Cultivating H.E.R. Space: Uplifting Conversations for the Black Woman

Cultivating H.E.R. Space
Cultivating H.E.R. Space: Uplifting Conversations for the Black Woman

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In a world where black women are often underrepresented and misunderstood, we need more safe spaces to just… be. Every Friday, join Dr. Dom, a college professor and psychologist, and Terri Lomax, a techie and motivational speaker, as they initiate authentic conversations on everything from fibroids to fake friends. If you’re a Black woman looking for an extra dose of inspiration on the go, pull up a seat and join us on the Cultivating H.E.R. (Healing, Empowerment, Resilience) Space podcast. Become a supporter of this podcast:

  1. 3 DAYS AGO

    S25E9: Empowering the Next Generation Through Sex Education with Camila Rodriguez

    Hey lady! This week friend of the show, Camila Rodriguez, joins Dr. Dom and Terri to have an honest conversation about how to open a conversation with the youth in our lives about sex. Cami, is the co-founder of Empowered Caretakers: Navigating Sex Education with Kids and Teens. She is on a mission to help all the people in a child’s village empower them to make healthy decisions around their sexuality. In today’s climate, we cannot rely on public education to inform and empower students to advocate for themselves. Cami makes a point to expand the conversation from parents to caretakers because not every family looks or operates the same, but the importance of having the conversation and having it early remains consistent across the board. Cami’s course aims to arm caretakers with the information to explain with love and in an age-appropriate manner how children and teens can feel empowered to know their bodies, honor their boundaries, own their pleasure, and advocate for themselves if they find themselves in dangerous circumstances.  Lady, we all know that knowledge is power and when you create a supportive environment with a foundation of respect, honesty, love and care you have a greater chance for a strong relationship with your loved one. Tune into today’s episode for tips on how to cultivate safety and trust during challenging conversations with the young people in your life.  Quote of the Day: "The conversation starts with you."  – Camila Rodriguez   Goal Map Like a Pro Workbook Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary   Where to find Camila Rodriguez: Website: Empowered Caretakers   Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls  Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC   Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: Become a supporter of this podcast:

    40 min
  2. 21 FEB

    S25E8: 6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Stay in a Relationship

    Hey lady! Can you feel the transformation in the air? The feeling that change is around us is undeniable. Sometimes that change is within your relationships. Do you know when it’s time to cut ties with someone you’ve been romantically linked to? Terri and Dr. Dom offer their perspectives, based on their unique experiences, to shed some light on when it may be time to ditch your relationship. There are many excuses for staying in a relationship. Maybe you’ve been in it for years and fear starting over, maybe you share children and don’t want to disrupt their lives. Maybe the dizzle is just too bomb. It’s understandable to feel like those are acceptable reasons to remain in a relationship but the truth is if the relationship is no longer serving your highest good then lady, it’s time to give it the boot. Lady, in 2025 we are not settling. This episode may push a few buttons but healing doesn’t always feel pleasant. Your growth edge may lie in having a good look in the mirror about who you choose to share your energy with. So, get comfy and get your journal as Dr. Dom and Terri help you into a deeper understanding of how you take your relationships to the next level.  And, don’t forget to check out the Aftershow where the ladies share more tea about their love lives.  Quote of the Day: "The hardest part of ending a bad relationship is convincing yourself that you deserve better."  – Unknown   Goal Map Like a Pro Workbook Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary   Resources:  Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls  Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC   Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: Become a supporter of this podcast:

    44 min
  3. 14 FEB

    S25E7: Love vs. Loneliness: How to Know If You’re Settling or Building Something Real

    Hey lady! How has cuffing season been treating you? Are you boo’d up and keeping cozy, or is your bed cold and it has you feeling a way? This week, Terri and Dr. Dom dive into the difference between being alone and loneliness and why the feelings of the latter may cause us to operate from a place of lack and find ourselves in less than desirable circumstances. While it may be hard to go through life when you yearn for a relationship, there’s good reason to find the abundance around you so that desperation doesn’t rear its ugly head and you wind up with someone you normally wouldn’t give a second look. This means looking at who is in your life and why, and then listening to your internal voice to get an accurate assessment of if it’s the right relationship for you.  Taking stock of your relationships isn’t about keeping your heart in a safehouse far away from the possibility of being hurt. Instead, it empowers you to be honest about where you are in life and see if who you are dealing with aligns or not. When you operate from a place of loneliness it is entirely possible for you to settle for less than what you deserve, which is why you arm yourself with a gameplan to keep the blues away.  Want more tips for your toolkit? Head to the Aftershow where Dr. Dom and Terri offer seven tips to help you move from a point of loneliness to a place of personal power.  Quote of the Day: "Until you get comfortable being alone, you'll never know if you're choosing someone out of love or loneliness."  – Mandy Hale   Goal Map Like a Pro Workbook Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary   Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls  Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC   Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: Become a supporter of this podcast:

