98 épisodes

Welcome to the Advancing Women Podcast where ambitious women come together to challenge the status quo, advance their careers, and up-level their lives. The Advancing Women Podcast is hosted by Gender Equity Expert and Executive Coach Dr. Kimberly DeSimone.

Advancing Women Podcast Dr. Kimberly DeSimone

    • Éducation

Welcome to the Advancing Women Podcast where ambitious women come together to challenge the status quo, advance their careers, and up-level their lives. The Advancing Women Podcast is hosted by Gender Equity Expert and Executive Coach Dr. Kimberly DeSimone.

    Calm in the Chaos

    Calm in the Chaos

    Take time for yourself…take time for self-care…fill your cup. We hear this all the time, but the reality is that things often work against you. All the expectations…the balls we’re meant to juggle, all at once and never drop. Oh…and keep smiling.
    In this episode of the Advancing Women Podcast, I explore the radical acceptance of the chaos in our lives and talk about how we can care for ourselves, in small ways, regularly. It’s about creating a practice for peace, even in difficult moments, and being mindful and intentional in how we show up, the experience others have with us, and the energy we bring. Let’s talk about the small ways we can maintain our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, even in the chaos.  
    Show References:
    The Blissful Mind website https://theblissfulmind.com/
    For more about Dr. DeSimone and the Advancing Women Podcast

    • 28 min
    It’s Not a Women’s Ambition Gap, It’s an Ambition Penalty!

    It’s Not a Women’s Ambition Gap, It’s an Ambition Penalty!

    Coming off of last week's episode addressing the assault on women’s ambition, I wanted to explore ambition and the backlash women experience in more detail in this episode with special guest nationally recognized money expert, Stephanie O'Connell Rodriguez
    Does the workplace constantly make you question yourself? Ever had an offer rescinded when you tried to negotiate for more money? Ever been told to speak up but when you do, you face consequences? Ever feel like ambitious men are celebrated while ambitious women are criticized and experience backlash? Tired of the backlash, blame, and gaslighting? Then you won’t want to miss this episode!
    Learn more about Stephanie O’Connell and the ambition penalty here:
    For more about Dr. DeSimone and the Advancing Women Podcast

    • 32 min
    Stop Blaming Women’s Ambition: Debunking Butker

    Stop Blaming Women’s Ambition: Debunking Butker

    Most of you have probably seen or at least heard about the commencement speech from NFL kicker Harrison Butker. This #newepisode doesn’t cover everything he said. Still, I cover the comments that are in my lane…in the areas of gender equity and women’s experiences in the workforce and the home. Let’s explore the “diabolical lie” that Butker asserts women have fallen for. Women’s ambition is, yet again…in the hot seat!
    Are women choosing careers over family, and if so, why? Are men choosing not to marry or even date? Are our expectations too high? Should we set aside our workforce ambition and focus on marriage and children? Can we have it all?
    These questions and so much more will be examined and dissected to see if they hold up against what the science tells us. You don’t want to miss this one! #tunein #advancingwomenpodcast
    Advancing Women Podcast. Young men are opting out of marriage. Should we care? https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/young-men-are-opting-out-of-marriage-and/id1569849100?i=1000604015537
    Forbes: What women want ranking.  https://www.forbes.com/2010/05/26/what-do-women-want-in-husband-forbes-woman-well-being-marriage_slide.html?sh=7c248933b11b
    Pew Research (2024) https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/02/15/among-young-adults-without-children-men-are-more-likely-than-women-to-say-they-want-to-be-parents-someday/
    News & Observer. Husbands, wives more likely to cheat if they depend on spouse for money. https://www.newsobserver.com/living/article22790805.html#storylink=cpy

    • 24 min
    Why is Mom So Angry? I’m Glad You Asked!

    Why is Mom So Angry? I’m Glad You Asked!

    It’s May, a month we celebrate moms and a great time to touch base about how we are feeling about things.  If you sometimes find yourself feeling undervalued, unseen, and underappreciated, this episode is for you.
    Research shows most women, especially moms, have been socially conditioned to do for others. To always prioritize and meet everyone’s needs. We face societal and familial expectations of selflessness, ensuring everybody stays comfortable and happy. We are meant to make sure everything gets done and to do it without complaint.
    But what happens when the constant juggling of to-do’s,  the emotional and mental labor, and the lack of feeling valued start to take a toll? How do we tackle the frustration and the resentment that bubbles up? When we are emotionally exhausted,  spiritually fatigued, and feeling undervalued for long enough, we can find ourselves enduring rather than thriving…missing out on the joy (and rest) we deserve.
    Guess what though…you are not alone! #tunein to learn more about emotional labor, spiritual fatigue, and just maybe, to get the empathy and acknowledgement you need.
    Hartley, G. (2018) Fed Up: Emotional labor, women, and the way forward.
    Laporte, D. (2014) The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms.
    For more about Dr. DeSimone and the Advancing Women Podcast

    • 18 min
    A Grown Up Gap Year With #Youtuber Jen Lefforge

    A Grown Up Gap Year With #Youtuber Jen Lefforge

    Have you ever wondered what you would do if you could do anything? What if you took a grown-up gap year to figure it out? That’s just what my guest Jen Lefforge did. That is how, at age 46, after a 25-year career, and after raising 3 sons, she took a year off to find out what she wanted to be when she grew up. That grown-up gap year resulted in her current day job as a professional content creator and full-time #YouTuber who makes a living documenting her travels, adventures, and the art of joyful living to her community of more than 80K subscribers!
    Too often, as women, we hear that our best years are behind us once we get into our 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond, so I am passionate about telling the stories of women of a big age (as Jen likes to say!)  who are crushing it and doing new and unexpected things.
    As women we tend to follow a less linear path, more of what researchers call a Kaleidoscope Career Model (KCM). The kaleidoscope is a perfect metaphor for how we alter our careers in response to changing needs. Whether the need is for authenticity, balance, or ever-changing family needs, we as women are often rotating priorities.
    This episode explores the journey and the possibilities that can be ours if we take the time to dig deep, reflect, and take a chance! You don’t want to miss this episode with @jenlefforge
    Find the fabulous Jen Lefforge here:
    YouTube. Joyful Living with Jen Lefforge www.youtube.com/joyfullivingwithjenlefforge
    Website: Jenlefforge.com
    Instagram @jenlefforge
    For more about Dr. DeSimone and the Advancing Women Podcast
    Sullivan, S. E., & Carraher, S. M. (2022). The kaleidoscope career model. In Oxford research encyclopedia of business and management.
    Mainiero, L. A., & Gibson, D. E. (2018). The kaleidoscope career model revisited: How midcareer men and women diverge on authenticity, balance, and challenge. Journal of Career Development, 45(4), 361-377

    • 49 min
    Career Advice From Women of Influence

    Career Advice From Women of Influence

    Too often the advice given to women doesn’t work because it wasn’t designed by or for women. In this episode, we share advice from inspirational women of influence. We break it down and talk about what advice serves us, and what advice…seemingly well-meaning, might lead to unintended consequences.
    Should we always give 100% in everything we do? Should we bring our authentic selves always? Should we only do work we love? Maybe, maybe not. #Tunein and we’ll break it all down. With a special guest, the very wise Heather Harris
    Episodes of the Advancing Women Podcast referenced in this episode:
    Fear of Failure https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fear-of-failure/id1569849100?i=1000527184290
    Center Coach Create™ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/advice-that-works-for-women-center-coach-create/id1569849100?i=1000641765074
    For more about Dr. DeSimone and the Advancing Women Podcast

    • 49 min

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