

每天5分钟,轻松学口语 非常地道的日常英语口语,吃穿住行旅游娱乐学习样样包含 每周更新两期节目,要跟着Lydia一起学习打卡哦 多听多读,孰能生巧 Keep studying

  1. 2 DAYS AGO


    生活中送别长辈或者客人时我们常常会说一句“您慢走”以示礼貌那么英语中要如何表达“您慢走”呢一起来看看吧01“您慢走”英文怎么说?也许有小伙伴一拍脑袋脱口而出:“walk slowly”殊不知这是中式英语walk slowly 只是描述了一种“慢慢走路”的姿态而非送别客人时的客套话让对方慢走,实质是让他注意安全以下几种说法都是可以的:① Please take care.② Have a safe trip home!③ Be careful on your way home!比如,饭店服务员对你说:Thanks for having your meal here. Please take care.谢谢光临,您请慢走。也可以用到这个表达:mind your step它表示“留神脚下,别着急”如果在告别的时候使用就表示:您慢走而在英国“您慢走”也可以直接翻译成:mind how you go例:A: It's time to go home now. See you.现在该回家了。再见。B: Mind how you go您慢走。mind作名词表示:大脑,聪明的人作动词表示:介意,反对;小心,当心再来看看和它相关的表达02“one-track mind”是什么意思?one-track mind = 考虑问题一根筋;思维单一;思维狭隘例:Bill, I wasn't talking about that. You have a one-track mind!比尔,我不是在讲那个。你的思维太狭隘了!而我们常说的“身心”可以用mind-body 或 mindbody例:Tai chi is a mind-body practice that seeks to relax the body and mind. 太极是一种身心练习,旨在放松身体和精神。03“don't mind me”是什么意思?don't mind me是一个常用的口语意思是:不用管我,当我不在眼前好了有一首英文歌就叫《Don't Mind Me》例:Don't mind me. I'm just sorting out some files here. 不用管我,我只是在这儿整理些文件。有一个类似的表达I don't mind if I do (用于礼貌地接受)可以吃点,可以喝些相当于:那我就不客气了。例:A: There's plenty more cake if you'd like another piece.如果你想再来一块,这儿还有很多蛋糕呢。B: I don't mind if I do.那我就不客气了。04in one's mind 和 on one's mind的区别?on one's mind 表达对某人或某事的“担忧”比如你看到一个人心神不宁的可以这样问:What's on your mind?例:Paul has a lot on his mind at the moment. 保罗此刻心事重重。in one's mind 仅表示客观上记住了某人或某事并没有“担心”这层含义也可以表达“你的想法、看法;在你看来”例:I always keep your words in my mind. 我一直把你的话记在心里。

    6 min
  2. 14 OCT

    “车牌号”的英文可不是car number! 正确的表达是?

    道路千万条,奔波不停歇没车怎么行就算是电动车,也能减减负当然,无论开的是电动车还是超跑独一无二的“车牌号”是一定要有的01"车牌号"英文怎么说?"车牌号"在英语里有专门的表达:license plate numberlicense / licence plate = 车牌license ['laɪsns]【美】执照, 许可证licence ['laɪsəns] 【英】执照, 许可证plate [pleɪt] (印有文字或数字的)金属牌number ['nʌmbə] 数字在英国,“车牌”也可以叫 number plate“车牌号”也可以说 registration number例:What's your license plate number?你的车牌号是多少?You couldn't see the vehicle's license plate number. 你看不到那辆车的牌照号码。知道了"车牌号", 再来看"驾照"怎么说?02"驾照"英文怎么说?美国驾照: driver's license英国驾照: driving licence例:It's so hard to get a driver's license. 考驾照真的好难。Could I see your driver's license please, sir? 先生,我可以看一下您的驾照吗?03"摇号"英文怎么说?在北京、上海等机动车比较多的城市需要参与摇号才有机会获得车牌“摇号”别说成shake number()先认识这个单词lottery [ˈlɒtəri](类似买彩票这种随机事件)车牌摇号 = license plate lottery例:He failed to get plates through the license plate number lottery.车牌摇号他没摇中。04"罚单"英文怎么说?ticket ['tikit] (交通)罚款通知单, 违章通知单parking ticket 违法停车罚款单speeding ticket 超速行驶罚款单例:You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket.如果他没给你付款单就放你走, 算你走运了。I want to know at what point I break the speed limit and get a ticket.我想知道我是在什么地方超速而受到处罚的。罚单积累多了, 分数扣完了被吊销驾照也就不可避免了"吊销驾照"英语怎么说?05"吊销驾照"英文怎么说?吊销驾照 = revoke the driver's licenserevoke [rɪ'vəʊk] 撤销, 取消;废除例:His driver's license was revoked. 他的驾照被吊销了。

