OUTLAWS: The Good Thief
Vassilis Paleokostas, aka “Greece’s Robin Hood,” has been on the lam for 14 years. In his absence, legends of his generosity have grown. But no one knows where he is, or if the stories are even true. Here’s what we do know: there’s a million Euro bounty out for Vassilis, and a 24-hour task force trying to track him down. When he robs banks, he shares the money with the poor. When he kidnaps industrialists -- and he only kidnaps those who are known for unfair labor practices -- they give baffling interviews showing how he opened their minds. And when he escapes heavily reinforced prisons, as he’s done ... by helicopter ... twice, he does it without harming a guard. Join host Miles Gray and our team of Greek reporters as we follow Vassilis’ trail from Athens to tiny islands to remote mountain hideouts. Along the way, we’ll meet Vassilis’s inner circle, chat with police chiefs and prime ministers, and work to understand how this thief managed to steal the country’s heart.
Thank you!
I’m Greek and - of course - I knew of Palaiokostas. Nevertheless, I’m learning a lot from the podcast. It is always interesting to have the view of non-Greeks in issues that trouble the Greek society; the comments on modern corruption and the reasons behind the brothers’ origins with mentions to the klefts and the junta, are really great. Our society is sick of not rotten to its core (that’s me losing hope…). I cannot sympathise with such outlaws, but I can see the point in examining their cases. Thank you!
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