational #harekrishna #bhagavankrishna #krishna #mahavatarbabaji #vedas #upanishads #krishnabhajan #bhagavadgitaseries #samadhi #krishnasongs

    32 min
  7. #09 - Paramahansa Yogananda: God as Light and Joy


    #09 - Paramahansa Yogananda: God as Light and Joy

    Don’t yearn for human love; it will vanish. Behind human love is the spiritual love of God. Seek that. Don’t pray for home or for money or for love or for friendship. Don’t pray for anything of this world. Enjoy only what the Lord gives to you. All else leads to delusion. Man has come on earth solely to learn to know God; he is here for no other reason. Paramahansa Yogananda, Man’s Eternal Quest    • Paramahansa Yogananda: God as Light a...   📚 BOOKS by Paramahansa Yogananda Autobiography of a Yogi Man’s Eternal Quest The Divine Romance Journey to Self-Realization The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita Where There Is Light: Insight and Inspiration for Meeting Life's Challenge Scientific Healing Affirmations Metaphysical Meditations: Universal Prayers, Affirmations, and Visualizations Law of Success: Using the Power of Spirit to Create Health, Prosperity, and Happiness Living Fearlessly: Bringing Out Your Inner Soul Strengt How You Can Talk with God The Yoga of Jesus: Understanding the Hidden Teachings of the Gospels The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita: An Introduction to India's Universal Science of God-Realization The Holy Science, Swami Sri Yukteswar Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda Inner Peace: How to Be Calmly Active and Actively Calm Wine of the Mystic: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: A Spiritual Interpretation In the Sanctuary of the Soul: A Guide to Effective Prayer Finding the Joy Within You: Personal Counsel for God-Centered Living Only Love: Living the Spiritual Life in a Changing World THE SRF LESSONS The SRF Lessons teach you how to live a balanced and successful life by awakening your connection to the Divine. The SRF Lessons are a transmission of sacred knowledge that will uplift and transform all aspects of your life: a progressive, home-study program teaching meditation techniques and the essence of spirituality handed down through a renowned lineage of yoga masters — Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, and Paramahansa Yogananda — and available to you. The Lessons were originated by Paramahansa Yogananda. At the core of his teachings is a powerful system of meditation techniques: the Kriya Yoga science of meditation. This ancient science of the soul—to which millions have been introduced by Autobiography of a Yogi and other books by him—provides powerful methods for awakening higher spiritual consciousness and the inner bliss of divine realization. From the very first Lesson, you receive definite methods by which you can experience the benefits of meditation immediately. While building a solid foundation for deep meditation, you will learn three powerful techniques taught by Paramahansa Yogananda as necessary first steps in the comprehensive spiritual science of Kriya Yoga: Energization Technique and Exercises, Hong-Sau Technique of Concentration and Aum Technique of Meditation. Learn more: #paramahansayogananda #kriyayoga #meditation #god #spirituality #hinduism #advaitavedanta #prayer #yogananda #yoga #spirit #spirituality #selfrealizationfellowship #spiritual #om #aum #guru #religion #ascension #lawofattraction #hinduism #advaitavedanta #srf #samadhi #nonduality #inspirationalquotes #vedas #godislight #mahavatarbabaji #satsang #calm #joy #happiness #morningmeditation #quantumphysics #guru #krishna #autobiographyofayogi #yogananda a href="htt

    16 min
  8. #08 - Paramahansa Yogananda: The Yoga Art of Overcoming Mortal Consciousness and Death


    #08 - Paramahansa Yogananda: The Yoga Art of Overcoming Mortal Consciousness and Death

    If you tune in with the thought of God and hit the nail of delusion with the hammer of right thoughts of Truth, you can overcome delusion.“Destroy all mortal thoughts by substituting a thought of immortality. When you go beyond the consciousness of this world, knowing that you are not the body or the mind, and yet aware as never before that you exist—that divine consciousness is what you are. You are That in which is rooted everything in the universe. Paramahansa Yogananda, God Talks With Arjuna 📚 BOOKS by Paramahansa Yogananda Autobiography of a Yogi Man’s Eternal Quest The Divine Romance Journey to Self-Realization The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita Where There Is Light Scientific Healing Affirmations Metaphysical Meditations Law of Success Living Fearlessly How You Can Talk with God The Yoga of Jesus: Understanding the Hidden Teachings of the Gospels The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita The Holy Science, Swami Sri Yukteswar Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda Inner Peace: How to Be Calmly Active and Actively Calm Wine of the Mystic: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: A Spiritual Interpretation In the Sanctuary of the Soul: A Guide to Effective Prayer To Be Victorious in Life Intuition: Soul-Guidance for Life's Decisions Finding the Joy Within You: Personal Counsel for God-Centered Living Only Love: Living the Spiritual Life in a Changing World THE SRF LESSONS The SRF Lessons teach you how to live a balanced and successful life by awakening your connection to the Divine. The SRF Lessons are a transmission of sacred knowledge that will uplift and transform all aspects of your life: a progressive, home-study program teaching meditation techniques and the essence of spirituality handed down through a renowned lineage of yoga masters — Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, and Paramahansa Yogananda — and available to you. The Lessons were originated by Paramahansa Yogananda. At the core of his teachings is a powerful system of meditation techniques: the Kriya Yoga science of meditation. This ancient science of the soul—to which millions have been introduced by Autobiography of a Yogi and other books by him—provides powerful methods for awakening higher spiritual consciousness and the inner bliss of divine realization. From the very first Lesson, you receive definite methods by which you can experience the benefits of meditation immediately. While building a solid foundation for deep meditation, you will learn three powerful techniques taught by Paramahansa Yogananda as necessary first steps in the comprehensive spiritual science of Kriya Yoga: Energization Technique and Exercises, Hong-Sau Technique of Concentration and Aum Technique of Meditation. Learn more: #kriyayoga #meditation #god #spirituality #hinduism #advaitavedanta #prayer #yogananda #yoga #spirit #spirituality #spiritual #om #aum #guru #ascension #hinduism #advaitavedanta #srf #selfrealizationfellowship #nonduality #meditate #consciousness #yoga #yogaforbeginners #peaceful #meditate #mindfulness #buddhism #bhagavadgita #krishna #inspiration a href="https:/

    21 min


Explore the timeless teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and reclaim your oneness with God — ever new joy, love, and peace. Turn your day-to-day life into a journey of Self-realization. We invite you to journey with us on a life-transforming discovery of the peace, joy, and wisdom of the soul through the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. On this podcast, you will find beautifully crafted narrations of Paramahansa Yogananda's teachings, accompanied by moving audio effects that will help you fully immerse yourself in the experience.

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