    51 min
  4. 7 FEB

    S25E6: Building our Relational Currency with Dr. Thema Bryant

    Hey lady! You’re in for a treat this week so we won’t delay. Dr. Thema Bryant, psychologist, author, professor, sacred artist, and minister joins Dr. Dom and Terri to bring a much-needed balm to our spirits with her wisdom, insight and soothing energy. Whenever Dr. Thema speaks it’s hard not to feel that everything is going to be alright! Dr. Thema is host of the popular The Homecoming Podcast and is no stranger to the podcast airwaves or the Cultivating H.E.R. Space podcast. Check out S3E12 and S8E12 to hear some of the timeless gems she shares. This week, Terri and Dr. Dom welcome Dr. Thema back to discuss how her new book Matters of the Heart can help everyone who is in need of healing in their relationships. Often when people discuss relationships the focus is on romantic relationships. Dr. Thema posits that healing our relationship with relating to others in all facets of our life will help us build the level of community needed to lead a healthy and fulfilled life. There are mindsets that one can adopt to help add clarity to her or his personal approach to their circle. Maybe you don’t need to cut that person off…you just need boundaries. Or, perhaps the relationship feels difficult because its run its course…and that’s ok. What can seem easy to understand in theory can often be difficult in practice, which is why Dr. Thema explains that she structured her book to be both a chapter book that can be read in order, but also a reference book that you can call upon for specific scenarios and situations. In short, it’s a true tool to aide in the healing of all your relationships.  Lady, if it’s not evident yet, we’re going to need each other to get through this new phase of life. Healing and strengthening the relationships in your life not only provide peace, comfort and love but also serve as a powerful act of resistance against oppression and harm. Let’s love each other through this next chapter, lady! Want to find out how? Tune in.  Quote of the Day: "I am worthy of giving and receiving love."  – Dr. Thema   Goal Map Like a Pro Workbook Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary   Where to find Dr. Thema Bryant: Website: Dr. Thema Bryant Book: Matters of the Heart Podcast: The Homecoming Podcast Podcast: The Homecoming Podcast Instagram: @dr.thema Twitter: @drthema Facebook: Thema Bryant Davis TikTok: @drthema   Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental...

    53 min
  5. 31 JAN

    S25E5: The Power of Community in Reclaiming Intimacy and Sexual Health with Dr. Janet Williams

    Hey lady! This year is your year to take your pleasure to new heights. This is the year you take what makes you feel good and let it inform all the ways it makes your life beautiful and delicious. But, before you bloom like the beautiful rose you are, we need to get down to the root of what may be keeping you from experiencing the pleasure you so richly deserve. Remember, flowers bloom best in good soil. Dr. Janet Williams is a licensed physician and surgeon practicing in Los Angeles, where she is a board certified specialist in obstetrics and gynecology. Dr. Janet, as her patients affectionately call her, is also the author of Why Don't I Like Sex Anymore?: The Grown Woman’s Guide to Getting Your Groove Back and Claiming Your Truth and the owner of Good Groove Coach, an bespoke intimacy coaching service that includes one-on-one coaching, hypnotherapy and access to Dr. Janet’s Confident Pleasure Program. She joins Dr. Dom and Terri to discuss the myriad factors that can impact Black women’s access to healthy, thrilling, memorable sexual encounters. These factors go deeper than lingerie or even body issues. Black women face an inordinate amount of pressures that come from socio-economic, class, and race. Those pressures cause stress and stress can often lead to illness. We know the statistics when it comes to heart disease and blood pressure with Black women but we don’t talk about the emotional and mental tolls that they take on Black women. Couple that with changing hormones, and shifting cycles that eventually lead to perimenopause and menopause and you have a recipe for intimacy confusion.  That’s why Dr. Janet is on a mission to arm women with the information they need to really get their groove back. As we head into challenging political times we’re going to need each other and our joy more than ever! Find your community and find your way to your best orgasm in this week’s episode.  Lady, holler at us on Patreon and let us know how you plan on getting your groove back in 2025!  Quote of the Day: "My body and an inner knowing have always told me sex could be great, but for some reason, almost everything and everyone else has told me otherwise."  – Dr. Janet Williams   Goal Map Like a Pro Workbook Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary   Where to find Dr. Janet Williams: Website: Good Groove Coach Book: Why Don't I Like Sex Anymore?: The Grown Woman’s Guide to Getting Your Groove Back and Claiming Your Truth Instagram: @goodgrooveco Facebook: Good Groove Company   Altadena Seventh Day Adventist Church Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls  a href="" target="_blank"...