    4 min
  3. 3 OCT


    所谓树活一张皮,人活一张脸啥都丢得,面子可丢不得留人几分面子,日后好相见今天看看“面子”的英文表达吧01“面子”英文怎么说?“面子,脸面”我们可以用face例:He thinks he would lose face if he admitted the mistake. 他觉得承认错误会丢面子。从例句中我们可以看出丢面子可以用lose face来表达不过给面子可不能用give face02“给面子”英文怎么说?①show respect表示尊重respect 尊重例:A wife should show respect to her husband in public.一个妻子在公开场合应该给老公面子。②for someone's sake看在某人的面子上(给某人面子)例:She forgives her husband for the children's sake.看在孩子的份上,她原谅了她老公。03“你让我很没面子”英文怎么说?英语中常用make sb. look bad 表达 “让某人没面子”例:I'm all blowing up. They're making me look really bad here.我已经气炸了,他们让我很没面子。反之make sb. look good 表达的意思是“让某人有面子”例:This makes me look good.这样让我很有面子。此外表达“没面子”还可以用embarrassed例:She felt so embarrassed. 她觉得很窘迫,没面子。04“挽回面子”英文怎么说?save face= 挽回面子save face 也是老外公认的、被正名了的中式英语平时他们也会这么说例:He tried to save face by quitting his job before he got fired.为了尽量挽回面子,他想在被开除前主动辞职。05“不要脸”英文怎么说?①shameless 不要脸的;无耻的“你不要脸”可以说You're shameless例:They seem to have a shameless disregard for truth. 他们似乎恬不知耻地无视事实真相。②cheeky 厚脸皮的,不要脸的例:She's got such a cheeky grin. 她还厚着脸皮咧嘴笑呢。

    4 min
  4. 25 SEPT


    微信、QQ、抖音……各种APP每天窜出无数的消息纷纷杂杂缠在一起看见紧要的消息最好的就是赶紧回一个“收到”01“收到”英文怎么说?①Got it.这是口语中常用的表达方式表示理解并已收到对方的信息例:A: Let's meet at 3 PM tomorrow at the café. 我们明天三点在咖啡馆见面吧。B: Got it. 收到。②Copy that.或Roger that.例:A: We need to set up the tents before it gets dark.我们需要在天黑前把帐篷搭起来。B: Roger that. 收到。③Noted例:A: The meeting has been rescheduled to 2 PM. 会议改到下午两点了。B: Noted. 收到。02“包在我身上”英文怎么说?“包在我身上”可以用“I'm on it”on it可以表达:正在做需要做的事,正在试图解决问题所以I'm on it 可以翻译成:包在我身上(我来解决吧!);我马上去做这个短句通常表示一个人接受了某个任务或责任并表示他们会立即采取行动或全力以赴去完成例:A: We need help with web design.我们在网页设计方面需要帮助。B: Don't worry, I'm on it.别担心,包在我身上。03“敷衍”英文怎么说?“敷衍”指:对事情不认真马马虎虎,表面上应付常见的英语表达有:①最简单的表达:perfunctory [pəˈfʌŋktəri]例:His smile was perfunctory. 他的笑容很敷衍。②更形象生动的表达:pay lip servicelip [lɪp] 嘴唇这个短语的意思是:嘴上功夫,口头上说说根本没有实际行动例:She claims to be in favour of training, but so far she's only paid lip service to the idea.她声称对培训持赞成态度,但到目前为止她的赞成还仅仅停留在口头上

    4 min
  5. 19 SEPT


    生活里总有那么一些事不断刺激着我们的底线让人只想大吼一声“你太过分了”01"你太过分了"英文怎么说?①that's too muchA: I told my friends that they can stay at your house tonight.我告诉我的朋友们,今晚他们可以住在你家里。B: You didn't even ask me. I guess that's too much.你都没问过我。这太过分了吧。还有一个类似的短语a bit much = 太过分,太不像话例:I think it's a bit much for you to expect me to do all the cleaning. 想让我把所有清扫的活儿都干了,你是不是太过分了。②You're going too far.go too far 做得太过分 / 太过火了例:Lydia didn't mind at first, but now you're going too far. Lydia一开始并没有介意,但是你现在太过分了。③You've crossed the line.You're out of line.cross the line = out of line (行为)越界;太过分了例:This time, you've really crossed the line. 这一次,你真的太过分了。生活里难免有矛盾和冲突过分的事情那么多只会一句“你太过分了”怎么够?以下表达不满的70句实用英语让你吐槽不用再卡壳1. Knock it off. 少来这一套。2. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!3. Leave me alone. 走开。4. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!5. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!6. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?8. I don’t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你!9. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?10. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。11. Get lost.滚开!12. Take a hike!哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。13. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事!14. How dare you! 你好大的胆!15. Cut it out. 省省吧。16. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!17. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。18. I’m fed up. 我厌倦了。19. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了!20. I’ve had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话。21. You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!22. You make me so mad.你气死我了啦。23. Drop dead.去死吧!24. you fuck off. 滚蛋。25. Don’t give me your excuses/ No more excuses. 别找借口。26. You’re a pain in the ass. 你这讨厌鬼。27.Get out of my sight. 从我眼前消失!28. Don’t waste my time anymore. 别再浪费我的时间了!29. Get over yourself. 别自以为是。30. You’re nothing to me. 你对我什么都不是。31. You look guilty. 你看上去心虚。32. I can’t help it. 我没办法。33. Give me a break. 饶了我吧。34. Who do you think you’re talking to? 你以为你在跟谁说话?35. Look at this mess! 看看这烂摊子!36. You’re so careless. 你真粗心。37. Why on earth didn’t you tell me the truth? 你到底为什么不跟我说实话?38. I’m about to explode!我肺都快要气炸了!39. What a stupid idiot! 真是白痴一个!40. I’m not going to put up with this! 我再也受不了啦!41. I never want to see your face again! 我再也不要见到你!42. That’s terrible. 真糟糕!43. Just look at what you’ve done! 看看你都做了些什么!44. I wish I had never met you. 我真后悔这辈子遇到你!45. You’re a disgrace. 你真丢人!46. I’ll never forgive you! 我永远都不会饶恕你!47. Don’t nag me! 别在我面前唠叨!48. I’m sick of it. 我都腻了。49. Enough is enough! 够了够了!50. Stop screwing/ fooling/messing around! 别鬼混了!51. Mind your own business! 管好你自己的事!52. You’re just a good for nothing bum! 你真是一个废物!/ 你一无是处!53. I loathe you! 我讨厌你!54. I detest you! 我恨你!55. Get the hell out of here! 滚开!56. Don’t be that way! 别那样!57. Can’t you do anything right? 成事不足,败事有余。58. You’re impossible. 你真不可救药。59. You’re a joke! 你真是一个小丑!60. Don’t give me your attitude. 别跟我摆架子。61. You’ll be sorry. 你会后悔的。62. We’re through. 我们完了!63. Look at the

