123 episodios

The Palestine Pod is a weekly podcast where we break down the latest Palestine-related news providing historical context, light hearted commentary and interviews with the aim of supporting Palestinian liberation, justice, and equality on the ground and in exile.

The Palestine Pod Lara E. and Mikey B.

    • Noticias

The Palestine Pod is a weekly podcast where we break down the latest Palestine-related news providing historical context, light hearted commentary and interviews with the aim of supporting Palestinian liberation, justice, and equality on the ground and in exile.

    Divesting from Genocide at UCSB with Jwan Haddadd

    Divesting from Genocide at UCSB with Jwan Haddadd

    This week Lara and Michael sit down with the former President of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), Jwan Haddadd. We talk about the successful organizing effort to pass a resolution divesting from companies who support genocide, and the coalition of organizations, students, and faculty who made it happen. UCSB becomes the sixth University to institutionalize a boycott within the UC system. 

    • 35 min
    The Writing is on the Apartheid Wall

    The Writing is on the Apartheid Wall

    This week Lara and Michael cover the Israeli massacres in Jabalia and Jenin. We discuss the premature infants forced out of their incubators by zionist bombs. The last two functioning hospitals in Gaza are besieged by the IOF and have been without clean drinking water for days. We also cover the ICC Prosecutor's application to the pre-trial judges for the arrest warrants of Netanyahu and Gallant. 

    • 36 min
    Genocide on the Ballot with Dr. Jill Stein

    Genocide on the Ballot with Dr. Jill Stein

    This week, Lara and Michael play a recorded interview with UCLA students in the encampment and sit down with Presidential candidate for the Green Party, Dr. Jill Stein. We discuss the role of electoral politics, how it has failed us, and how now more than ever we need a third party to threaten the two-party duopoly. Dr. Jill Stein has centered her campaign around being the only option on the ballot across the country to call for an end to the genocide in Palestine, and she promises to dismantle the US empire. 

    • 1h 1m
    The US is lying to you

    The US is lying to you

    This week Lara and Michael cover the Pro-Publica report that internal state department recommendations advise sanctioning and cutting the supply of weapons to the the occupation. A recommendation Anthony Blinken has been suppressing and lying about since December of 2023. We also discuss the phenomena of college campus student solidarity encampments starting with Columbia and then leading to others at Harvard and Yale. 

    • 33 min
    The Massacre at Al Shifa

    The Massacre at Al Shifa

    This week Lara and Michael cover the details emerging around the massacre at Al Shifa. This massacre will be remembered in the same way as Deir Yassin and Tantura. Doctors who refused to leave their patients were executed. IOF terrorists separated people by color-coded bracelets. We cover the wildly racist coverage of the assassinated aid workers, and how the lives of foreign nationals are not more important than Palestinian lives.  

    • 48 min
    Medical Mission to Gaza with Dr. Mohammad Subeh

    Medical Mission to Gaza with Dr. Mohammad Subeh

    This week Lara and Michael sit down with Palestinian-American ER physician, Dr. Mohammad Subeh. Dr. Subeh came to the US as a Palestinian refugee during the Gulf War after his grandparents were expelled from Palestine during the Nakba. He speaks to the Palestine Pod about his recent experience providing medical care for five weeks in Gaza a field hospital with the International Medical Core in Rafah during Israel's ongoing genocidal assault. In addition to detailing the realities of Israel's attacks against civilians in Gaza as well as Israel's decimation of the Palestinian healthcare system, Dr. Subeh paints a picture of a people committed to "ihsan", the concept of seeking to achieve excellence in all aspects of life while facing annihilation. Lara reminds that the Palestinian people refuse to disappear in the face of the zionist settler colonial project which requires extermination of the indigenous people. Instead, the Palestinian people currently undergoing genocide continue to insist on life with excellence. 

    • 56 min

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