    49 min
  6. 24 JAN

    S25E4: Answering the Call: Navigating Purpose and Spirituality with Anita Kopacz

    Lady! Are you ready to expand your horizons and tap into your spiritual side? Well, then come closer because we have the perfect guest to excite your imagination with tales of spiritual lore. Anita Kopacz is a lifelong storyteller. She’s made a career bringing fun and interesting stories to life as the former Editor-in-Chief of Heart & Soul magazine and now she is the author of The Wind on Her Tongue. Anita welcomes the audience into a world where spirituality intersects with real world scenarios to create a compelling narrative you won’t want to put down. In her page-turning book, Anita introduces her audience to the Orishas, spiritual deities that are most recognized in the African Traditional Religions (ATRs) of Ifa, Voudoo, and Hoodoo. Anita offers context about the ATRs and their importance in the African diasporic experience. She dispels some of the common myths and misconceptions regarding the ATRs and offers perspective on how some of the wisdom from the Orishas and the ATRs can provide insight into your life.  Lady, whether you’ve promised yourself that you’ll read more this year or you’re asking yourself the big questions about the meaning of life and where our help comes from, we promise this is the episode for you. Let Anita’s calm energy transport you to the deeper well that resides within you. And, you’ll want to tune into the Aftershow this week. Dr. Dom and Terri offer a more in-depth peek into their creative process that can help spark your own. Dream big, lady!  Quote of the Day: "No one is supposed to understand your calling. It wasn't a conference call."  – Unknown   Goal Map Like a Pro Workbook Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary   Where to find Anita Kopacz Website: Anita Kopacz Book: The Wind on Her Tongue Instagram: @anitakopacz Facebook: Anita Kopacz TikTok: @anitakopacz2   Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls  Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC   Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook:a href=""...

    58 min

    Ad-Free - S25E4: Answering the Call Navigating Purpose and Spirituality with Anita Kopacz

    This is a subscriber-only episode with no sponsored ads. Enjoy your uninterrupted listening experience! Lady! Are you ready to expand your horizons and tap into your spiritual side? Well, then come closer because we have the perfect guest to excite your imagination with tales of spiritual lore. Anita Kopacz is a lifelong storyteller. She’s made a career bringing fun and interesting stories to life as the former Editor-in-Chief of Heart & Soul magazine and now she is the author of The Wind on Her Tongue. Anita welcomes the audience into a world where spirituality intersects with real world scenarios to create a compelling narrative you won’t want to put down. In her page-turning book, Anita introduces her audience to the Orishas, spiritual deities that are most recognized in the African Traditional Religions (ATRs) of Ifa, Voudoo, and Hoodoo. Anita offers context about the ATRs and their importance in the African diasporic experience. She dispels some of the common myths and misconceptions regarding the ATRs and offers perspective on how some of the wisdom from the Orishas and the ATRs can provide insight into your life. Lady, whether you’ve promised yourself that you’ll read more this year or you’re asking yourself the big questions about the meaning of life and where our help comes from, we promise this is the episode for you. Let Anita’s calm energy transport you to the deeper well that resides within you. And, you’ll want to tune into the Aftershow this week. Dr. Dom and Terri offer a more in-depth peek into their creative process that can help spark your own. Dream big, lady! Quote of the Day: "No one is supposed to understand your calling. It wasn't a conference call." – Unknown

    58 min


In a world where black women are often underrepresented and misunderstood, we need more safe spaces to just… be. Every Friday, join Dr. Dom, a college professor and psychologist, and Terri Lomax, a techie and motivational speaker, as they initiate authentic conversations on everything from fibroids to fake friends. If you’re a Black woman looking for an extra dose of inspiration on the go, pull up a seat and join us on the Cultivating H.E.R. (Healing, Empowerment, Resilience) Space podcast. Become a supporter of this podcast:

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