    10 min
  6. 12 SEPT

    “I'm sold. ”可别翻译成“我被卖了!”理解错了很尴尬

    生活中sell这个词可是太常见了毕竟衣食住行、玩耍游乐样样离不了买和卖但sell除了“卖,出售”还有其它含义一起来看看吧01“I'm sold”是什么意思?sold是sell的过去式及过去分词sell除了“卖,出售”还有“说服;使接受”的意思I'm sold意思是:我被说服了也是美剧中常用的口语表达反之,I'm not sold可以表达“我没有被说服,我不相信”例:The filmmakers sold me on the idea that my book would work on the screen. 这位电影人士说服了我,让我相信我的小说可以搬上银幕。02“sell yourself short”是什么意思?sell yourself short = 看轻自己;低估自己在这个短语中yourself可以用himself、herself等来替换也可以使用sth替换表示低估了某物的价值例:Don't sell yourself short, you've got the skills and the experience. 不要小看自己,你有技能,也有经验。此外,look down on / upon也可以表达“看不起,看轻”例:Don't look down upon yourself. Just give it a shot. 不要看轻自己。试一试吧。03“sell (sb) out”是什么意思? sell (sb) out意思是:背叛;出卖相当于betray例:You sold me out. We're through. 你出卖了我。我们结束了。sell out则是表达:卖光;售罄例:We couldn't get seats, the concert was sold out. 我们弄不到座位,音乐会的票卖光了。04“sell sth off”是什么意思?sell sth off = 减价出售;低价处理其名词形式sell-off例:They're selling off last year's stock at half price. 他们正以半价抛售去年的存货。

    4 min
  7. 2 SEPT

    “开学”的英文可不是“open school ”!

    新学期开始咯准备好重回校园了吗?一起看看“开学”英语怎么说吧01“开学”英语怎么说?用 open school 来表示“开学”这是一个典型的中式英语其实 open school 英语中也有出现只不过它指的是“开放的学校”这里 open 是形容词,表示“开放的”开学的“开”其实是“开始”的意思可以用 start 和 beginschool starts / begins 表示“开学”另外“开学”是新学期的开始“学期”的英文是semester/term所以new semester(或term) starts/begins也可以表达开学如果特指大学开学还可以用university starts / begins例:School starts in October.十月份开学。British universities start in September or October.英国大学于九月份或十月份开学。02“学期”semester和term的区别semester和term都可以表示“学期”但两者的学期划分是不同的semester是双学期制,包括:the spring semester 春季学期fall semester 秋季学期term是三学期制,包括:the spring term 春季学期the summer term 夏季学期the fall term 秋季学期我国的学校基本都是两学期制semester美国以semester为主,英国则以term为主03“上网课”英语怎么说?提到“上课”我们说得最多的是 take a class要强调在“网上”上课,可以说:take an online class另外,course是“课程、科目”所以“上网课”也可以说:take an online course例:Recently many students have to take online courses.最近很多学生不得不开始上网课。 I'm taking an online course in English. 我正在学习英文网课04在英国,public school不是"公立学校"在美国 public school=公立学校这里的public指public fund(公共资金)支持的学校 但在英国 public school=很贵的私立学校(也叫“公学”,但不同于公立学校)这里,public的意思是:入学资格公用,只要付的起钱就能进例:He was headmaster of a public school in the West of England. 他是英格兰西部一所公学的校长。

    4 min


每天5分钟,轻松学口语 非常地道的日常英语口语,吃穿住行旅游娱乐学习样样包含 每周更新两期节目,要跟着Lydia一起学习打卡哦 多听多读,孰能生巧 Keep studying

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